MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 212

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The old man answered cheerfully.

"It's okay to come back, but you may really miss a big opportunity. Mr. Zhang just said that the family guarded by the Zhang family in the northeast is Changsheng. There is a saying that there will be opportunities in the chaos. In such a chaotic environment, It is very likely that there will be unexpected benefits, and maybe this longevity will fall in front of you.”

The old man looked at Zhang San Lianzi with a joking expression.

no problem.

"Third Master Zhang, what are you playing? Although longevity is good, you have to have life to live long. Without life, all longevity is nonsense."

That's right.

It's like, if you have money, you have to spend your life.

In the same way, if you have a baby, you have to have a life.

This is the eternal truth.

Immediately afterwards, the old head put his head next to Zhang Sanlianzi's face.

asked mysteriously.

"Third Master Zhang, Mr. Zhang has already exposed the Wang family and the Zhang family. Will the Zhang family and Wang family in the northeast jump over the wall and do it?"


Zhang San Chain said lightly.

"I don't know if they can do it or not, but what I do know is that they will definitely clean up all the idle people in Changbai Mountain first."

"Longevity belongs to the Wang family and Zhang family in their hearts."


"Master Zhang, this is a bit too cruel."

Zhang Sanchain shook his head.

"Longevity is such a wonderful thing, how could the chain fall on this, impossible."

"Mr. Zhang also said that even a feng shui master like Wang Zanghai yearns for longevity and cannot desire it, let alone ordinary people like us."

Then he said again.

"Don't underestimate this thing."

"There are a lot of unknowns in this vein of Feng Shui. A powerful Feng Shui master will even put himself in a treasure cave, and it is not impossible to leave a memory. Mr. Zhang didn't say that Wang Zanghai used corpse turtle pill to leave a memory. But , can you be sure that the legend of Anyang will die?"

"The jade dragon in the Palace of Lu is something that gives people longevity. Although it is not a normal longevity, it is enough to prove that it can be a different kind of longevity."

The old head looked at Zhang Sanzian with a surprised look on his face, his thoughts surging in his heart.

"Could it be..."

Zhang San Chain nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I suspect that Wang Zanghai is still alive, just to wait for the complete decline of the Zhang family in the northeast, and then come out to occupy this longevity."

At this time, the old man was a little puzzled.

"Since you are waiting for longevity, why do you feel that the goals of the Wang family have changed?"


Zhang Sanlian asked with a little deep meaning.

"How can it change? If it does change, how can the people of the Wang family hide so deeply, without the comfort of Wang Zanghai, how can they still abide by the words of staying."

"Master Zhang thinks that Wang Zanghai is still there? He just survived in a different way?"

Zhang San nodded without a trace.

It can't be said too much.

"This is just my guess. In case the Wang family is a group of guys who like to follow the rules. Or maybe everyone in the Wang family likes longevity, which might be the case."

"Did you see? When Mr. Zhang mentioned the Wang family just now, there were figures in the crowd, and the Wang family was already eyeing Mr. Zhang, no surprises."

The old man was obviously still in disbelief.

"The Zhang family should also be here, but they are much quieter than the Wang family, which is in line with the identity of this hidden family."

Zhang San chain stroked his beard.

"More importantly, since Mr. Zhang said it, the Wang family and the Zhang family still exist. It seems that these two families are well hidden."

"At least, the two families don't know where each other exists yet."

The old man listened thoughtfully.

"Indeed, if both find each other, based on what Mr. Zhang said, the Zhang family in the northeast will definitely want to kill the Wang family. After all, Mr. Zhang said that this is a feud."

Zhang Sanlian looked at the high platform with a smile.

Not in words.



A different courtyard.

Several old people were sitting around the house.

"Damn, don't go to Mr. Zhang. Damn, we have already told our secrets. What secrets do we have in the Zhang family in the northeast!"

"Calm, didn't you just say something, what are you excited about, let me tell you, last time someone said a word to Mr. Zhang in the capital and suddenly died strangely."

