MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 16

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The sound of the plane slowly disappeared, Jiang Shuyi took a breath.

She stared at Wen Yao blankly, not knowing what to say.


Wen Yao didn't respond to her thank you, she looked at the people running on the playground outside the window, and spoke casually.

"And you?"

"Ah?" Jiang Shuyi didn't know what she was asking.

Wen Yao turned around slowly and glanced at Jiang Shuyi, she asked indifferently, "Why did you hit someone just now?"

"...That person spoke ill of you." Jiang Shuyi defended in a low voice with some discomfort.

She didn't realize that she looked very much like the kid who complained in the kindergarten.

Wen Yao hugged her arm, looked at Jiang Shuyi with a little scrutiny in her eyes,

"But I remember you also said that I was 'mean, indifferent, and unreasonable'."

Jiang Shuyi felt himself choking.

How can this person hold grudges so well?

How long ago was this? Why does this person still remember...

Jiang Shuyi, who had been exposed, turned his head away with some guilt, "Did I say that? Even if I did, I don't feel that way now, okay..."



The bell for the start of the lunch break rang, Wen Yao looked at his watch, turned and walked out of the teaching building.

Jiang Shuyi was a little surprised that she didn't go back to the classroom, but he just paused, followed Wen Yao out of the teaching building as soon as he turned around.


The two were walking on the road from the teaching building to the administrative building.

"Aren't you going back to the classroom?" Wen Yao asked expressionlessly.

"...I still have questions to ask you." Jiang Shuyi whispered.

"..." Wen Yao didn't look back, "Ask."

Jiang Shuyi followed behind her, "That's right, I want to ask, won't I cause you any trouble?"

"No." Wen Yao replied.

Wen Yao's answer was very brief, Jiang Shuyi was taken aback for a moment, "Really?"

"En." Wen Yao said indifferently.

"Then I didn't hold you back?"


"..." Jiang Shuyi's throat moved, and his eyes lit up, "That's it."

"Then, Wen Yao—"

"..." Wen Yao didn't respond.

"Wen Yao."

Jiang Shuyi pulled Wen Yao's sleeve to make Wen Yao pay attention to himself, "If you don't hate me, can I still have dinner with you in the future?"

Wen Yao moved her fingers, "I have no way to intervene where you eat and sit."

Her tone was very stern.

Jiang Shuyi nodded, "I will have lunch with you from now on, remember to leave the seat next to you for me."

"..." Wen Yao didn't answer.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

Jiang Shuyi rushed to answer without giving Wen Yao any time.


After a while, Wen Yao walked into the office in the administration building.

"Ms. Zou, here is my application form for this semester."

Zou Yan glanced at the form in Wen Yao's hand, and confirmed the information, "Okay, I accept it."

"By the way, Wen Yao, when you go back, can you return these books to the library for me?" Zou Yan pointed to the materials on the desk.

"Okay." Wen Yao glanced at the hill-like pile of books, and nodded without frowning.


Jiang Shuyi had been waiting for Wen Yao at the door, and when she saw Wen Yao coming out with a book in her arms, she immediately stood up.

"Is everything done?" Jiang Shuyi looked around.


Seeing Wen Yao holding a large stack of books in his hand, Jiang Shuyi looked at the teacher in the office with some displeasure.

She asked Wen Yao worriedly, "Is it heavy?"

"..." Wen Yao shook his head.

"...Why do these teachers always order you?"

Jiang Shuyi complained, and took the documents from Wen Yao's hand with ease.

Wen Yao did not refuse Jiang Shuyi's kindness, "Thank you."

The two walked down the stairs one after the other.

"When you move these things in the future, you can call me. The two of us will be much faster together."

Jiang Shuyi put forward a suggestion frankly.

Wen Yao said calmly, "This kind of thing is a waste of time, don't you care?"

After hearing this question, Jiang Shuyi murmured a little embarrassingly, "It's not a waste of time to be with you..."

Wen Yao paused and walked forward again.

"Why are you silent, Wen Yao?"

"Don't you think you're wasting time with me?" Jiang Shuyi asked a little timidly while holding the book.

"...Well, it's true."

Wen Yao's cold voice was neither salty nor bland.


How did this man say such indifferent words so decisively?

Jiang Shuyi's heart fell to the bottom all of a sudden, "Oh..."

"...You think so." She drooped her head listlessly.

After placing the book in front of the librarian, the two walked out of the library.

On the way back to the teaching building from the library, you will pass a ginkgo forest.

The ginkgo forest looks golden in the season at the end of October, with a touch of poetic beauty.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the ginkgo trees, and then took a peek at Wen Yao, thinking that the Omega in front of him was actually very suitable for walking on the road with ginkgo leaves floating around.

Although she thinks being with me is a waste of time...

Jiang Shuyi snorted aggrievedly.

—Ruthless Omega.

I want to withdraw my words that I think she is good, how is this person not indifferent? Where is it not mean? She was miserable.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's back and became more and more angry.

Wen Yao took a few steps forward, feeling that the people behind him hadn't followed, so he looked in Jiang Shuyi's direction.

Jiang Shuyi stood alone in the tree

Looking at her expression, Wen Yao slowly turned around and walked in front of Jiang Shuyi.

Seeing Wen Yao walking over, Jiang Shuyi felt a lot better. She asked awkwardly, "What are you doing here?"

"Jiang Shuyi," Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's expression calmly and carefully, "Are you angry?"

"Angry? Me? How could I be angry? Why should I be angry? I'm not that kind of Alpha with a small belly." Jiang Shuyi pretended not to care and turned his head away.

"Jiang Shuyi, I'm always led by you to continue doing meaningless things."

Wen Yao looked at her and said.

"When I'm with you, I'm always aimless, and the things I do can't bring actual benefits, nor can they produce useful value."

"Just killing time like this and feeling like I'm getting nowhere."

Jiang Shuyi pressed his chest.

"Okay, Wen Yao, I see," she covered her ears with her hands, and squatted on the ground sadly, "You are not allowed to say anything."

Seeing Jiang Shuyi squatting in front of him like an abandoned dog, Wen Yao sighed silently.

"Jiang Shuyi."

"It's a luxury for me to spend my time doing things that don't make sense."

Wen Yao hugged her arm and said calmly.

"..." Jiang Shuyi continued to cover his ears.

"But I have no reluctance to waste time with you."

Wen Yao's voice was still so calm and indifferent.

But hearing these words, Jiang Shuyi stared blankly at Wen Yao, and immediately put his hand down.

Although she covered her ears just now, she listened to every word Wen Yao said.

Looking at her silly expression, Wen Yao reached out and patted her on the head as if to comfort her,

"Let's go back to the classroom."