MTL - The President is Being Shameless Again-Chapter 332 I did not see Wei Zilin a little faster, suspected awkward escape (a)

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332 did not see Wei Zilin slightly faster, suspected embarrassing escape (a)

Seeing Xu Mo blushing and not speaking, Wei Zilin said, "If you find it inconvenient, I'll bring the equipment here."

Xu Moyan shook her head. "There is nothing inconvenient."

I just feel that if I go to him for recording in the evening, I don't know how long it will take. Will it be possible to live there?

Thinking of this situation, Xu Moyan felt a little cramped. There was tension, there was embarrassment, and even some ... small expectations.

Living in his house, not going to bed together, but you can see him in the morning and say good morning to him.

This feeling seems very good.

Wei Zilin smiled, her eyebrows were soft and comfortable, and she still asked her opinions, "Then I'll pick you up tomorrow?"

In the end, it is possible to go to his house for the night, although Wei Zilin did not say clearly, but she thinks Wei Zilin will definitely take things to this point.

This seemed to be a matter of mutual understanding, so when faced with a question, Xu Moyan was embarrassed to answer, but nodded.

Wei Zilin felt it would be impossible to hold her like this, he might take her home hard.

Take a deep breath before letting go of her.

It's just that there is less sorrow and softness in her arms, and suddenly there is a big piece missing in my heart, which is indescribable.

He reluctantly reached out to care for her long hair, "I'll send you up."

Xu Moyan got out of the car with him.

As a result, she met Aunt Ge who had just finished her evening aerobics exercise, and Aunt Ge greeted the two politely and enthusiastically.

Unlike the last name and name, Wei Zilin also politely told Aunt Ge this time.

Aunt Ge looked at Xu Moyan and saw her face flushed, her lips full and suspicious.

Don't look at the aunt's old age, and read romance novels at home. She is young in heart, and loves and loves young people very well.

Xu Moyan forgot this stubble and suddenly remembered it when she touched Aunt Ge's unsmiling eyes. Suddenly she blushed, sucked her lips uncomfortably, and wanted to cover her face, which made Aunt Ge's expression more clear.

"You talk first, I'll go up first." Aunt Ge laughed and advanced the unit door.

Wanting to come to Xu Moyan was so embarrassed, I was too embarrassed to take the same elevator with her, so I did not add any more uncomfortableness to Xu Moyan and left carefully.

Xu Moyan was embarrassed and died. Usually, Aunt Ge always gave her and Zheng Yuntong things, and the fruits and vegetables sent by others could not be eaten at home, so they were given to them. Someone who went abroad to play and brought back a small gift is not expensive but practical, and Aunt Ge will also send it.

These vegetables and fruits alone made Xu Moyan and Zheng Yuntong save a lot of living expenses in peacetime, and both of them respected Aunt Ge and Uncle Ge as their parents.

As a result, Aunt Ge saw such a look tonight, and suddenly did not know how to face Aunt Ge in the future.

In shame, he gave Wei Zilin a glance.

Wei Zilin blinked at her innocently, and Xu Mo Yan gasped her cheeks, "It's no use pretending to be innocent!"

Wei Zilin really feels a little wronged. Kissing her in the car, who can think of meeting someone outside?

Quickly smiled and embraced her shoulder, "Don't be angry, I didn't expect it."

With that said, he bowed his head and wanted to kiss her, and quickly coaxed his girlfriend.

Xu Moyan raised his hand to cover his face, and he was afraid that someone would come out of the unit door or go in. "Outside, don't allow it."

Very strong attitude.

Finally, he showed a bit of his own spiciness in front of Wei Zilin, and Xu Moyan abandoned himself whenever he turned into a sheep in front of him.

She is independent in work and life.

At first, he slaps Lin Chengming for the sake of Lin Chu, and drives him away with a broom. At work, if someone dares to harass her in the name of work, she will never be silent, nor will she be taken advantage of.

She knows how to protect herself, but she is in front of Wei Zilin. These characters can't be used at all.

People say that Bailian Steel has turned into soft fingers, and she feels the same way.

Wei Zilin can only give up, but still holds her hand, thinking in her heart, waiting for tomorrow night.

The elevator arrived, Xu Moyan did not let Wei Zilin out of the elevator.