This really frightened the man.

Immediately after.

he said.

"Haha, is it possible that I can't even discuss it in the capital?"

The voice just fell.

A cold voice sounded.

"No! Mr. Zhang's name cannot be slandered!"

Several figures with sticks in their hands rushed towards them without saying a word.

The Great Elder made a sound with a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh, it's not Zhang Chen's dog from the New Moon Hotel. Your boss has been too presumptuous recently."


Several people rushed towards the elder with sticks in hand.

I saw that the first elder did not move, and the second elder beside him punched.

Several figures even flew out in a hungry line.


Stop breathing!


The elder frowned.

"Second brother, you are too cruel."

"ruthless, but not ruthless. It's not as good as Mr. Zhang's shot. That shot will cost hundreds of lives, and sometimes there's not even scum left."

The surrounding people did not refute this.

That's true, Zhang Chen never kills someone alive.

next moment.

The elder looked at the newspaper with dull eyes.

"Follow the law?"

"What does it say?"

Everyone looked over in unison, and wrote a string of words in the newspaper.

"Children of aristocratic families made rude words and insulted Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang attracted thunder and lightning and blew it into ashes."

There was a sudden 500 sound of swallowing saliva around.

"Elder's mother-in-law's possibility?"

"It should be possible, it did rain just now."

"It's also thundering."

The man added.

"It seems that this matter cannot be fake."

"However, what I don't understand is that the feud between the Zhang family and the Wang family is unknown except for our two families. Why is Zhang Chen aware of it."

Everyone was silent for a while.

Suddenly someone raised his head and said.

"Could it be that Mr. Zhang has been studying several of our families all these years?"

"It should be unlikely. If someone can study us, it would be rare. We will definitely be able to find it, but Mr. Zhang may not know the location of Wang's and Zhang's homes."

Everyone guessed and didn't come up with anything.

What they are hesitating now is whether to see Mr. Zhang.

Before Zhang Chen hadn't told their secrets, they could still be friends, but now it seems that it's a bit difficult to be friends, and people don't seem to be afraid.

At this time.

The person next to him commented.

"Elder, although our Northeast Zhang family guards the secret of bronze gate longevity, except for the patriarch, we still don't know that the last time Mr. Zhang's other courtyard spread a breath that can make people younger, Why don't we take a look."

"You're right about fifth. Let's take a couple of puffs without breaking the law, and experience something that makes you younger."

"Wait, get younger!"

The first elder suddenly looked solemn and looked at the person beside him.

"Since Mr. Zhang said that he is getting younger, according to the accuracy of Mr. Zhang's storytelling, will the substances in the other courtyard that make people younger are the substances behind the bronze door we guard?".

Chapter 218 Sweeping Wang (Wang Family) Action

Everyone listens.

They all shook their heads, saying that this is absolutely impossible.

"Elder, we have been guarding the bronze door for so long, how can there be such a strange thing, the bronze door is so tall, if you want to open it wide, it will definitely alarm our guardians inside, we can't not know, unless Mr. Zhang Zhang There is a wall-penetrating escape technique."

"Qimen Dunjia?"

Everyone was speechless, everything could be related to Qimen Dunjia.

"That Lei was not so simple just now. Mr. Zhang must have mastered things that people have not mastered, even more miraculous than Changsheng."

"Indeed, the things around him are basically obtained out of thin air, and no one can find out the source of these things."

"My whole body is full of mysteries, a mysterious man."

"Let's go, at this time, the Crescent Hotel should be over. Before Mr. Zhang's interest has declined, we may still have a chance to meet."

"Hehe, the Great Elder plane looks down on him too much. Everyone calls him Mr., that is, he can bring a different tomb to the tomb robber world."

The first elder turned his head to look at the younger generation of this family.

Yes, this is the courage of the Zhang family.

No matter what he is, Mr. Zhang.

The younger generation of the Zhang family must have this kind of momentum.