MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 42 Holy Sorcerer 5

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Sure enough, although Elvis and the great elder said a lot, the elders cleverly avoided Elvis’s request until The elders walked into the gate and Elvis did not get any useful information.

Although Li Luo is still in the bag, it is obvious that I can feel the desperate mood of Elvis.

After the elders left, Elvis still stood still, like a sculpture.

Li Luo topped the lid of the bag he was waiting for, and stretched out the tip of the claw and carefully climbed Elvis's shoulder. Seeing Elvis's dark eyes, Li Luo quieted for a long time, then took his head and rubbed it beside Elvis's cheek, then put out his tongue and rubbed his face, as a can not The talking animal, the comforting action he can do, is the only one.

Elvis stood for a long time before turning around and leaving the place. At the moment of turning around, Li Luo saw the strong unsuccessful rise of his eyes and the resentment of his family.

Elvis put his hands on both sides of his body and clenched into fists, and the hard force pierced the bright red blood in the palm of his hand.

He must be stronger, must be stronger, strong enough that anyone can only look up to him! Only when you become stronger can you protect the person you want to protect; only when you become stronger, he no longer has to ask other people for sympathy and compassion.

Elvis's eyes are red, he has never had such a desire to become stronger, even if he lost all his abilities before, he is disappointed not to be desperate.

And the envy of the family's left in his heart disappeared completely at this moment.

"Hey." Li Luo felt the strong emotions from Elvis's body, only feeling that his body could not help but stiff, and he could not help but scream.

Elvis had come back and saw the small hairy group with amber eyes wet, and the stiff expression on his face eased a lot. He reached out and touched the little one on his shoulder. The soft hair of the group, "In the future, my family will only have you."

Even so, when the alarm was lifted and the gate was opened again, Elvis still had a glimmer of hope, rushing out of the city gate at the fastest speed, and picking mushrooms to his grandmother Vichy. The place to run.

When I saw Vichy's blood-stained and incomplete corpses, Elvis's nerves finally broke, holding Vichy's body and making a sound like humanity, and tears finally failed. Under the control of pouring down, like a lost lonely beast, there is an endless whining.

Li Luo listened to Elvis as the heart was torn like a tear, only felt that his heart was also tightened, it seems that I can feel Elvis's sorrow is greater than the desperate feeling of death. . He couldn't help but lean over his head, and the claws under his belly caught the ground with several deep traces.

After a long period of pain, Elvis seemed to feel the passage of time. He was so stunned to hold the body of Vihia, squatting from the sun and squatting until the moon rises and then falls.

Until the sun rose to the next day, Li Luo finally couldn’t stand it. After a while, he slowly walked to the body holding Vichy’s body without eye contact. The eyes were red and Elvis’s Around him, he stretched out his claws and patted his thigh, and he screamed.

Elvis did not respond, still holding the body of Vihia. It wasn't until Li Luo's "喵喵喵" called dozens of sounds that he moved a little, looking down at the small hairy group looking up at himself.

Li Luo looked up at Elvis's eyes and revealed his concern in the amber eyes. "Oh." Don't be sad again, and I will accompany you, at least until you reach the peak of the world. I will not leave you. At that time, you will gather a lot of people who trust you, admire you, love you, and you will no longer feel this lonely despair. And you will be strong enough to protect everyone you want to protect.

Elvis seems to understand the meaning of Li Luo's caress, he will take Li Luo into his arms, and his eyes are restored. He picked up the body of Vihia and walked back to his home in the city step by step.

After hosting the funeral for Vicia, Elvis sold his house that had lived for more than a decade, bought one of the cheapest storage bags, and painted his own portraits of his loved ones and his grandmother. The sweaters are loaded into the storage bag and ready to leave the town of Mika.

Selina stood at the door, looking at the face without a smile, her face was very cold, the teenager who was packing things. I feel that when I leave this time, it is very likely that I will never return. She didn't know what to say. She could only watch silently after the boy had packed up the things to take away. Finally, she leaned over and picked up the white who followed him and walked around when she brought it back. Cat.

