MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 510 Miscalculation

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The mission of the Idol Academy emerged after the establishment of the first outbound mission station, Lancheng, to transfer idol students with college assignments to the mission site.

This is also a blind spot for seals, but the effect of this mission is very limited. First, only students with college tasks can be transferred, and when the task time is up, people will be automatically sent back. However, it can be used to occasionally meet with a small thought.

For this reason, Zhou Yu deliberately went to postpone his underground idol certificate, but he was unexpectedly used by the stray cat Hank. The effective use of the underground idol card is for three months. After the expiration date, you can apply for an extension and you do not need to go to the exam. It can be extended up to four times, that is, the test can be used for one year.

The stray cat Hank is now in charge of business, and he is the native agent of Luhua City. As the city owner, Zhou Yu, he can't manage it, but the underground idol Zhou Yu is just within his jurisdiction. Therefore, when the order was signed, even Zhou Yu could not refuse.

The performance of Toboys was originally thought to be impossible to appear again. I did not expect to go to the stage again in this way. Zhou Yu was also a little bit dumbfounded.

On the one hand, Hank is still explaining: "The lord of the city, 10,000 yuan! There is no better list than this. Think about it, the performance of the city owner personally, it must be a sensation, in Loulan It is not surprising that the city has become a hot spot. In order to cooperate with the propaganda of "Peace of Hell", the city owner will make some sacrifices. And I promise that this time will not be an example, the subsequent orders can only be decided by the city owner."

This kitten is really dedicated to the development of business, but also to lose money is Zhou Yu, change the temper slightly larger city owner, it is estimated that the next day was sent to the countryside to develop manure business.

"I have done it, and I have read my head. I have already heard the little things I have said. It is really tricky. There are still many people behind the scenes making small moves. It is not easy for you to maintain a club business with a small mind." I should make some sacrifices."

Shame is shameful. If you think about walking a hole, there will be 10,000 cute coins, and the s-class idols will have to go down the wind. It is also a thing worth boasting.

However, the song with your uncle has been abandoned for a long time. I don’t even know the lyrics. I can only hold the Buddha’s foot for a little while.

Uncle Gui is also unlucky, obviously can rely on a mouth to eat, but he has embarked on the idol road to look at his face. However, he can also get 2,500 sterling coins in this game. For him, he is also a salary for two or three months. Why not?

After all, his skin has been as thick as a wall in the TV station.

Because it takes a certain amount of time to recall the songs, the performance of the twoboys was released later, and the nightclub little prince was also a bachelor. It was hard to wait for three or four hours. It seems that today the legendary twoboys are not Will stop.

And in the nightclub's little prince's squatting, a bunch of nobles also came. After all, Loulan City is a thousand-year-old city with a large number of aristocrats. These people have strong spending power and are big tax collectors. Naturally, the more they are, the better. Only aristocratic, the entertainment demand will be higher and higher, this is also the place where Loulan Wang headache.

Ten channels can't satisfy these people. If Luhua tv can really meet the needs of the nobility, what is the reluctance of an exclusive right?

The aristocrats gathered in large numbers, and it was the recently revitalized Luhua Student Idol Club. This news has naturally spread to Loulan Wang’s ears. However, he did not come forward to stop, but wanted to see if Luhua City had the ability and determination to move toward the exclusive road.

To say that it is really a nobleman, in these three or four hours, a group of nobles will be rewarded with all kinds of money. This situation is like a group of local tyrants gathered in a live broadcast room, a word of dissatisfaction is a variety of money fighting methods, sly performers are dazzled.

Not only that, but the other consumption in the store is also soaring, and the various wines produced in the Luhuacheng winery are almost swept away. The small winery that cuts production to the limit because it only needs to supply Luhua City can finally let go of it.

The little thoughts looked at the water in the store, the eyes were all red, and I really wanted to send the birds and the knights to stun them and throw them into the city of Luhua. How much commercial value can you create with such a large group of fat people? The city of Luhua City has just transformed its business, and it is time to expand domestic demand and external demand.

It is a pity that the aristocrats can't meet this thing. The local city owners are even offering the nobles as bodhisattvas. It is really not easy to think of the black hands. A small thought is like seeing a group of fat pigs, but the hunters who have no weapons in their hands can only drool.

This group of fat pigs, oh no, the nobles waited for a long time, but only saw a fresh student idol constantly debut, the twoboys that really wanted to see never appeared, and could not help but be impatient.

Fortunately, although this group of people is all sorts of troubles, but it has not developed to the point where the troubles of the scene, about the law of Loulan City has played a role.

The number of customers today is absolutely unprecedented. It has already reached the point where there are no tickets for the station. There are also a group of people standing up in the queue. It is to see what novels are there and attract many. noble.

To know that the nobles are not very good, but the ability to eat, drink, and play is top-notch, so the general people will also pay attention to their hobbies while spurning. Usually, the new playthings of the nobles will form a ethos, referred to as fashion. .

This situation is about green and green tv do not want to see. I wanted to provoke the relationship between the Loulan City aristocrats and the Luhua City. I didn’t expect that the gangs were really not too big, but they chose the city’s reputation. This time all the people in the city have heard that half of the aristocrats have run away here, which is faster than the spread of small advertisements.

The person in charge of the green and green tv now sincerely hopes that Zhou Yu will not come out, or else he will become a stupid ratio directly, and he will do such an advertisement for the people, saying that he will be laughed at by his peers.

However, the prayer of green and green tv fell through, and the man who was promoted as a new generation of 'Devil' by the stars was actually willing to play for a group of nobles. After the long-awaited start, he and the uncle appeared on the stage after a flash of the stage and won the audience cheers.

I am your ancestors.

The person in charge of the green and green tv looked at the shit's expression and ran out of the club with his face. He looked at the long queue of people and the reporters who heard the news, and smacked his mouth. Go back to my company.