MTL - The President is Being Shameless Again-Chapter 330 Brother Zi Lin and other women became CP in two dimensions

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330 made Zi Lin and other women CP in two dimensions

Xu Moyan nodded, and Zhao Weilin smiled in confidence and drank tea again.

Seeing that Nan Jingheng was still waiting for her to answer, Xu Moyan froze, put down the tea cup, and Wei Zilin filled her up again.

"What's Weibo's proposal?" Xu Moyan asked puzzled.

"You didn't watch Weibo?" Nan Jingheng asked, looking familiar with Xu Moyan.

This self-familiar attitude made Xu Moyan relaxed a lot, and he was not polite to him.

"Looked at it." Xu Moyan still didn't think about it, and said, a sudden meal, asked in surprise, "Aren't you talking about dubbing" OL "?"

"Yeah!" Nan Jingheng nodded again and again, "Because" Slaughter OL "has just been developed, there are still a lot of supplements to be developed later. In the early part of this line, Qi Shaofeng's girlfriend has not yet come out. We intend to put her in In the copy, a story about her and Qi Shaofeng continues, so her role is to ask you to dub. "

"No, I'm not professional, and the sound is not very good. And as far as I know, this game you asked for is a big coffee in the dubbing industry. Let me be a layman to reduce the quality of your game. Xu Moyan said sincerely that he was not at all polite to depreciate his voice.

"Your voice is very good. You may be used to listening, but I don't think so. I don't believe you ask Brother Zilin." Nan Jingheng pointed to Wei Zilin.

Wei Zilin raised his eyebrows, knowing what Nan Jingheng meant, it must be for the promotion of the game. It is estimated that he wanted to take advantage of the silent talk with Yu Linling to fall in love, just match the voice of Qi Shaofeng's couple to promote the game. Announcing Xu Moyan's identity to the outside world will only be promoted by silent words.

He just didn't know what Xu Moyan thought, but he couldn't say that Xu Moyan's voice was not good, it was certain.

Wei Zilin took a note of Nan Jingheng in his heart and nodded: "I said earlier, your voice is very good, very clean and nice. Like me, you all say my voice is good, but I keep listening to myself The voice is too accustomed, so it doesn't feel so obvious to you. The reason is the same. "

"Really?" Xu Mo looked at him suspiciously, always not convinced.

Her own voice is very clear, and she will record the notes in class when she is in college, and sometimes she will also record her own words. Listening to the sound in the recording, I didn't find my voice sound good. It's just ordinary, very ordinary voice.

"It's really good, and you don't think that the voices of the voice actors are really so good, they are all post-processed. It's rare to see brothers like Zi Lin." Nan Jingheng said, "It's like those Most of the animated films introduced abroad are dubbed by celebrities for dubbing, but if you do n’t tell you in advance which character is dubbed, you wo n’t be able to hear it. This is very different from their usual voice. In addition to changing the pronunciation skills, it is also because This is all processed. The first microphone is not the same, and the later is also adjusted. Xunzi, believe me, your voice is great, and it works well. "

Nan Jingheng looked at Wei Zilin, who was standing still beside him, and added: "Moreover, this is also helpful for our game publicity." Slaughter OL "was handed over to Lin Yi as the agent and responsible for the publicity. He will play in person to voice Qi Shaofeng. "

Xu Moyan looked at Wei Zilin, and she knew that.

"The husband sings with the wife! Let's promote it for Brother Zilin. You can rest assured that I will not reveal your identity to me, so let you voice over as a silent word. I thought about it, Brother Zilin is Yulin The voice of Ling ’s identity is dubbed, and you dubbed as the girlfriend of Yulin Ling. It ’s a good match for a couple, too. The outside world does n’t know that Zilin is Yu Linling, nor will you know that you are silent. . "Nan Jingheng spared no effort to lobby. "Most of the players who play games are two-dimensional, and they are certainly not unfamiliar with your name. With topics like you two, it is a good publicity for the game."

Seeing Xu Moyan shaken, he was a little hesitant, so he added strength, "Actually you don't have to worry about it. I have Zilin teach you about the dubbing. The relationship between you and whoever is with you will not be stressful to learn .Men and women match, work is not tired. "

Xu Moyan: "..."

Is this how it works?

