MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 509 This is really just a club

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Daily performance mission

Mission location Loulan City Student Idol Club.

The task is to provide idol professional services to the club's customers between 6 pm and 6:30 pm. The content of the performance is not limited and can be freely played. If you do not achieve more than 60% satisfaction, you will not be able to pick up the task within one week.

The mission requires students with independent performance qualifications, including underground idols.

The mission reward club will give hourly wages and will also be rewarded by the audience, but half of the rewards will be detained by the club.

This is the newly announced daily task of the Idol Academy. Each task is auctioned at half an hour, five minutes in advance, and you can grab it quickly. However, due to the special living habits of Loulancheng residents, the black and white is reversed, so the daytime is their entertainment time, because the daytime performance tasks will be higher, and the art test scores of less than 80 points can not be received.

Occasionally, there are some strange performance requirements. For example, special customized stage costumes, such as cat earwear, student uniforms, etc., are all paid for by customers. If you are a local tyrant, you can even ask for a favorite student idol to appear on the next show, and the student idol will have some interaction with the local tyrant after playing.

The club designed by the stray cat Hank is quite shameless. If it is not because the club only provides normal idol services, Zhou Yu will think that this is a place that is not suitable for children.

The students of the Idol College, in order to get the opportunity to play, get enough performance experience to upgrade, have come up with the pressure of the bottom of the box, the performance on the stage is very hard, so that the student idol club attracted a lot in a short time customer.

Looking at the daily turnover, the stray cat Hank is very satisfied with his design. When the local tyrants start to chase the stars, the ability to squander money is enough to make people stunned. Although the money is not enough for the local tyrant to receive any special services, it is enough for them to have a face to buy a face.

However, the order placed by the guests today is a bit difficult to take over.

I don't know which student of the college said it as a joke. The residents of Loulan City actually knew that the city owner of Luhua City was actually a underground idol, and it was a file with the ghost language. To know that the ghost language is very popular in Loulan City, in the black and white TV era, your uncle's "Midnight Back to the Soul" is already a pillar. Now even in the age of color, the status of your uncle is not shaken.

Because of this, a local tyrant stayed in the club for several days, but did not see the appearance of twoboys, immediately expressed dissatisfaction: "You are not here to see all the performances of idol students? How have you not seen Mr. Zhou Yuhe, is it because you are looking down on our Loulan City?"

What I said is simply looking for it.

Xiao Nian is now the boss of the club. The senior bird knights that the old lady gave are the most brave thugs. Together with the guards that Lou Lan Wang specially sent to him, it is basically a street tyrant, which is not long-eyed. Run here to scatter wild?

It’s no wonder that I’ve seen it in the past. It turned out to be a small prince of Loulan, a small prince in Loulan City. These big aristocrats come with their own printing machines. Every day they have a lot of income, and small aristocrats like Zhou Yu and Mu Shaoqing are not seen by the big nobility at all.

"Isn't this Mr. Yelu Deguang? Why, isn't the service here good enough?"

Hao Hao is also the master of the city, and the relationship with Loulan Wang is very close, Loulan Wang is also very valued for this brave young man, so Yelu Deguang can not be too arrogant. However, he was still very dissatisfied and said: "I came here, I heard that Mr. Gui and Mr. Zhou Yu formed a combination called twoboys, and there is also a s-class chanting rumor. But here I watched it for a few days. I didn’t see their performances, it’s really disappointing.”

This wonderful nightclub little prince, others come here to see handsome guys, you are good, but interested in a middle-aged combination. The taste is so strange, I don't know where it came from. There is no female tv in Loulan City.

"Sorry, this club is a stage for the students of the Luhua Idol Academy. In order to train students, my father will naturally not come to take the opportunity to grab students."

I stayed outside for a long time before I missed it, so even if I met someone who was not friendly, he could still cope with it.

When Yelu Deguang heard it, the temper of the big aristocrats immediately came up: "It turns out that Luhua City is really not easy. In response to the call of Loulan Wang, I decided to support it, 10,000 yuan, please twoboys to give everyone a performance. ,how is it?"

Hey, ten thousand cute coins! Just half an hour to get 10,000 coins? Is the s-level idol not so expensive?

The scene was exclaimed, and the big aristocrat Yelu Deguang, who was forced to play, was smug, and hugged his fists around. He sat down very chic and waited for the twoboys to appear.

Xiao Nian is also very helpless, can only pass this list back to the idol college, see how the old man is cut off. If the old man is determined not to appear, he can only offend the big aristocrat.

At this time, a flying bird knight came over and attached to the ear of a small thought and said: "The voyeuristic news, the detailed news of the twoboys passed to Yelu Deguang knows the person in charge of the green and green tv Loulan, it is estimated that I want to take this Injury the relationship between Loulan Noble and Luhua City."

This green and green tv, for the first time provoked the enemy of the city against the city of Luhua, and now points the spear to the nobility, it is really toss. It’s not good to shoot your Bomberman 2.0, and try to make a lasting effort to bring the White House to the ground. What kind of strength does Luhua City make?

To be honest, green and green tv has never been an opponent of Luhua City. After all, Luhua tv started with the exclusive right, that is, the audience rate reached more than 60%. How do you jump so fast when you have a small shrimp at the bottom of the year?

When the little thoughts were wondering, the stray cat Hank also received the list, and the price of the eyes was rounded.

Ten thousand cute coins! This price is almost the highest in history, is it good?

The stray cat Hank thought for a moment, then decisively sold the city owner and clicked OK on the contract. When Zhou Yu knew this thing, there was no room for change. He had to hurry up to the second dimension, and then followed his uncle from the ‘task gate’ of the Idol Academy to work in Loulan City.

This posture has quite a feeling of being so good.