It was only the second when the elevator door opened, Wei Zilin suddenly pushed her against the elevator wall, and bowed her head and kissed her.

Xu Moyan was also stunned, but did not expect that he could think of this trick at the last moment.

Wei Zilin squinted and was very proud. Previously, he was not allowed to touch him outside, but he couldn't stop him from seeing moves.

He kissed her stunned before releasing her and taking her out of the elevator. "I have to watch you enter the door."

While Xu Moyan was still dizzy, Wei Zilin had rang the doorbell.

It was just that no one opened the door, and Zheng Yuntong hadn't even returned, even later than them.

Wei Zilin snorted in her heart, this time she lost to Shen Zongyi.

They were downstairs just now, and no one remembered looking up to see if the lights at home were on.

Xu Moyan raised her hand to cover her hot face, but only because her hand was always held by Wei Zilin and was covered so warmly that even her palms were hot and could not have any cooling effect.

Glancing at Wei Zilin, he found the key from the bag and opened the door.

But Ke Zilin was stunned by her stunned bones, and she couldn't stop pressing her against the door to kiss her hard now.

Xu Moyan opened the door and walked in, turning on the switch at hand, so that the restaurant lights.

Ben was hesitant to ask Wei Zilin to sit in and let him in, but things were not so simple. As the man didn't want to kiss her all the time, I was afraid they would not be able to take it in and do something at home.

No one in the family had given up, I was afraid that Zheng Yuntong would not know when he would be back and was smashed. How embarrassing.

Wei Zilin seemed to have gone with her, undisguised regret, "If only you lived alone."

Xu Moyan just spoke and heard him say, "But you live alone, I'm not at ease."

It was discovered at the moment that she was most relieved to have her move in with him.

Therefore, Wei Zilin also laughed, and pecked over her lips, "I won't go in, you should rest early."

"Then you tell me when you get home," Xu Moyan said, annoying him just now, but he couldn't bear to be separated from him just now.

This is probably the case for people who are in love. They always want to be together, tired and not want to be apart. I missed it when I separated, and seemed to have countless words to talk about while holding my phone. Juggling, joking, sweet talk.

"Well." Wei Zilin whispered softly, looking at Xu Moyan, saying with his mouth to leave, but tired and tangled just did not see, "I'm leaving, kiss me?"

Xu Moyan looked at Wei Zilin's gentle and expensive face, and was reluctant to remove his eyes. He supported his shoulders with both hands, supported himself, and stepped on his lips to kiss him lightly.

As a result, such a touch was out of control, Wei Zilin did not have a little self-control in Xu Moyan, and she couldn't let it go when she pressed her against the door frame.

"Cough!" With a slight cough, Xu Moyan sounded like a thunder blast at this time.

Xu Moyan hurriedly pushed Wei Zilin away, and Wei Zilin himself backed up. The two turned their heads and saw Shen Zongyi and Xu Moyan standing beside each other, all surprisingly identical with expressions of interest on their faces.

Xu Moyan entered the room with her face covered, and had no time to say goodbye to Wei Zilin.

Just in front of Zheng Yuntong, and in the face of Shen Zongyi, who is not very familiar with it, it is ... the beauty is wrong!

Wei Zilin glanced calmly at the two subordinates, and nodded calmly to them, "I'm leaving now."

After a pause, he added to Zheng Yuntong, "Don't ask her about this for a while, she's thin-skinned."

Will become angry and anger, and finally suffers is himself.

And Zheng Yuntong didn't know the supplement in Wei Zilin's heart. He simply thought that Wei Zilin was for Xu Moyan's thought. Although he still wanted to make fun of Xu Moyan, he felt really shocked. She was all surprised.

Although it is normal for a couple to do so, even her and Shen Zongyi are also the same.

But who let Wei Zilin be her boss and a godlike figure.

Such a figure was shocked when she was struck by her roommate and close friend who was pressing on her.

Feeling broke the meticulous cold image of the boss in her heart.

So Zheng Yuntong nodded blankly and promised, "The boss is assured, I won't ask."

Wei Zilin left now.

It was only that Shen Zongyi and Zheng Yuntong did not turn back, so they did not see Wei Zilin appear to be a little faster and suspected awkward escape.