MTL - The Rebirth of the National Goddess-Chapter 804 814, the motto of life (two more)

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   Chapter 804 814, Life Motto (two more)

Mrs. Mo nodded with a smile, "Okay, be careful on the road." Speaking of which, Mrs. Mo seemed to remember something, and then said, "By the way, it's going to be Chinese New Year soon, A Jin, you are on your side. Mom and Axiu, it's better to let them come here for the New Year this year, it will be more lively with more people, I'll go to your house in the afternoon and pick up your mother and Axiu."

   "If my mother can agree to come, it will be better," Chu Jin said with a smile, "It's hard work, thank you."

   It is said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most difficult, but Chu Jin never felt any difficulty.

   It was her luck for three lifetimes to meet such a good mother-in-law as Mrs. Mo.

   "What's so hard about this, then it's settled, you go to the hospital quickly, and leave the family affairs to me." In fact, Mrs. Mo had long thought that Zhao Yan and the others would take it over.

   There are few Mo family members, and there are also fewer Chu family members. It is only lively enough for the two families to celebrate the New Year together.

  Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan walked out the door.

   It snowed overnight, and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of cotton, and everywhere was covered in silver.

  Shoes creaked as they stepped on the thick snow.

  You can see children playing snowball fights everywhere.

   You can also hear laughter.

  The sun quietly emerged from the clouds and sprinkled a layer of golden light on the earth.

   Soon, a black car stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

   No matter when, where, or what the weather is like, hospitals can always be overcrowded.

   The prenatal check-up this time was very fast, and Mo Zhixuan didn't wait outside for a while before Chu Jin came out.

   "How is it? What did the doctor say?" Seeing Chu Jin coming out, Mo Zhixuan immediately greeted him and took the report in her hand.

Chu Jin stroked his stomach with one hand and held Mo Zhixuan's hand with the other, "The doctor said that the babies are in good condition now, all indicators are up to standard, and they are not very big, so they are very suitable for normal delivery, but there is an umbilical cord around the neck for three weeks. , If the neck is still around the neck when giving birth, I am afraid that it will be a cesarean section."

   "Then we'll have a cesarean section," Mo Zhixuan said nervously, holding Chu Jin's hand, "How can we get here safely."

  Mo Zhixuan was really frightened by the pregnant woman who was about to jump off the building last time.

   He couldn't imagine what kind of pain it was, to force a person to jump off a building.

   "It's alright, don't worry, I'm measured." Chu Jin squeezed Mo Zhixuan's hand, reassuring him.

  Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan walked hand in hand in the corridor of the hospital, the two men were talented and female, so they looked particularly seductive.

   Duanmusheng also took the report and walked out of the obstetric examination room. When she saw Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan, she was stunned, then adjusted her expression and walked over, "Ninth brother, nine sisters-in-law."

  Mo Zhixuan just nodded slightly and did not answer.

  Chu Jin smiled lightly, "Sheng Sheng, are you here for a check-up too? How is the child?"

   Although this Duanmusheng has done stupid things before, from another point of view, she is also a victim, and a woman's IQ is 0 when she is in love.

   Duanmusheng subconsciously reached out and touched his stomach, "It's fine, Sister Jiu, thank you." Thank you for giving me a chance to be reborn.

   "You're welcome, you're welcome." Chu Jin's tone was clear, and he continued, "Just figure out some things, remember that you can't be so stubborn in the future. In this world, there is no parent who doesn't want their children to be happy."

   Chu Jin also said this to himself before, but unfortunately, he didn't listen to it at that time.

  Maybe, this is the so-called good advice.

Duanmusheng raised his eyes and looked at Chu Jin, "Well, sister-in-law Jiu, don't worry, it won't happen in the future. If you make some mistakes once, I will try my best to be a good mother." Duanmusheng is now four months pregnant, and her belly is already full. It is very obvious that the fetal movement can be felt every night.

   She went from disgust to acceptance of this child.

   Now, she can feel a little bit of the happiness of being a mother.

  Chu Jin smiled and nodded, "Well, let's go first."

   "Okay, ninth brother and ninth sister-in-law walk slowly." Duanmusheng watched Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan leave.

   In the corridors of this hospital, there are many pregnant women who come for maternity check-ups, but most of them are accompanied by their family members, and she is the only one.

   The corner of Duan Musheng's mouth raised a wry smile.

  Possibly, this is self-inflicted.

   Duanmusheng watched Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan leave, and then entered the doctor's office.

  Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan did not return directly to the Imperial Palace, but went directly to the photo studio.

  The staff of the photo studio warmly received them.

  You need to choose clothing and makeup before taking pictures.

  Chu Jin has a good foundation, and even the makeup artist couldn't help exclaiming when she put on makeup, "Your skin doesn't look like a pregnant woman at all, it's like an eighteen-year-old girl."

