MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 729 occult

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Yang Shou just sat cross-legged, watching "Yang Shou" begin to absorb Linghe.

The backflow of the Linghe River was opened, and all the earth creatures circling around the Linghe River turned into the purest power and entered the Linghe River.

As the Linghe River flows back, the breath of "Yang Shou" is also increasing rapidly.

The Void Devouring Beast and the Spirit of Creation watched this scene in despair.

Yang Shou cast spells to block most of their perception and cultivation, leaving only simple vision.

They couldn't communicate with their spiritual senses, couldn't speak, couldn't walk, they could only stand blankly, watching "Yang Shou" getting stronger and stronger.

They suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.

The creator, this lunatic, wants to snipe the master!

If it is really successful, then they are really hard to redeem!

But at this time, they couldn't do anything.

When the time comes, the masters don't think they have betrayed, right?

When the two were thinking complicatedly in their hearts, Yang Shou temporarily put down his research on Cheng Kong, blocked his cultivation and perception, and put it aside.

He began to stare at the closed loop surrounding the entire Linghe.

"How do I get this thing?"

Yang Shou asked Xu Mu.

To him, Xu Mu had lived countless years, and he was like an encyclopedia of the holy world.

And Xu Mu lived up to his expectations and analyzed: "This ring has not been recognized as the master. Master can start refining it, and then you can use it freely."

Yang Shou nodded, exerting the energy of endless doomsday, and began to wrap this long spiritual river.

With the refining of doomsday energy, the closed loop around Linghe is shrinking.

Gradually, it turned into the size of a bracelet and appeared in Yang Shou's palm.

Yang Shou looked at this closed loop that was shimmering with different colors of light, his eyes flashed, and he cast the energy of doom again to refine it with all his strength.

In this way, Yang Shou sat cross-legged in World No. 5.

During this period, I also sensed "Yang Shou" who was far away in time.

He and Lingzu are still trapped in the river of time and have not escaped, so Yang Shou is relieved.

As for... the Lord of the Upper Realm and the Heavenly Ancestor, Yang Shou left a mark on Ling Susu before he left.

Perhaps because of lack of time, this perception mark has not yet been erased.

In this perception, Yang Shou found that the Lord of the Upper Realm and the ancestor were still fighting frantically.

Both were on fire.

It's just that the Lord of the Upper Realm is in full bloom, always crushing the Heavenly Ancestor.

But Tianzu, with his rich experience and... the earth, is still stubbornly resisting.

Through perception, Yang Shou once again realized the gap between himself and the Lord of the Heavenly Ancestor Upper Realm.

These two creatures are both at their peak tenth level.

And he, with the power of the Great Thousand World, was only able to reach the early tenth level.

However, Yang Shou believes that as long as he refines the closed loop of the world, integrates it into his body, and cooperates with the indestructible body, he will have a terrifying defense.

At the late tenth level, he can even ignore it.

At that time, in front of these perverted old antiques, he will have a chance to save his life.



in the vast world.

The Lord of Black Mist, who was fighting with the real body of the ancestor, suddenly changed his expression and showed a faint smile.

"It's finally going to be successful."

The backhand he arranged is finally going to succeed!

For this day, he was willing to be imprisoned by the Lord of the Upper Realm and Yang Shou together.

Just to procrastinate enough.

Get a whole world of creature templates.

Then... directly back to peak state!

"Lord of the Upper Realm, you have calculated on me for so many years, and you should pay the price!"

He gave a wicked laugh, glanced at the real body of the ancestor, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

"Okay, the play is almost done, it's time to stop."

Koos, who was on the side, was extremely surprised. The stone statue she turned into showed a look of astonishment.

The power of the real body of the ancestors is constantly increasing, while the strength of her and the Lord of the Black Mist is constantly weakening.

She couldn't figure out why the Lord of Black Mist could control the true body of the ancestors with a single word.

"You stay here and continue to prepare for recovery, I will go first!"

After he finished speaking, he abandoned Yang Shou's former body of reincarnation, and escaped from the abyss of karma and the world of thousands in an extremely mysterious way.

Entered... the ruins of world number 5.

It directly entered the body of "Yang Shou" who was lying in the Linghe.

"All the worlds, I... I'm back!"

He was about to drink loudly, but after entering this body, he realized that something was wrong.

A man, sitting cross-legged not far from him, just looked at him like that.

And this man he will never forget.

Has a face exactly like his.

"Yang Shou?"

He couldn't help shouting.

Immediately, I saw the Void Devouring Beast and the Spirit of Creation not far away.

"What exactly is going on?"

He was still a little stunned, and then...

He heard Yang Shou's familiar voice: "Lord of the Black Mist, long time no see."

His pupils shrank, and he immediately mobilized all the power in his body, only to find that...

He actually talked about it for a mortal?

"How is that possible?" he called out, frowning.

The creature he was in, originally in his perception, had already reached the peak of the tenth level.

Why did he suddenly become a mortal?

Immediately, he looked at Yang Shou.

