MTL - The President is Being Shameless Again-Chapter 331 Beauty is wrong

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331 beauty is wrong

Nan Jingheng gave Wei Zilin a resentful glance, and said, "Yeah, my price is also for the newcomer. I didn't give you the price of those famous voice actors, so you don't need to be pressured. Besides, you are famous. First, let ’s first control the effect of the final match. First of all, the effect of publicity is better than that of many voiceovers. After all, you are a microblogging celebrity, and it is the first time to show the true voice, and you have great expectations.

Xu Moyan no longer quit, and nodded with a smile and agreed.

Xiao Muran didn't say anything on the side. After being honestly fed by Wei Ran, he took off the small bag that was worn around his neck and asked Wei Ziqi to take her off the child's chair.

Regarding the requirements of the baby girl, Wei Ziqi should not have to. Busy pause for Wei Ran to peel shrimp, pick up a wet towel placed on a constant temperature humidifier, wipe your hands, and hold Xiao Mu Ran down.

Xiao Muche was already full, and now he was sitting in the walker and entertaining himself.

Xiao Muran walked to Xu Moyan's side.

Looking at the soft pink baby Mengwa, Xu Moyan's heart was soft. But such a cute girl, she did not dare to hurry up, afraid that Xiao Muran would not be happy.

Can only look down and smile at Xiao Mu Ran, his eyes are soft and soft light, from the heart like.

"Erh." Xiao Muran cried, calling Xu Moyan a big red face, and there was no more text. He turned around and ran to play with his brother.

Xu Moyan: "..."

Did she just come over and call her?

Wei Zilin happily touched the glass and said to Xu Moyan, "My niece is just a good girl."

Xu Moyan: "..."

"Erhu called me today to ask about Mo Yan." Wei Ziqi rolled the peeled shrimps into a layer of hot and sour sauce, put them on Wei Ran's plate, wiped his hands, and said, "Should be I haven't heard much from you, so come and ask me. "

Wei Zilin looked at Xu Moyan and laughed when he saw that Xu Moyan didn't mind. Guanghua flowed in his eyes, and if no one was there, he would kiss her.

There were a lot of people on the table, but Wei Zilin looked at it like this, as if he was going to be drawn into his eyes, out of all the excitement. The laughter around me was inaudible, and the whole world was quiet, leaving her and Wei Zilin alone.

In this way, in the hustle and bustle, Xu Moyan felt that only by being with the person who likes it can he feel this way.

Wei Ziqi looked at the two and smiled slightly, and said, "I said that Mo Yan is a good girl. When she first fell in love with her at home, she would scare people and let her give you some more time."

"Relax, I'll take it back soon." Wei Zilin said, knowing that Wei Ziqi's words were also a little urging, let him take it home early to see the family.

After all, Wei Zilin is no small.

In the past few years, the old man at home, and Tian Fangyu, Wei Zilin's mother, did not introduce Wei Zilin to his girlfriend, but nothing happened, and the elders at home were also very bad.

Wei Zilin is not unmarried, but he has always been unfavorable, so this makes the elders in the family anxious. On the one hand, he is happy that he does not reject the family, and even has this heart, on the other hand, he is worried that his vision is too high. He doesn't even care how much the family spends.

So I finally fell in love, and even issued a statement, which shows that I can't wait to be serious.

Wei Ziqi nodded and reminded: "You pay attention, if the movement is too slow, the old man may not be able to wait."

Everyone was very interested in this meal. It was just that Xiao Muran and Xiao Muche were both sleepy, so they did not continue any further, saying goodbye and leaving.

Seeing that Wei Ziqi was not dissatisfied with himself, Xu Moyan was relieved.

To be honest, she will still worry about what Wei's family thinks of her. Afraid of not being accepted, or afraid of Wei Zilin.

She feels that life is nothing more than a cup of warm water, which is not hot when swallowed. The first drink is tasteless and tasteless, but it is suitable for long life. Although it is tasteless, it is the most resistant to drinking, and will not be boring.

But it is ordinary life, where there are so many ups and downs, many twists and turns.

If love is not easy to manage and is not valued by family members, there are many obstacles. Even if the two insisted, their hearts would be exhausted. After insisting, when the night is quiet, what do you think?

One day, love will be smoothed.

Those who fight for love and insist on it sound beautiful and heartbreaking, but in fact, what can they do besides tiring themselves?