  Chu Jin smiled slightly, "Thank you."

  Mo Zhixuan stood aside and answered in a cold tone, "My wife is eighteen years old." It was obviously a joke, but he couldn't hear any joke in his voice.

  Chu Jin: "..."

   Makeup Artist: "..."

   But Chu Jin does look like an eighteen-year-old girl, no one can tell that she is twenty-four years old this year.

  After finishing the makeup, the costumer took out a short top for Chu Jin. This kind of clothes is the kind that can show her belly. Special painters will make funny patterns on her belly.

  Here, the painter just came over with the painting tools, when he was stopped by Mo Zhixuan, "Wait, what are you doing?"

  The painter is a very young guy. Because an 18-year-old girl always dislikes him for being old, Mo Zhixuan is allergic to such young people now.

   "Nine, Ninth Master." The painter said nervously, "I-I'm going to paint."

   In order to receive Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan this morning, the studio specially cleared other clients.

  The owner of the studio is like a shadow, and he is afraid that something goes wrong with these people under his command. After all, these two are the most honorable people in the Three Realms. If something goes wrong, no one can afford it.

   Seeing this, the studio owner groaned and came over immediately, "Jiu Ye, do you have any orders?"

  The owner of the studio is a woman in her twenties with heavy makeup, but the boss is always the boss. She is much calmer than the painter.

   Mo Zhixuan glanced at the studio owner, his thin lips parted lightly, "Can you draw?"

   "Yes, yes." The studio owner nodded immediately.

   Mo Zhixuan's expression softened a bit, "Then you come." How could he let a little white face touch Chu Jin's stomach, that's his own welfare!

   "Okay." The studio owner took the tools from the painter's hand and gave the painter a wink, "Go ahead."

  The painter ran away immediately.

  The owner of the studio is also a person who will come to work, and then she replaced all the lighting engineers, photographers, makeup artists, and costumers with female employees.

   Sure enough, Mo Zhixuan's complexion improved a lot when he saw this scene.

   It took more than 2 hours to take the photo, but I couldn't get the photo right away, but it took about two weeks.

   After taking the photo, Mo Zhixuan took Chu Jin to dinner.

time flies.

   In the blink of an eye, it will be New Year's Eve.

   Mrs. Mo took over Zhao Yan and Chu Xiu yesterday, so the Mo family is still quite lively today.

   Mrs. Mo and Zhao Yan were busy making dumplings.

  Chu Jin is posting couplets with Mo Zhixuan.

  Chu Embroidery is bathing Xiao Hui.

  Xiaobai sat on the side.

   Seeing Xiaobai sitting on the side, looking like a poor abandoned little boy, Chu Xiu glanced at it, and then said, "Don't worry, Xiaobai, I will wash Xiaohui for you when I wash it."

  Chu Xiu has always been a very loving child.

   Now Chu Xiu is a 17-year-old boy, and after the New Year, he will be 18 years old.

   He is getting more and more handsome, and his height is the same every day. Now he is almost as tall as A Zi. His facial features are very delicate, there is a bit of Chu Jin's shadow between his eyebrows, and a proper little fresh meat.

   So far, Chu Xiu has received hundreds of love letters in school.

   Hearing this, Xiao Hui said with a proud face, "No need, I'll do it myself, only idiots can't take a bath by themselves."

   As soon as these words came out, Xiao Hui immediately arched his body, bared his teeth, and let out a low whimper.

  Xiaobai stood up, stretched out his claws, and slapped Xiao Hui on the head, "What are you looking at! Haven't you seen the handsome guy?" He turned around arrogantly, and walked away gracefully.

   Xiao Hui was slapped directly into the basin by this slap and sat down.

  This dead cat knows how to bully the weak!

  Chu Xiu was also a little speechless. He didn't understand how these two interspecies became good friends.

   After taking a bath for Xiao Hui, Chu Xiu picked up a hair dryer to dry its fur, and then took out a new dress for Xiao Hui to put on.

   As soon as this was done, Chu Xiu's cell phone rang.

  This is the exclusive little loli ringtone.

  Chu Xiu quickly put down Xiao Hui, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and clicked to answer.

  Little Loli's sweet voice came from the phone screen immediately, "Brother Xiu, Brother Xiu, Happy New Year."

   "Happy New Year." Chu Xiu smiled shyly.

  Little Loli immediately showed Chu Xiu her new clothes, "Brother Xiu, do you think my clothes look good? I bought them for me."

   "Good-looking." Chu Xiu nodded. He was not a talkative boy.

  Little Loli immediately said with a smile, "But brother Xiu, you are more beautiful, by the way, brother Xiu, what were you doing just now?"