When the teenager simply carried a backpack and held the little white cat to walk past her, she couldn’t help but ask: "Elvis, will you come back?"

Elvis did not answer, just said: "Goodbye, Selina."

Although this is a simple sentence, Selina knows that he is not ready to return here.

After coming out of Mika Town, Elvis did not hesitate to directly enter the World of Warcraft, and now he is not afraid of death.

What's more, two days after the death of Vicia, somewhere in his body was like a sudden opening of a pass. The abundant magical power poured into his body like a rushing sea, and he was filled with him all at once. The whole body - the magical power he had lost, returned, and more powerful than before. At the same time, he also felt another energy, which is much weaker than the magical power he is familiar with, but it is accompanied by his magical power, and it seems that his original body belongs to the magician. It is a lot stronger.

However, Elvis did not have any joy. He would rather not restore his magical power to his grandmother's life for a lifetime. Compared to his grandmother, these are nothing at all.


Inside the dense World of Warcraft, from time to time came a wild beast's angry and painful roar, and the nearby birds flew in groups, far away from the center of the battle.

I saw the size of a small mountain, covered with a hard armor, a long pointed corner on the head, red eyes like crazy, roaring like Warcraft, four strong If the thighs of the pillars step on the ground, the ground will be rumbling, and the surrounding trees will be trembled. One piece has been broken by the waist of the previous World of Warcraft.

In front of this fierce Warcraft, there is a man with flexible movements and lightning speed. He has a big sword shining in red light in his hand. This is a dozen **** blood vessels in this Warcraft. The masterpiece of the big sword. And around Warcraft, from time to time, he jumped over a white afterimage. From time to time, his body would have four more scratches that directly cut his hard armor, so that Warcraft could not help.

When the blue thunder in his mouth slammed into the figure, I saw that the figure did not know what to read. Before the blue lightning hit the figure, it disappeared without a trace. On the ground, more than a dozen thick vines were picked up, quickly entangled in its body, and then a fire dragon opened his mouth and bit it.

Warcraft's more violent, it struggled to break the vines, but did not escape the fire dragon that came straight, half of the body was scorched by the fire dragon, it made angry roar, the front paws planed After a while, a fierce force rushed to the figure in front of him.

The anger blinded its eyes, so it did not see a white shadow quickly caught up beside it, and it showed a cold four-pointed claw tip.

After a while, Warcraft sent out a more painful mourning, and then the mourning came to an abrupt end, and the Warcraft Forest regained its calm.

A slender figure stood on the huge head of Warcraft and slowly pulled out the long sword covered with blood. He has a long blond hair and is carried behind his head. The face is white, the whole face is like being carved, it looks beautiful and compelling, the blue eyes are like the best sapphire, but the beauty is a bit cold.

It wasn't until the white figure reached his body that his eyes showed a gentle look. "Ludwig, you seem to be faster this time."

Li Luo, who has grown up in an adult with two and a half palms, listened to his own pink nose. His growth is really insignificant compared to Elvis.

Elvis, who has awakened the blood of the Holy Sorcerer, now has a body like a sponge, constantly absorbing the magic particles that are free between the heavens and the earth, and he can not only cultivate magic, but also shape the robustness of his body. .

Unlike other skin-clear magicians, Elvis can practice force after awakening, and the speed of cultivation is not much worse than the magic power. Therefore, he can not only attack but also defend melee. It is conceivable how terrible his combat power will be as his ranks gradually increase.

Li Luo has been with Elvis in the Warcraft Forest for two years. During this time, Elvis walked along the development track of the book, and inadvertently found the residence of a predecessor who awakened the blood of the Holy Sorcerer in the Warcraft Forest thousands of years ago.

These are not strictly accidental, because only those who are equally awakened by the blood of the Holy Sorcerer will be eligible to enter the magical array of magicians who could almost be called by the millennium.