MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 730 self-awareness

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The tenth-level peak energy created by the Lord of Black Mist was all disassembled and dismantled by the black dragon, hovering in the ring, and infiltrating a little bit to make up for the defects.

In order to speed up this time, Yang Shou used the time converter in his hand to directly accelerate the black dragon.

Not long after, in the low voice of the black dragon, the closed loop of the world burst into an extremely bright light.

Shine among the ruins of World 5.

With the endless power shrouded, the closed loop of the world was completely revived and perfectly repaired.

Yang Shou stood up, held the closed loop of the world, integrated it into the body, and guarded the world of Daqian.

The entire Great Thousand World is now shrouded in the closed loop of the entire world.

Even at the late tenth level, without his permission, he would not be able to escape from the Great Thousand World!

In addition, as the world closed the loop to guard the whole body, Yang Shou's indestructible body once again gained incredible defensive power.

Under the two-phase improvement, the late tenth level can't really hurt him!


His opponents are all top ten.

Yang Shou expressed his helplessness about this. Whether it was the Lord of the Upper Realm or the Heavenly Ancestor, or the Barbarian Ancestor or the Spiritual Ancestor, they had already reached the peak of the tenth level after countless years of cultivation.

Been looking for a way to get to level 11.

But even so, this time on the 5th world trip, Yang Shou still gained a lot.

First of all, I got a lot of doomsday crystals, which is a step further from the sixth stage of condensing.

Secondly, seeing through the recovery conspiracy of the Lord of the Black Mist made him face much less pressure.

Otherwise, the Lord of the Black Mist will emerge from the predicament in its prime, I am afraid... others will really be gone.

Finally, the world closed loop is also obtained.

"Master, the real role of the closed loop is to stabilize one world. After the big world is integrated into the closed loop, it will truly be qualified to become a primitive world."

In the Daqian world, Xu Mu felt the changes in the Daqian world, and his expression was overjoyed.

"Primitive world?" Yang Shou raised his eyebrows.

He has been practicing so far, and has been catching up and being chased, and he does not have much time to learn the theories from the summary of the saints.

Xu Mu nodded seriously and said, "The great world of the saints is the primitive world, and everything originates from that world embryo, the golden dragon."

"You must have a world guarded by a tenth-level treasure to be eligible to become a primitive world."

Yang Shou remembered the golden dragon who was trapped in the Great Thousand World by him, and nodded slightly: "What's the use of being a primitive world?"

Xu Mu took a deep breath and said solemnly, "First of all, the defense of the world will be further improved, and secondly..."

"The world has transformed into a primitive world, and the master of the world will get an opportunity to inquire about the avenues in the dark."

Yang Shou's eyes lit up: "How do you ask?"

"Consciousness rests on the primitive world, and communicates with the world of the holy world with the avenues that you need to ask, so...there is an opportunity to ask questions to the world of the holy world."

Hearing this, Yang Shou's brows could not help wrinkling: "Has the holy world has self-consciousness?"

It was something he had never thought of.

If the Holy Realm has self-consciousness, the entire world, whether it is the Lord of the Upper Realm or the Lord of the Black Mist, are doing things like this, and it still hasn't come out to correct it?

Just like the man in blue corrected the world to which he belonged.

Hearing this, Xu Mu shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Indeed, this is the result of the Holy Clan's countless years of trials and verification."

"The whole world has self-consciousness, and the ancestor even suspected that it was created by the boss behind the holy world, just to monitor the whole world."

After a pause, Xu Mu continued: "Even... the three ancestors of the holy clan once joined hands to fight against the self-consciousness, and successfully damaged it."

Xu Mu said a lot of the past of the saints.

At that time, the three ancestors created the great world of the saints by creating the world, and the world jumped and advanced to become the primitive world, and got the opportunity to communicate with self-consciousness.

Then, taking advantage of his self-consciousness, the three ancestors joined forces and severely injured him!

It's just that when he was finally caught, he finally let it escape.

Yang Shou frowned, he was thinking about whether to take advantage of this opportunity.

He has always wanted to ask clearly what level the Dao of Doom he masters belongs to.

Why is it different from other avenues, there is no need to... go through the stages of origin, laws, and rules.

As long as you continue to gain doomsday energy, you can continue to grow.

After hesitating again and again, Yang Shou took a deep breath and decided to ask Dao Dao.

He must know his own way.

Cause and effect are already on the right track.

At present, the immortal body has even reached the fifth level, and after two more calamities, you can truly achieve great success!

"Xu Mu, protect the law for me!"

In the Daqian world, Yang Shou's consciousness was transformed here, and Xu Mu was released by him from the Daqian world and guarded next to his body.

He must be prepared for possible accidents.

Although... his current defense is a bit perverted.

"Put on the great world, communicate with the world of the holy world..."

