MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 27

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Feeling the top of his head being patted twice, Jiang Shuyi was stunned.

"Wen Yao."

Her other hand, which didn't grab Wen Yao's, was propped against the wall, trying to stand up unsteadily.

But because of the alcohol and the fall just now, her movements were very uncoordinated.

"Do you want me to help you? Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao's voice was dry and quiet, which sounded very comfortable.

"..." Jiang Shuyi shook his head and stood up.

She looked at Wen Yao seriously, "Did you just say that as long as I don't drink, we won't divorce?"


Wen Yao looked into her misty eyes, and said in a calm and calm tone as always: "I never said that."

"But, I really won't drink any more in the future." Jiang Shuyi sniffled, and said to himself, "Don't divorce me again..."

What an Alpha talking to himself. Wen Yao thought.

"Let's go, Jiang Shuyi."

Wen Yao was a little tired of dealing with this drunk, so he didn't reply, so he dragged her out of the hotel helplessly.

"..." Jiang Shuyi held Wen Yao's hand tightly and did not let go.

As soon as he left the restaurant, the wind was very strong, and Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but run out of his nose.

Wen Yao looked at her dangling snot, and somewhat helplessly took out a tissue from her bag and pasted it on Jiang Shuyi's face.

"..." Jiang Shuyi felt that Wen Yao was wiping his nose, and looked at Wen Yao in a daze.

dim street lights

A white snow began to fall between the two of them.

"It's snowing." Wen Yao said and threw the paper towel that wiped Jiang Shuyi's snot into the trash can.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky, sneezed again, and then started looking at Wen Yao anxiously.

Looking at the snot on Jiang Shuyi's face again, Wen Yao frowned, "Jiang Shuyi, you didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

Jiang Shuyi put his head on Wen Yao's shoulder with a whole Alpha, and the big dog leaned his head on Wen Yao's shoulder to keep warm, "...I'm so cold, Wen Yao."

Feeling Jiang Shuyi put his head on his shoulder, Wen Yao's expression froze for a moment.

The snowflakes in the cold wind slowly surrounded the two of them.

Wen Yao lowered his eyes and looked at Jiang Shuyi's side face, his throat rolled slightly.

After a while, Wen Yao took off the scarf she had just put on, and wrapped the scarf around the neck of the big Alpha leaning on her shoulder.

"Is it still cold?" There was a hint of sympathy for the drunk in her tone.

Perhaps if there are other people, they will probably feel a little pampered.

"...It's not cold anymore," Jiang Shuyi shook her head slowly, she fiddled with the fragrant rose-smelling scarf with her hands, "I really like this scarf."

Wen Yao looked away, she was silent for a few seconds and turned around, "Wait here for me, I'll call a taxi."

Jiang Shuyi held onto Wen Yao's hand tightly, not letting go of her, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes that was an abandoned dog.

"Jiang Shuyi, I'll be right back." Wen Yao patted her hand.

"...I don't want it." Jiang Shuyi's eyes were filled with tears again.

Jiang Shuyi felt that they just got back together, and Wen Yao was going to leave her again, just thinking about this made her feel very uncomfortable,

"I really don't drink anymore, you can't stop mine..."

Tears rolled from the corners of her eyes, looking pitiful.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi's eyes that were red and swollen from crying, fell silent for a moment, and replied objectively and calmly, "I'm just going to call a taxi."


Jiang Shuyi didn't understand her words at all, and desperately didn't intend to let go of Wen Yao's hand.

Wen Yao knew that this Alpha was drunk and couldn't think clearly, so he took her to the avenue together.

"..." After walking for a while, Jiang Shuyi finally felt relieved.

She felt that although her body was very cold, her heart and hands were warm, warm and very comfortable.

Her mood suddenly improved, "Honey, the two of us are pressing the road."

"..." Wen Yao looked at the smug Alpha, and whispered calmly:

"But I feel like I'm walking the dog."

"..." Jiang Shuyi lowered his head aggrievedly.

She also called me a dog. She was thinking, but didn't notice Wen Yao's gentle expression beside her.

The snow wind was very strong, Jiang Shuyi quietly rested his head on Wen Yao's shoulder again.

The hands of the two were tightly held together, Jiang Shuyi felt very good, very happy...


... well what?

Jiang Shuyi's face was red, his ears were red and his head was drooping, looking at his toes unrequitedly.

—Ah, I'm afraid this toe can buckle a pentagon. she thought regretfully.

"I was wrong about Wen Yao," Jiang Shuyi swallowed painfully, "I was really wrong..."

Jiang Shuyi didn't dare to look at Wen Yao's face at all.