"And in fact, there are not many NPC lines in the game. Only a few sentences are input into the program. When each player goes to the NPC to take the task, the plot and lines will be triggered. In addition, there will be some animation plots in the copy of the plot. That doesn't add up much, "said Nan Jingheng," but if the player knows that it is your voice, they will flood into the game and listen to your true voice. "

Nan Jingheng's words are not false, so he rushed to Yu Linling and the fan power of silent words, in order to listen to the true sound of silent words, they will enter the game. And this copy can only be entered at level 55. This is bound to make players play hard. If you want to listen to Xu Moyan's voice, you must play to level 55 first.

Xu Moyan secretly said that Nan Jingheng was too cunning.

"Don't force her too tightly." Wei Zilin said, clearly Xu Moyan was not confident and worried.

Although he also wanted Xu Mo to be a match, he didn't want to force her.

"Hey, how can this be forced." Nan Jingheng's chopsticks poked at the fish fillet in the dish. "Mainly, sister-in-law, there is still a problem. Can you let other women and Zilin brother in the second CP Even if it ’s nothing, it ’s a couple ’s voice. Online fans do n’t care about that much. They only make trouble in the second dimension. They just made Zi Lin and other women become CP in the second dimension. Are you happy? "

Nan Jingheng said something about Xu Moyan's heart.

Originally, she didn't think of this layer, but she is also a second-dimensional person, knowing the habits of those fans, Nan Jingheng said that this is really possible.

Even if I knew that even if the two-dimensional element was said to be a pair, it would have no effect. However, even if Wei Zilin was verbally taken advantage of, he would n’t really happen to the voice actor, but Xu Moyan thought it was indeed Not very comfortable.

Turning his head to see Wei Zilin, he is looking to add tea to her. Even in this lively party, he has a kind of beauty, quiet and refreshing. No matter how noisy he is, he seems to be together Qingquan poured into her heart.

In the past, he ended up being unrequited, without any hope, and naturally did not give birth to any desire, because he was not her. But now, she had a seed, this man was his idea.

Even if it was just being talked about by others, who would form a CP, she would not be willing.

Wei Zilin didn't talk, didn't force her, but also knew Xu Moyan's temperament. She valued herself very seriously, and when she heard Nan Jingheng say that, there was nothing she would not agree to.

Thinking of it this way, lowering the teapot, a few Guanghua were scattered in the black eyes, and the corners of the mouth were gently raised.

Sure enough, it was just right to see Xu Moyan, looking brave and fearless, nodding, "OK, I promise you."

Nan Jingheng was ridiculed by Xu Moyan, as if how difficult it is to dub.

Wei Zilin gave her a bowl of pumpkin porridge and asked her to stomach her stomach before eating. On this cold day, it's better to drink some warm food and raise your stomach before eating.

"Don't worry, I have dubbing equipment at home, you come to me, I will accompany you to record." Wei Zilin said.

"Yeah, dubbing a game is not like dubbing a movie or TV series, but you also need to align the mouth and the emotions. The emotions of the game can be figured out by yourself without the need to cooperate with the actors. Not to worry about the mouth shape, I will adjust it later .You just need to record the dry sounds for me at home. You don't have to go to the recording studio. If you are at home, no one will see it and you will not be nervous. "Nan Jingheng said.

Xu Moyan heard it, and it didn't seem to be that difficult, nodded, "Okay, if I have a bad place, you tell me, I'm fine."

"Rest assured that there is Brother Zilin here, and let him take you into the play, you must be full of feelings." Nan Jingheng said.

So they talked about the timing of Symphony again. This time, "Slaughter OL" added level 50 to 70 game content, new maps, new copies, and a new job.

In the morning, Nan Jingheng accidentally said a leak on Weibo, and the official blog of "Slaughter OL" immediately responded and gave the game an advance notice.

According to the plan, the game update will be released in the next month, so Xu Moyan will hand over the dry voice at the end of this month.

Nan Jingheng did not ask Xu Moyan for friendship, but paid Xu Moyan according to the industry price.

In this regard, Xu Moyan was embarrassed, thinking that he was Wei Zilin's friend, and it was nothing to ask her to dub a few voices. Besides, she is not professional. If she doesn't match well, she has to be more forgiving. How can I ask for Nan Jingheng's money.

"Promise him, although you are my girlfriend, you can't be taken advantage of by my friends." Wei Zilin said.