   "I was giving Xiao Hui a bath just now. By the way, did you bathe bread today for Chinese New Year?" Before the Chinese New Year, there was a saying of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new. Gradually, Chu Xiu and Xiao Luoli started to talk more.

  Perhaps, he didn't even notice it himself.

   The two chatted for more than fifty minutes without putting down the phone. Chu Xiu also taught the little loli to bathe the bread in the air.

   On the screen, Bread looked humiliated and burdened, with his head drooping, which made people laugh.

  The New Year's Eve in the supernatural world is no less lively than in the secular world.

   Even more lively than the secular world.

   It wasn't even dark when I heard all kinds of firecrackers.

   There were no pedestrians on the road, and everyone rushed home to have a reunion dinner and worship their ancestors.

  Chu Jin stood by the door and directed Mo Zhixuan to post the couplet, "Go to the left, go to the right, no, go up, go down, alas, you idiot!"

  Mo Zhixuan is also good-natured, and he looks like a filial and filial husband. Chu Jin will do what he says, and he will never refute a word.

   His life motto is:

   Madam just be happy.

What Mrs.    says is always right.

  Everything is important to the lady, everything else is secondary.

  The room was full of joy, but Mrs. Mo quietly touched her tears.

   At this time in previous years, there was always Mo Qingyi in the kitchen who made trouble.


   I don't know if Mo Qingyi is used to living in Duanmu's house or not.

   According to the custom of the supernatural world, the bride cannot have any contact with her parents' family for three days after the wedding.

   Just when everyone was busy, Azi pushed in the door from outside.

  Azi is only one person, so Mrs. Mo also asked him to come to Mo's house to celebrate the New Year together.

   In some respects, A Zi can also be regarded as a benefactor of the Mo family. Back then, without A Zi, Mo Zhixuan would not have been able to persevere at all, and would have left with Chu Jin long ago.

   So Mrs. Mo is still very grateful to Azi.

   "Azi, why are you here? It's cold or not, I'll go get you a glass of water." Mrs. Mo came over and took the umbrella from Azi's hand.

   "Aunt Mo, I'm not cold, so don't bother, by the way, is there anything I can help you with?" Azi has always been a good and sensible boy, so he is deeply loved by old and young women and children.

   It's been a year, and Azi's skin is no longer so dark, and his facial features have become more refined. He is a handsome guy.

   "Nothing to do, just watch TV for a while. Your aunt and I are making dumplings. We will eat dumplings together in the evening." Mrs. Mo said with a smile.

   Hearing the word "dumpling", Azi's eyes immediately lit up, "Okay! I like to eat dumplings the most! Especially the ones made by you and Aunt Pei, the taste is absolutely amazing, I can eat your family poor!"

  Azi has undergone a lot of changes in all aspects, but the attributes of foodies have not changed, and a pack of spicy sticks can abduct him home.

   Hearing the words, Mrs. Mo immediately burst into laughter, "Since you like to eat, then I will pack some more for you to take home and eat slowly."

   "Thank you Aunt Mo, then you must give me more decorations." A Zi said unceremoniously.

   "Okay." Mrs. Mo nodded again and again.

  Chu Jin and Mo Zhixuan walked downstairs after posting the couplet. Seeing Azi, Chu Jin immediately smiled and said, "Azi, you are here!"

   "Brother Jin, Mr. Mo." Azi turned around immediately.

  Azi has always called Mo Zhixuan Mr. Mo, which is also a kind of respect for him.

   "Huh? Is it snowing outside again?" Chu Jin walked over to A Zi and reached out to brush off the snowflakes on A Zi's shoulder.

Azi nodded, "Yeah, it's not too small, Brother Jin, do you want to go out and build a snowman?" At some point, Azi still has a childish temperament, especially after seeing Chu Jin, this kind of childish temperament more obvious.

   He has a kind of dependence on Chu Jin, just like his younger brother has a big sister.

  Chu Jin is a big parent, and he is the underage little brother.

   "Okay, let's go together." Chu Jin stuffed the remaining couplets into Mo Zhixuan's hands, "You can paste the couplets by yourself, and I'll build a snowman."

   Mo Zhixuan looked at A Zi, and suddenly had the urge to kill A Zi.

  This light bulb is really annoying.

   "Let's go, let's go to the back garden." Chu Jin took A Zi's hand and walked out.

   Every girl has a special love for snow, and Chu Jin is no exception.

  Mo Zhixuan saw the two holding hands together, and suddenly felt short of breath. He put down the couplet in his hand, walked quickly to the two of them, and forcibly separated their hands.

  This man really eats all kinds of jealousy, Chu Jin looked at Mo Zhixuan speechlessly, "What are you doing?"

  Mo Zhixuan looked like "I'm not jealous" and said in a low voice, "It's cold outside, put on your gloves." Then he took out a pair of gloves from the pocket of his coat and put them on Chu Jin's hand.