"I..." Jiang Shuyi's teeth trembled a little.

She wants to cry here now in a completely different state of mind than last night.

If the sadness last night was false, then today, she felt that she was really sad.

She finally understood why so many people hated alcohol.


What's even sadder is that this memory turned black after they waited for the taxi to arrive.

Her memory actually lasted until she got into a taxi?

What happened after getting into the taxi?

Why can't she remember it no matter how hard she thinks?

Jiang Shuyi raised his head in embarrassment, and looked at Wen Yao, "Well...Wen Yao, after getting in the taxi, I shouldn't have continued to do any strange things, right?"

Wen Yao held his chin, and looked at Jiang Shuyi somewhat coldly.


Jiang Shuyi swallowed, his pupils widened, and he bit his lips tightly, "Huh?"

"Do you want to know?" Wen Yao's tone was heavy, with a stern look in his eyes.

Jiang Shuyi's breathing became stagnant, and she clutched her chest, "Ah, don't."

"You better stop talking, Wen Yao, don't make me miserable."

Jiang Shuyi squatted on the ground sadly, feeling that his toes couldn't take it anymore.

Wen Yao straightened the table expressionlessly, "That's good."

"..." Jiang Shuyi didn't dare to reply her at all.

"Sit down and write the questions." Wen Yao nodded his desk.

"..." Jiang Shuyi hurriedly nodded and sat down, peeking at Wen Yao's face full of shame.

"This is your homework for today." Wen Yao handed her a list.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the well-written list, and his throat choked up for a moment, "Wen Yao, this—"

This is twice the usual amount.

"..." Wen Yao looked up at her, without saying a word.

Although she said nothing, Jiang Shuyi seemed to be able to understand the anger in her eyes, "..."

This list is probably what I deserve. Jiang Shuyi thought.

After all, I was so much like a wild horse last night, it is normal for Wen Yao to want to punish himself.

So, she shrank her neck honestly, "I will..."

After watching Jiang Shuyi turn his head to do his homework, Wen Yao lowered his eyes, stopped the pen in his hand, and touched the mole on his neck expressionlessly.


The taxi drove up in front of the two of them, and Jiang Shuyi happily held Wen Yao's hand.

She thinks she is really an Alpha with a good family.

No one in the world is happier than me. Jiang Shuyi thought.

The two got into the taxi, and Wen Yao reported his home address to the taxi driver.

After driving for a while, Jiang Shuyi finally became sleepy looking at the scene outside the window, her eyes began to half open and half close without strength.

Street lights passed over the faces of the two of them one after another, and Jiang Shuyi's body couldn't help leaning against the car door due to gravity and acceleration.

Because the car was bumping, her head kept bouncing up and down on the window like a spring ball.

But even so, this Alpha still didn't seem to wake up, his mouth was twitching, probably dreaming of something delicious again.

Wen Yao looked at her and couldn't help sighing, "Jiang Shuyi."

"..." Jiang Shuyi didn't answer.

"Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao called out again.

Still no answer.

Jiang Shuyi's head was still bouncing up and down on the car window, Wen Yao looked at her head, silently and slowly stretched out his hand to press Jiang Shuyi's head on his shoulder.

Jiang Shuyi opened his eyes, then slowly closed them again.

Not long after, the taxi drove to the alley in front of Wen Yao's house.

Wen Yao shook Jiang Shuyi's shoulder, "Jiang Shuyi."

Jiang Shuyi slowly opened his eyes, as if in a half-dream and half-awake state, "Wen Yao."

"Can you go home?" Wen Yao confirmed.

"Yeah." Jiang Shuyi seemed a little awake and a little unconscious.

"Then you should let go of my hand." Wen Yao said.


Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, and reluctantly let go of Wen Yao's hand.

"...This, it's time to give it back to me." Wen Yao touched his neck with his fingers.

Wen Yao signaled Jiang Shuyi to return his scarf to himself, it was not cold in the taxi, and Jiang Shuyi didn't need it when he got home.

But Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's neck blankly, as if he couldn't understand what Wen Yao meant.

She only found that Wen Yao was wearing a white round neck shirt to match the sweater today.

The collar is a little low, so the usually unknown mole that can only be seen faintly is exposed.

Wen Yao's movement of pointing at his neck was immediately connected with another picture in Jiang Shuyi's mind...

—That was when she was a child. At that time, her mother also liked to point her finger at her face, asking her to kiss herself.

Thus, Jiang Shuyi, with hazy eyes, looked at Wen Yao, feeling that he had fully understood what Wen Yao meant.

She held the door of the taxi with her hands, and kissed Wen Yao's delicate mole without saying a word.