To a little silence, she didn't want this, she wanted to be smooth, and hoped that Wei's family liked themselves, and hoped that he wouldn't cause Wei Zilin's troubles, so that he would be able to live in peace and peace.

This gathering gave Xu Moyan a lot of confidence in the future.

Because it was not early, Wei Zilin took her home directly. Although she had the intention to take her directly to her home, it was too fast.

Wei Zilin convinced himself in this way.

Like a person, I want to keep her always around, at this time, Wei Zilin really felt this kind of mood.

Until Cayenne stopped at the downstairs of Xu Moyan's house, Wei Zilin didn't want to let her off the car, and he thought it was too fast to abandon himself.

But in fact, he was driving all the way at a speed of 40 to 60 miles. He was overtaken on the road by many drivers and silently despised by many drivers.

At this point, he also disliked driving fast.

Xu Moyan unfastened her seat belt, but Wei Zilin took her hand, squeezed it gently, and sighed, "I don't want to let you go, what should I do?"

Xu Moyan turned to face him, and made a big red face with this sigh. That gentle voice was full of regrets. Only this afternoon, I revisited The Slaughter, causing her to think of Qi Shaofeng's sigh unconsciously.

Unwillingness to love with my lover.

In fact, Xu Moyan was a bit reluctant to leave. Qing Lingling's eyes were about to take a look at him, but he hadn't figured out how to answer yet. Wei Zilin had bullied himself and trapped her on the back of the chair. Hold her lips and kiss.

A long leg did not know when it crossed the stalls and storage compartments between the two, so it crossed over, and its slender body pressed Xu Moyan into a more compact position with a half-kneeling posture.

Taking in the soft fragrance in her mouth, like a hungry and thirsty traveler, she slightly relieved her thirst and quenched her thirst, but still painted her lips in an endless manner, and felt the softness and tenderness of her lips. Unable to raise her hand, her fingertips were gently sliding on her belly.

"Don't look at me like that just now, otherwise I will make mistakes." Wei Zilin said dumbly, her lips clinging to her lips, and squinting and squeezing.

Xu Moyan was also breathing disorderly, her hair and clothes were messing with her breathing.

Xu Moyan muttered her mouth slightly and muttered, "It's beautiful."

"..." Wei Zilin was stunned by what she said, and then burst into laughter. The laughter surged from his throat with vibrations, overflowing from the fine-lined lips, such as jade bells, like Wu Yong, Crispy echoes in the air.

She swept across her ears in the air, as if the shallow harp sounded in her ears, and the strings struck her ears with numbness, with a slight itch, and her body covered with crispness.

Around the beam for three days without a break.

Xu Moyan felt that Wei Zilin's laughter was like this. It sounded better than any musical instrument, and it was special. It was memorable and mad.

"I mean it, I don't want to let you go." Wei Zilin kissed the corner of her mouth and went to pinch her earlobe. "Don't dare to develop too fast, because I'm afraid to scare you. But it's too slow, I'm uncomfortable. "

Hearing that Xu Moyan's palms were hot, and he was afraid to rest on his chest.

I just felt that his coat couldn't stop the hotness on him.

But Wei Zilin hugged her so tightly that she couldn't move.

"Don't be afraid, it won't be so fast." Wei Zilin whispered in her ear, her voice hoarse and tight, and he said that he was uncomfortable, not because he was acting pitifully with her. "I cherish you, so it won't be so fast. Let's take it slowly."

But his tight voice sounded so distressing to Xu Moyan that she couldn't say anything.

Wei Zilin cherish, she understands. And she treasures this treasure. Hands up from his chest, he actively embraced his neck, closed his eyes and kissed gently at the corners of his lips, because of his shyness, his lips trembled, and even the closed eyes and eyelashes were trembling.

In this way, Wei Zilin didn't want to let go of her, and hugged her with her. Just kissing like this is not enough.

He pecked her lips and said: "Tomorrow Nan Jingheng will send Qing Siyu's lines to me, and I will pick you up from my house at work. When I dubbed the game character of" OL ", I would not go In the recording studio, I bought a set of recording equipment and placed it at home, and also completed the recording at home. Nan Jingheng was right. This is not like a film and television drama. It needs to match the voice of the actors on the screen to complete the dubbing. The line is recorded at home, and the feelings are all right, it is not that bothersome. So you will try it at my house tomorrow night. "