MTL - The Rebirth of the National Goddess-Chapter 803 813 (one more)

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   Chapter 803 813 (one more)

  Mo Qingyi was actually quite nervous.

   Still a little scared.


  Mo's house.

  Today is the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. Mrs. Mo is already preparing to buy the New Year's goods. In fact, she doesn't need to do these things herself, but she still insists on doing it herself, because only in this way can she feel a touch of New Year's taste.

After Chu Jin finished changing his clothes, he walked out of the fitting room. Just as he was about to question Mo Zhixuan, he grabbed his ear, but he just stretched out his hand halfway. Seeing Mo Zhixuan's sleeping face, Chu Jin silently retracted his hand again. came back.

   She looked at Mo Zhixuan, a hint of distress flashed in her eyes.

   During this period of time, Mo Zhixuan was busy, he hadn't slept well for more than half a month, forget it, let's forgive him first.

  Chu Jin clapped his hands, then walked out of the room and gently closed the door.

   Downstairs, Mrs. Mo was busy in the kitchen, and there was a smell of marinade in the air.

  Chu Jin walked into the kitchen and asked with a smile, "Mom, what are you doing delicious? It smells so good."

   Mrs. Mo looked back with a smile, "A Jin, why did you wake up so early? Why don't you sleep a little longer? Would you like to try the braised noodles I made?"

  Chu Jin nodded, "Okay, okay, it smells so good, it definitely tastes better."

Mrs. Mo happily served Chu Jin a bowl of braised noodles, scooped the fragrant marinade into the pot, then added chicken thighs and wings, drizzled sesame oil, sprinkled with coriander, chopped green onion, minced garlic, Have a spoonful of chili.

   A bowl of fragrant braised noodles was just presented in front of Chu Jin, making her swallow her throat.

   It's so fragrant!

   Food temptation, irresistible!

   I am so lucky to have an almighty mother-in-law who can cook and cook.

  Chu Jin mixed the noodles, and then devoured it.

   It is said to be devoured, but it is very ornamental. She is not slow to eat, but she is ten times more elegant than those pretentious famous daughters.

   can only say that beautiful people are beautiful even when they eat.

   Mrs. Mo sat opposite Chu Jin and asked expectantly, "Is Ah Jin delicious?"

  Chu Jin nodded again and again, "It's delicious! Mom, your craftsmanship is amazing!"

"It's fine if you like it," Mrs. Mo smiled very contentedly, "If you like it, Mom will make it for you every day in the future. Qingqing used to eat this noodle so cutely, and I'll ask Qinghe to give her some later. past."

  Speaking of Mo Qingyi, Mrs. Mo's eyes flashed a bit of melancholy. There was no chattering Mo Qingyi in this family.

  Although Mrs. Mo always disliked Mo Qingyi before, but now that Mo Qingyi is really married, she can't help but fall in love again.

   Alas, it's hard to think about it.

   Seeing Mrs. Mo like this, Chu Jin raised his eyes slightly, "Mom, you are thinking clearly, anyway, the two families are so close, you can just let her come back to eat, why bother Qinghe to send it there?"

   Duanmu's house is very close to the imperial palace. If it is ten minutes on foot, it will be faster if you drive, so it is very convenient to come and go.

   Mrs. Mo shook her head with a smile, "How can a daughter go back to her parents' home right after she got married? The time to return has not yet come."

   is more particular about this in the supernatural world.

   "Oh." Chu Jin nodded, "If that's the case, wouldn't it be the first day of the new year when you return home?"

   "That's right." Mrs. Mo's eyes showed concern, "I don't know if that girl Qingqing is used to staying at Duanmu's house or not, and is she getting up now..."

   Mo Qingyi had only been married for a day, and Mrs. Mo couldn't help but worry.

  Chu Jin smiled and comforted, "Mom, don't worry, Duanmu's parents are very good, they will definitely not be embarrassed."

   Mrs. Mo said with a smile, "I'm not worried about this either, by the way," Mrs. Mo looked at Chu Jin as if remembering something, and continued, "I heard that Duanmusheng also lives in Duanmu's house now?"

   Mrs. Mo's impression of Duanmusheng was not very good.

   In Mrs. Mo's eyes, Duanmu Sheng is a stubborn girl, she is stubborn, she can't hear other people's good words, and it is difficult to get along with, otherwise, she will not suffer such a big loss.

  Since ancient times, there have been inexhaustible problems between aunts and sisters. She was afraid that Duanmusheng and Mo Qingyi would have conflicts.

  Chu Jin also knew Mrs. Mo's doubts, she continued, "According to Duanmu, Sheng Sheng seems to have moved out of the house."

   "Oh, that's good." Mrs. Mo breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

   After Chu Jin finished eating the whole bowl of noodles, Mo Zhixuan went downstairs.

   Seeing Mo Zhixuan going downstairs, Mrs. Mo immediately stood up and said, "Zhixuan, are you hungry, Mom has stewed noodles, do you want a bowl?"

  Mo Zhixuan walked to Chu Jin and sat down, "Okay."

   Mrs. Mo went to the kitchen to serve noodles to Mo Zhixuan.

