MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 17

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The bell for the evening class rang.

The classroom was full of people.

"Wen Yao, come here." Li Roujia knocked on the front door of the class.

Wen Yao walked out of the classroom.

The cold air in mid-November is like a basin of cold water pouring on the head, which makes people feel the bone-chilling chill.

Even if he had already changed into a winter suit and a thick woolen sweater over his shirt, he couldn't stop the chill.

The heating is turned on in the classroom, so it’s okay to dress like this, but if you go out of the classroom, without the school’s uniform custom-made wool coat, most people can’t carry it.

Jiang Shuyi forgot to wear a woolen sweater today, compared to other students, he looks like someone from another season.

Of course she sneezed.

Song Jinxi tidied up the books, looked at Jiang Shuyi who was wiping his nose beside him,

"Jiang Shuyi, do you want to go to KTV? Yan Jingshu will come back today—"

Although he didn't know what Song Jinxi wanted to say, Jiang Shuyi shook his head,

"No, I have a headache, I have to go home early and go to sleep."

Besides, what's the fun in going to that kind of place?

Jiang Shuyi sniffed his snot again, but didn't say the second sentence.

"Ah, is it?" Song Jinxi didn't react too much, and walked out of the classroom with his bag on his back, "See you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow."

Jiang Shuyi put on his school uniform coat, and took another look at Wen Yao's place. The books on Wen Yao's place were neatly arranged, and the school uniform coat was also meticulously placed on the table.


Li Roujia and Wen Yao talked about the class.

There are a lot of things going on this month. A student in the class is coming back, and the sports meeting will start soon.

As the class monitor, Wen Yao has a lot of chores to do.

Li Roujia gave Wen Yao a stack of forms and information sheets.

Wen Yao checked and walked back to the classroom.

When she walked back to the classroom, there was no one in the corridor.

Breath in November forms a cold fog in the air.

When he walked to the back of the classroom, Wen Yao paused on his toes.

She thought the lights in the classroom should be dark.

But there is still a lamp in the classroom.

This was probably an oversight by the cleaners.

After all, if the evening self-study is over, the heating in the classroom will be turned off, so basically no one will stay in this extremely cold place.

Self-study is also to go to the library or self-study room for self-study.

Wen Yao recalled who was cleaning today, and planned to go there tomorrow to remind him.

In any case, if you don't turn off the lights, you will be deducted class points.

She thought about pushing open the door, and a clean and familiar scent of lemon balm came.

Alpha leaning against the window slowly turned his head to look at her, "I'm back."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's watery eyes and tightly closed mouth, and couldn't help but open slightly,

"You—" Why are you still there?

But before she could speak, Jiang Shuyi wrapped his arms around Wen Yao, and put his coat on Wen Yao's shoulders.

"Remember to add a coat when you go out, don't catch a cold."

The smell of lemon balm seemed to fall on Wen Yao's shoulders together with the coat.


"So?" Yan Jingshu looked at her mobile phone from which she sent the text message, and blinked her eyes while holding her chin, "Why didn't she reply to my text message?"

"Probably sleeping."

"Sleep?" Yan Jingshu frowned and turned off her phone, and looked at Song Jinxi who was indifferent, "It's only past nine? Are you kidding me?"

"..." Song Jinxi glanced at Yan Jingshu and didn't answer.

"Is there such a pattern in Jiang Shuyi's life?"

The pomegranate juice in front of her reflected Yan Jingshu's lovely face. She was one of the rare girls who made Song Jinxi feel that there was nothing wrong with calling her a doll.

Eyes shining like jewels, a small and delicate nose, soft and lovely lips.

Just the appearance alone looks like an angel.

Although I don't like this kind of fallen angel at all.

Song Jinxi thought about picking up a fork and took a bite of the tomato.

Yan Jingshu and Song Jinxi have known each other since they were young, so for Yan Jingshu, she only has a bad impression of being self-willed, a young lady, coquettish, and arrogant.

However, even though they were both young, Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi didn't have much in common.

So, this led to the fact that Jiang Shuyi fell in love with Yan Jingshu at first sight on the day Song Jinxi introduced the two to each other in the first year of high school, and it was out of control.

Song Jinxi, who was the middleman, didn't care at all.

Love is like the measles after all.

Who Jiang Shuyi likes actually doesn't make much difference to her, as a friend, she just needs to express her support.

Yan Jingshu wanted to hang on to Jiang Shuyi, but she didn't think it mattered, anyway, she didn't help anyone too much.

After all, Yan Jingshu has always been like this since she was a child, she just kept silent as always.

It's just that she didn't expect that Yan Jingshu would go abroad without saying a word.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know about the day Yan Jingshu went abroad, and neither did Song Jinxi herself.

When she saw Jiang Shuyi locked himself in the room for a long time and did not come out, she really regretted it.

"I'll give her a call." Yan Jingshu turned on the phone again.

"There are so many people today, let's forget it." Song Jinxi looked at the people who danced together to celebrate Yan Jingshu in the distance, "Besides, she seems to be unwell today, and she won't even if you call her." here."

Song Jinxi stopped him, thinking of Jiang Shuyi's sniffling look, she felt a little sympathetic.

"How come? She is Jiang Shuyi?"

Yan Jingshu looked at Song Jinxi without any doubt in her tone.

"Doesn't she like me the most? I call her, why doesn't she come?"

Yan Jingshu lightly tapped her pink lips with her index finger, her tone was light and puzzled.

She took out her mobile phone and started looking for Jiang Shuyi's phone number in the address book.

The lights in the KTV box were dim, and Song Jinxi felt a little headache when he heard the deafening singing.

She watched Yan Jingshu looking for Jiang Shuyi's phone number leisurely, and pulled out the phone from Yan Jingshu's phone in a moment of speechlessness.

"You haven't called a single call since you left the country, and now you're calling her again to tell her to come out."

"Isn't that a little too much?"

Song Jinxi originally didn't intend to favor anyone, but thinking of Jiang Shuyi's appearance, he still couldn't help his anger.


Yan Jingshu looked into the distance indifferently, picked up the pomegranate juice in front of her,

"But I can't not go to the competition, can I?"

Her tone was somewhat willful and natural.

"I have a dream too."

"I can't give up my dream for comfort alone?"

Her jewel-like eyes blinked earnestly.

"I have been learning the violin since I was a child, but I have known Jiang Shuyi for less than three years."

"Isn't it a little too much for you to ask me not to go abroad to accompany her? Song Jinxi?"

"And ah..."

"You should at least tell her when you go abroad." Song Jinxi sighed.

"I'm not Shuyi's Omega, and she's not my Alpha, I have no obligation to tell her, right?"

"But she'd be happy if I asked her to come here, wouldn't she?"

"After all, she likes me, not I like her."

Yan Jingshu picked up the cherry in front of her with a golden fork, and put it into her mouth indifferently.

Her smile still looks like an angel, but Song Jinxi just wants to sigh.

Song Jinxi glanced at her, "...If you're like this, she won't like you sooner or later."

"Huh?" Yan Jingshu tapped her lips with her fingers, and laughed out of the impossible, "Although I think Shu Yi will always like me."

"But if she doesn't like me anymore, then I'll get another dog?"

"You know, there are always many people who like me."