Yang Shou recalled what Xu Mu said, his consciousness gradually relaxed, and he completely integrated into the world of Daqian.

An unprecedented sense of fit came to mind.

Afterwards, Yang Shou's consciousness tried to communicate with the holy world, and an ethereal feeling lingered in his heart. He only felt that after his consciousness left the great world, it was ethereal and was dragged upwards by... a terrifying attraction.

"The Lord of the Thousand..."

Four words sounded in his mind.

With the roar of countless powers, his consciousness was dragged straight to Jiuzhongtian, and he didn't know where he came from.

"The Lord of the Thousand..."

That voice kept calling, coming from all directions.

Moreover... in Yang Shou's perception, this voice is definitely not made by one person.

As if from a very ancient time, countless people were chanting in a low voice.


Yang Shou frowned, dragged by this force, and finally stopped at an unknown height.

All in all, Yang Shou knew that no one could enter this place, no matter what.

only will.

And it's basically impossible to get in if no one picks up.

Finally, a beast-shaped figure appeared in front of Yang Shou.

This figure shone with light, like a luminous body, quietly staring at Yang Shou.

And then... a look of defensiveness.

Yang Shou frowned: "Are you the autonomous consciousness of the world?"

Because he can feel that this self-consciousness is extremely weak...

The injury wasn't even better.

But thinking of Tianzu, Yang Shou was relieved.

After reaching level ten, once injured, it seems to be very miserable.

The wounds Tianzu suffered in the last era have not yet been completely healed.

This self-consciousness is probably the same.

The animal-shaped aperture stared at him, as if to observe whether he was related to the Holy Race.

But as it watched, it couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

"Huh? Why is the power in you so strange?"

In its perception, the avenue contained in Yang Shou's consciousness is even more bizarre than the person it met countless years ago.

"Weird, weird, I've never seen such avenues before..."

Yang Shou's mouth twitched, he looked at this self-consciousness, and instinctively felt that it was talking about the doomed energy in him.

Born out of destruction.

He hasn't opened his mouth yet, and this self-consciousness... says he doesn't know.

Will he still speak?

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, and after a long while, the beast-shaped aperture continued to say: "People who are destined to enter this place, it means that you have opened up a primitive world, and you can ask a question on the avenue."

Yang Shou glanced at it contemptuously, he felt that there was no need for him to ask.

"I don't have anything to ask, can I replace it with another question?"

Yang Shou thought about it and said.

The beast-shaped aperture has never encountered such a thing. Throughout the ages, the avenue is very important. It did not expect that the person in front of him had nothing to ask.

After pondering for a while, it said lightly: "Yes, but I won't answer if I don't answer."

Several black lines appeared on Yang Shou's face. It seemed that this self-consciousness was healing here, and there was something wrong with his brain.

At this time, he was looking at his self-consciousness, preparing to see if he could be kidnapped.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to tie him back to the Daqian world and let him be the self-consciousness of his own world?


The beast-shaped aperture seemed to see through his mind, and pierced: "I am the Dao of this world, and you are only trying to kidnap me?"

"It's just a fool's dream!"

There was a deep disdain in his tone.

Yang Shou didn't take it His own thoughts were seen through by the other party, mainly because he was coming of consciousness.

At this moment, he is... in the closed loop of the communication world, preparing to lead it to this point, tying this self-consciousness.

This consciousness seems to be well-informed and... extremely weak.

Yang Shou estimated that it was at most the early tenth level.

At that time, the three ancestors did not kill it, let it run away, and it also paid a great price.

In the past few years, the Saint Race has opened up ten primitive worlds, but it... but it does not dare to summon the world masters to come up.

Mainly for fear of another conspiracy.

Seeing that Yang Shou was actually thinking about it at this time, he sneered sneeringly, and said, "You have bad intentions, stop here, go on!"

Saying that, an invisible drag force dragged Yang Shou's consciousness downward again.

At this time, Yang Shou only communicated the power of part of the closed loop of the world. When his consciousness was falling, he suddenly sacrificed the closed loop of the world and moved towards the beast-shaped aperture...

The closed loop of the world is everywhere, and everything is covered, but the beast-shaped aperture is always vigilant, and hastily turned sideways and avoided it.

It's just... that Yang Shou caught an arm and pulled him down.

"You... sneak attack on me, it's despicable!"

The roar from the beast-shaped aperture came, shaking the sky.

an animal hand.

Just like this, Yang Shou took him back to the Great Thousand World.

It appeared in the hands of Yang Shou's body.

"Master? How?"

Seeing Yang Shou's return, Xu Mu hurried over.

Yang Shouzheng looked down at the animal hand in his hand, there was no power in it, it was like a dead thing.

But it is indeed what he has taken from this so-called autonomous consciousness of the world.

Just staring at this arm, Yang Shou felt more and more that this creature might not be the autonomous consciousness of the world.