   Taking advantage of this gap, Chu Jin raised his eyes to look at Mo Zhixuan, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a clear tone, "Mo Zhixuan, tell me honestly, what bad things did you do last night?"

  Mo Zhixuan looked at Chu Jin innocently, "What's wrong? No."

  Chu Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Really not?"

   "Oh..." Mo Zhixuan suddenly realized, as if he remembered something, "You don't need to thank me for what you said, don't thank me, that's what my husband should do."

   "Thank you?" Chu Jin stretched out his hand and pinched Mo Zhixuan's ear, and said in a low voice, "The tree doesn't need bark, it will definitely die, people are shameless, the world is invincible, Mo Zhixuan, congratulations, you are invincible!"

Mo Zhixuan reached out and held Chu Jin's hand, "A Jin can't be unreasonable, you can't keep bullying me because I'm easy to bully, have you forgotten that it was me who fed you milk last night? What a waste of physical strength, shouldn't you say thank you?"

  Chu Jin squinted his eyes slightly, "What did you feed it?" Why didn't she remember that she had drank milk?

   If Chu Jin knew that Mo Zhixuan was feeding him with his mouth, he would definitely slap him!

   "It doesn't matter what you feed it, you can drink it anyway." At this point, Mo Zhixuan suddenly lowered his voice, and he continued, "Besides, it's not just your mouth that drinks milk..."

   Having said that, Mo Zhixuan shifted his gaze to Chu Jin's chest.

   He seemed to have found another bliss point.

  Chu Jin slapped him in the face, "Shameless!"

   "It's fine if you want," Mo Zhixuan grabbed Chu Jin's hand, "What else do you need a face for?"

   Just then, Mrs. Mo came out of the kitchen with a bowl of noodles, and said with a smile, "Zhixuan, the noodles are here, you can eat more, there is still in the pot after eating."

   "Okay." Mo Zhixuan let go of Chu Jin's hand, "Thank you mom."

   "A Jin still wants to eat? If you still eat, Mom will serve it for you." Mrs. Mo turned to look at Chu Jin.

  Chu Jin shook his head slightly, "I don't eat, I'm already full."

   "Mom, A Jin said she wanted to drink milk." Mo Zhixuan suddenly spoke, his eyes flashing with amusement.

   "If you want to drink milk, then I'll go and warm her up." Mrs. Mo immediately stood up.

  Chu Jin glared at Mo Zhixuan, "Mom, don't listen to Mo Zhixuan's nonsense, I don't want to drink milk, so don't be too busy."

"You've just eaten noodles, so you must be thirsty. It's good to drink some milk. Milk is good for your child's skin," Mrs. Mo pushed Chu Jin down on the chair and sat down, "Sit here, don't move, Mom will be there right away. come over."

  Chu Jin had to sit down helplessly, and then took a bite on Mo Zhixuan's arm.

   This person is really owed more and more!

   "Hi." Mo Zhixuan snorted softly in pain, "A Jin, are you trying to murder your husband?"

  Chu Jin released him.

   Mrs. Mo quickly came out with the milk, "A Jin, drink it quickly."

  Chu Jin took the milk with a smile, "Thank you mom."

   Mrs. Mo continued, "A Jin, are you going for a maternity check today? If Zhi Xuan is busy, I'll accompany you later."

  Mo Zhixuan finished his last mouthful of noodles, "Mom, I'm on vacation these few days. I'll accompany A Jin there today, and I won't be back for dinner later. You don't have to wait for us."

  Don't come back for dinner?

  Chu Jin raised his eyes to look at Mo Zhixuan, with doubts flashing in his eyes.

   It takes only one or two hours for the maternity check-up, and it’s still too late to go home for dinner. What kind of demon does this person want to be?

  Mo Zhixuan reached out and rubbed her head, explaining, "I made an appointment with the studio to take a photo today, and we'll go after the maternity check."

   "Are you really going?" Chu Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that Mo Zhixuan was just talking yesterday, but he didn't expect that he would actually go.

   "Of course it's true, when did I lie to you?" Mo Zhixuan's mouth curled slightly.

Mo Zhixuan picked up the scarf and tied it around Chu Jin's neck, then took out the hat and put it on Chu Jin's head, making sure that Chu Jin's whole body was wrapped tightly. hands go out.

  Chu Jin tugged at the scarf around his neck, "I'm not as afraid of cold as you think, can I stop wearing so much?"

"No." Mo Zhixuan's attitude was very firm, "Last night it snowed all night, it was sunny after the frost, and it was cold after the snow, it's cold outside now, you are not alone now, and at this critical time, even more Be careful to keep warm.”

Mrs. Mo immediately said, "A Jin, Zhixuan is right, you are at a critical time, it is better to wear more than less." When the words fell, Mrs. Mo asked again, "Zhixuan, this has already been done. By the end of the year, there are people everywhere, you have to take good care of A Jin! Don't let her fall or be bumped!"

  Mo Zhixuan nodded slightly, "Don't worry, Mom, I know."

   Mrs. Mo is naturally assured of Mo Zhixuan.

   took the umbrella and changed his shoes, Mo Zhixuan said to Mrs. Mo, "Mom, let's go first."

   (end of this chapter)