At the same time, Yang Shou just finished refining the world closed loop and stood up.

looked at him coldly.

"I didn't expect it?"

The Lord of the Black Mist seized the house, naturally "Yang Shou" from World No. 5.

And after this body absorbed the power of the entire No. 5 world creature template, it actually reached the peak of level ten.

With Xu Mu's suggestion, Yang Shou directly instilled this power into Heilong.

It is to let it swallow it, and then convert it into enough energy to repair the closed loop of the world.

There is only a tenth-level peak energy that can... repair the broken closed loop of the world.

Although Yang Shou once thought about swallowing this power, he found that this power was tailor-made for him by the Lord of Black Mist, and other than his soul, no one else could swallow and control it at all.

Only use it as repair energy.

In this way, the Lord of the Black Mist who turned into a mortal was stunned for a while, and then he figured out the cause and effect.

Immediately, he glanced coldly at the Void Devouring Beast and the Spirit of Creation, who were silently preparing to watch his jokes.

"Two traitors!"

The Spirit of Creation and the Void Devouring Beast, who can only blink, continued to blink in embarrassment.

But it was regarded as a provocation by the Lord of the Black Mist.

"When I get back to my peak, you two will surely die!"

He said in a deep voice, frightening the Spirit of Creation and the Void Devouring Beast.

But their only action at this time is to blink.

The Lord of Black Mist turned around, ignored them, and looked at Yang Shou.

"I admit, this time, you won."

He showed a bitter smile, but the arrogance in his tone remained undiminished.

Yang Shou also smiled back and said lightly, "It's just luck."

Indeed, if he hadn't known the hidden secrets of the Lord of the Upper Realm, Yang Shou would not have come to look for the Lord of the Upper Realm in these worlds where there are creature templates.

But the Lord of the Upper Realm was not found, but Cheng Kong was found, and he happened to find the dusty memory deep in his mind.

Taking this step by step, I discovered the secret that the Lord of Black Mist wanted to recover.

The Lord of the Black Mist did not agree, and said solemnly: "Luck is also a kind of strength. I did it so secretly that I even concealed it from the Lord of the Upper Realm, but I didn't expect to lose in your hands, you... Already qualified to be a chess player."

Yang Shou shrugged and laughed, and then just watched the Lord of Black Mist dissipate in front of his eyes.

Together with "Yang Shou" from World No. 5, he disappeared without a trace.

He didn't make a move, because he knew that even if the Lord of Black Mist did not have any cultivation, but his true spirit rested in Canggu, he would never be killed.

Otherwise, when he was so weak, the Lord of the Upper Realm would have killed him countless times with his own hands.

There is only one explanation, the more you kill him, the faster he will recover!

Therefore, the Lord of the Upper Realm just calculated to suppress him, not directly.

Instead, he has been looking for Cang Gu.

The Lord of the Black Mist came and went in a hurry, returning to the body of reincarnation in the Great Thousand World again.

Slowly opened his eyes.

"Unfortunately, this child was cautious and did not do anything."

He showed regret.

Just now, he had calmly accepted the failure of the recovery, so he wanted to dissipate and attract Yang Shou to shoot him.

As a result, Yang Shou had no intention of making a move at all.

In fact, he was not what Yang Shou thought, the more he killed, the faster he recovered.

But... the stronger the person who shoots him, when he kills he will recover to the level of the opponent in an instant.

So... the Lord of the Upper Realm has never dared to do anything to him.

You can only use Yang Shou to suppress him.

If the Lord of the Upper Realm really did something to him, with the help of a secret technique, he could recover to his peak in an instant.

He once cultivated 100,000 worlds in World No. 2 and mastered countless secret techniques.

Even... smelting the entire creature template world to revive is just one of the secret methods.

"It now seems that we can only continue to wait for the next opportunity."

The Lord of Black Mist sighed lightly, glanced at the real body of the ancestors and Koos, sat cross-legged, and ignored them.

Seeing this, Koos smiled wryly.

She suddenly remembered how prosperous the 100,000 worlds were in the era she was in, all of which evolved from the person in front of her.

She...but tried to fight him.


In the ruins of World 5.

Yang Shou called out the black dragon.

At this time, the Linghe had disappeared, and only Yang Shou, Xu Mu, the Spirit of Creation, the Void Devouring Beast, and the Black Dragon remained.

The black dragon was crawling beside Yang Shou with a look of flattery on his face.

Not long ago, Yang Shou gave it a lot of energy.

Horror to the extreme.

It will know, come to live.

"Fixed it."

Yang Shou took out a ring the size of a bracelet and waved it into the void. It grew long when it saw the wind, and instantly became extremely huge.

far more than the black dragon.

Heilong opened his lantern-sized eyes, feeling the vast ancient atmosphere, his eyelids twitched.

But it also knows that, given such a huge amount of energy, the work to be done is far from simple.

"Don't worry, Lord of the Great Thousand, it's a trivial matter!"

Saying that, its body was wrapped in a ring, and the energy it had previously swallowed surged out, and it kept slapping into the ring.