MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 43 Holy Sorcerer 6

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Tonight is the full moon.

The moon hangs high in the night sky, and the bright light shines through the gap between the leaves on the grass below the big tree, like a little bit of twinkling starlight. On the verdant grassland, there are small flowers of various colors dotted with stars, echoing with the flashing moonlight, which is very quiet and beautiful.

Elvis dressed in a navy blue, depicting a simple silver-patterned robes, sitting on a meadow under the shade of a huge tree, with his eyes closed, his breathing slowly becoming steady, it seems Already sleeping.

Li Luoyi looked at him on the side and thought that he was really asleep, and then he rushed to the creek in the distance.

Elvis's safety is not to worry about him. As long as he is in danger, he will definitely wake up in the first time, not to mention that he has been squatting on this site for a long time. Many World of Warcraft already know that there is a very bad one here. A good lord. The animal's feelings are very sharp, and generally there will be no unseen World of Warcraft will come here to find death.

A few days ago, Xiaoqi reminded him that he estimated that this time could be turned into a human form. Li Luo had long been eager to become a human figure, so after a few days of Elvis sleeping, he would run to the nearest river, try to transform, and want to see if his figure is growing. What it looks like.

But he didn't change his success a few days ago. Today he didn't plan to fall. He waited until Elvis fell asleep and left him immediately.

However, what Li Luo didn't think was that after he ran for a few tens of meters, Elvis, who had thought he had fallen asleep, opened his eyes, and the blue eyes narrowed straight to the direction of his disappearance. After a moment of contemplation, he stood up and followed him quietly behind him.

Li Luo's speed is very fast, four small claws step on the ground, just like a light snow, quickly leaped out a few hundred meters away, far away, like a white afterimage.

It took only a few minutes for him to come to the nearest source of water from Elvis’s resting place—a stream that was flowing, about two meters wide.

He walked into the stream and looked at it. There was a fluffy, round cat face on the water, which looked very cute and lovable.

Li Luo turned his face, squatted on the ground, closed his eyes and began to meditate. He imagined that his body was long, his hair faded, and he became a humanoid. After a few minutes, when he wanted to give up, he suddenly felt that he was The body is starting to get hot. Li Luodun was happy at the bottom of his heart. Before he meditated, there was no such phenomenon. Does this mean that he can be transformed into a success today?

After the body is hot, Lero feels that his body is getting bigger and longer, and his ears can even hear the squeaking sound of the bones, but this feeling is not painful, but rather like It is the liberation of his body, it is very comfortable.

When the sound of everything was over, Li Luo opened his eyes and saw that the sleek cat face that had been reflected on the water turned into a very beautiful teenager's face.

The boy is only fifteen or six years old, but his face is very delicate and delicate. The amber cat is not as round as the cat. The outline of the eye is somewhat elongated, and the tail of the eye is slightly picking. There is an indescribable taste between the rotations.

The boy has a long silver-haired hair, and there is a pair of furry cat ears that are not slightly shaking on the top of the hair--and so on, the cat's ear? Li Luo’s expression suddenly stagnate there. He dared to reach out and lick the pair of ears on his head. The triangle was sensitive to shaking a few times.

Li Luo: "..." Why did it become human? His ears will still fall? ! Wait, the tail will not be there yet?

Li Luo turned his head and saw a long white cat tail above his hips.

Just as he was mad, Elvis in the bush not far behind him couldn't help but shrink his pupil, feeling that his breathing was heavy.

He actually realized that his Ludwig had disappeared for a while after he fell asleep for a few days, and he would wait for an hour or more before he would go back to sleep.

In this way, I watched it for a few nights. Tonight, Elvis waited for the same timing and followed the small hair group behind him, but did not expect to see such a scene.

Elvis knows that some advanced Warcraft can be adult-shaped, but he did not expect that the white group that he had raised for more than two years is actually one of them.

And the human form that he becomes, will be like this.

Elvis looked at the fair-skinned eyes and seemed to be covered with a white light under the moonlight. He was slender and covered with a long silver hair, like a moon elf who just stepped into the world. The average teenager.