   This glove is black, it is Mo Zhixuan's own glove, and it is much bigger when worn on Chu Jin's hand, giving the impression of a child secretly wearing an adult's glove.

  Chu Jin frowned slightly, "It's quite inconvenient to wear this, can you not wear it?"

   "No." Mo Zhixuan said with a serious expression, "It's so cold outside, your hands will freeze." Mo Zhixuan looked like I'm all for you.

   He continued, "Remember that you must not take it off. Hurry up and come to you when I finish posting the couplet."

   "Brother Jin, go!" A Zi took Chu Jin's hand again and walked out the door.

   In front of Mo Zhixuan, Azi could always feel a huge pressure.

   Now, Mo Zhixuan's expression improved a lot when he saw the hands they held together again.

  Mo Zhixuan took the couplet and walked to the attic.

  Chu Jin is building a snowman with Azi.

   "Brother Jin, my snowman is much prettier than yours. If your snowman is a man, he will definitely not be able to marry a wife." A Zi looked at the two snowmen in front of her and said proudly.

  Chu Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Can't she be beautiful inside? Also, she's a woman! A woman!"

   heard the words.

  Azi laughed even more.

   In A Zi's eyes, Chu Jin has always been like an almighty goddess. Unexpectedly, there are things in this world that Chu Jin is not good at.

   How can this snowman be so ugly?

   "Brother Jin, if you didn't say it, I really didn't know it was a woman." Azi laughed so hard that she couldn't even open her eyes.

  Chu Jin looked at A Zi, then grabbed a handful of snow from the snow and kneaded it into a ball.

   "Azi, come here." Chu Jin smiled and looked at Azi.

  Azi didn't know why, so he walked a few steps in front of Chu Jin.

   "Bend over." Chu Jin continued, looking at A Zi with a harmless expression.

  Azi did not suspect him, so he bent over obediently.

   Chu Jin smiled and quickly stuffed the snow ball in his hand into A Zi's neckline.

  Azi didn't react at first, but then she looked at Chu Jin with a desperate expression, and jumped up and down anxiously.

   "Brother Jin, you have changed! I take you as my brother, but you take me as my cousin."

  Chu Jin smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm female."

  Azi: "..."

   The two of them chatted in the snow for a while, and then Mo Zhixuan and Chu Xiu came over together.

  Night is falling.

   After the New Year's Eve dinner, Mo Zhixuan sent a bunch of fireworks, and the family set off fireworks in front of the door.

  The sky is full of fireworks of various colors, and the deafening sound of firecrackers is in the ear, full of New Year's flavor.

at the same time.

   Duanmu's home.

   Duanmu's house was also very lively. Duanmusheng also came back due to the Chinese New Year. At this time, the whole family was sitting together for a reunion dinner.

   After eating, Duanmu Canghai and Zhou Jin also prepared New Year money for everyone.

   Of course, the thickest share is given to Mo Qingyi, she is the new daughter-in-law after all, and this is her first year in the Duanmu family.

   "Qingqing, this is my little wish, please accept it." Duanmusheng took out a red envelope and handed it to Mo Qingyi.

  Today is reunion night, so Duanmusheng also came back.

  Mo Qingyi took the red envelope with a smile, and said in a sweet tone, "Thank you, Sister Shengsheng."

   "You're welcome, I hope you and Xiaozhe will have your son early, and let your parents carry their grandson early." Duan Musheng continued.

   Hearing this, Duanmu Canghai and Zhou Jin's faces were filled with gratified smiles.

   Mo Qingyi's face was stained with shyness.

   Duanmuzhe put his hand around Mo Qingyi's shoulder and said with a smile, "It's almost time, third sister, you just need to prepare the red envelope."

   Listening to Duanmu Zhe's words, Mo Qingyi's face turned even redder at the thought of his unrestrained demands in the past few days.

   After dinner, the Duanmu family also went to the front yard to set off fireworks.

Seeing the red eyes in the sky, Mo Qingyi suddenly said excitedly, "Sister Shengsheng, look, my brother must have set off the fireworks over there." Mo Qingyi hadn't been home for three days, and she was also very homesick. Especially when I ate the braised noodles from Qinghe yesterday, I couldn't suppress the thought of homesickness.

   She didn't go home for a long time when she was not in the army, and she hadn't even seen Mrs. Mo once in a few months, but she had never felt so eager to go home and have a look.

  Before, when she went home, she was at least part of the Mo family.

   But now, if she is going back, she is a guest at home.

  The mood is different.

   Hearing this, Duanmusheng looked towards the sky and said with some doubts, "There are so many fireworks in the sky, how do you know that those were set by Brother Nine and the others?"


   Brother Jin's little buns are coming out~



   (end of this chapter)