When the boy turned his head and revealed the very beautiful face, like the amber eyes flowing bright moonlight, looking at the tail swaying behind him, Elvis couldn’t help but hook the tongue and felt the boy The gesture is really cute.

At the same time, Elvis's heart is like what was hit, this feeling seems to have been buried in his heart, waiting for the moment of recovery. The seeds of recovery have already smashed the soil buried in it when they saw the soft and weak creatures two years ago, waiting for the moment of true growth. Until now, I saw Li Luo, who was transformed into a human figure. The sprouted seeds finally grow uncontrollably and grow. Elvis did not know where this feeling originated, but he clearly knew that the boy in front of him belonged to him, the baby he hoped to be able to care forever.

Elvis did not disturb the Lilo, who was still struggling with the ears and tails, and continued to move back without a sound, disappearing behind the shade, as if he had never been to the general.

From the beginning to the end, Li Luo did not find the arrival and departure of Elvis. When he stayed next to the creek, he changed back to a two-and-a-half-sized kitten and quickly returned to Elvis. In the place where I was resting, I quickly slept in the side of Elvis. So he did not see, after he fell asleep, Elvis opened his eyes and looked at him for a long time.

A few days later, Elvis took Li Luo out of the World of Warcraft and rushed to the nearest town. In the past two years, although it is a World of Warcraft forest outside the town of Mika, Elvis walked along the Forest of Warcraft, and has long since moved away from Mika Town.

Li Luo's comfortable nest in the tailor-made bag in Elvist, carrying the edge of the bag, squinting at the scenery that was quickly moved back and forth at the speed of Elvis.

At the speed of Elvis, a town soon appeared in front of them.

This is a town with a much larger population in the southwestern part of the Waters Empire in Elvis.

Elvis walked into the town of the special round and looked around, then went in one direction. There is a shop where you can sell Warcraft nucleus. Every time he hunts a Warcraft, after measuring the value, he will sell some Warcraft nucleus that he can't use, and it won't be too much attention.

Elvis is not sure where his magical power has reached, but it must have surpassed the level of the trainee magician, because now when he deals with the third-level Warcraft, it is not as hard as it used to be.

The only thing that tests the magical power is the magic spar. But the price of magic spar is very expensive. Too small can't accurately measure its own level, but the bigger one is bigger and more expensive. Like the piece of the Rossis family, it is estimated that the family of the Rossis can be exchanged with the output of the family for more than ten years.

However, there are places in various towns where you can test the magic power, but the price is also very high. The only advantage is that you can guarantee the absolute privacy of customers.

After Elvis changed this time, he was ready to go to the place where the magical power was tested in the town to test his current level.

The market in the town of Tren is very prosperous. The market is full of people coming and going, and the hawkers on both sides sell everything. Always with the male owner to stay in the World of Warcraft to enhance the ability, rarely come out of Li Luo eyes look at the lively scene around.

Ever since the death of Vicia, Elvis has changed like a person. There is no smile on the face. The whole face looks like ice. Even the clear eyes of the ocean are deep. Li Luo, who originally could see his emotions from his eyes, is now completely unable to guess what Elvis is thinking. However, although Elvis is very indifferent to other people and has a sense of distance, his movements are very patient and gentle, just like before.

But recently, Li Luo always felt that Elvis’s eyes were a bit strange, but Li Luo couldn’t say anything, so he could only push this doubt to his heart.

In the past few days, he has been able to sneak out to see how long he can last, and he still wonders how he and Elvis can say that he can transform. After all, since he can become a human figure, he does not want to live in the form of a cat again. But before he was able to take back his ears and tail, he didn't want to be human in front of Elvis. He always felt that it was very strange and shameful.

Li Luo didn't know that when he sneaked into a human form these few days, Elvis, who had long been followed by the body, looked up from the top to the bottom, and the next three inches swaying the long white tail. The raw buttocks of the hips have been scanned for countless times.