MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 28

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After Song Jinxi sorted out his things, he found that Jiang Shuyi was gone, so he hurriedly chased after him.

But as soon as she went out, she inadvertently looked into the distance, and saw Wen Yao gently patted Jiang Shuyi's head not far away, and then the dazed Alpha stood up, holding her hand and walking away slowly …

Looking at this picture, Song Jinxi froze in place.

"Song Jinxi, what are you doing standing here?" Yan Jingshu walked out of the shop slowly.

Song Jinxi shuddered, and quickly reached out to cover Yan Jingshu's eyes.

Feeling that her eyes were covered, Yan Jingshu was very unhappy.

"What are you doing?"

"Song Jinxi, put your hand off my eyes." She ordered.

"Wait a minute..." Song Jinxi shook his head.

—After those two people left...

"I told you to put it down, don't you understand?"

"Song Jinxi." Yan Jingshu's tone became a little angry.

But Song Jinxi didn't let go of her hand.

She knew that this Omega, who was always proud and kept a delicate smile, had been in a bad mood after hearing Jiang Shuyi's "wife" today.

Intuition told Song Jinxi that she couldn't let Yan Jingshu see Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao together.

"I said let me go, did you hear, Song Jinxi?" Yan Jingshu twisted the back of Song Jinxi's hand vigorously with her fingers.

"Hiss!" Song Jinxi couldn't help but take his hand away after all.

Yan Jingshu looked in the direction Song Jinxi cared about as if examining her.

What caught Yan Jingshu's eyes was Jiang Shuyi who lowered his head and stretched out his neck to Wen Yao, asking her to put the scarf around her neck.

Yan Jingshu's throat rolled quietly.

Song Jinxi watched Yan Jingshu staring at the scene in the distance without blinking, and found that her eyelashes were trembling slightly.

She thought that Yan Jingshu was about to shed tears, so she couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed, "Hey, Yan Jingshu, you..."

"...Who do you think I am, Song Jinxi?"

A smile appeared on Yan Jingshu's face, she looked the same as usual, "Isn't he just Jiang Shuyi?"

"Am I going to do anything just because she's with an omega?"

"Do you think I'd be offended by something like this?"

Yan Jingshu uttered three rhetorical questions one after another.

"..." Song Jinxi looked at her like this and didn't reply.

"...Really? You really don't care?" Song Jinxi looked into Yan Jingshu's eyes.

Although Yan Jingshu looks very calm and proud and complacent now, Song Jinxi always feels that this person's heart is probably not so calm.

Because she and Yan Jingshu grew up together, she knew.

This person is very face-saving, extremely arrogant, and cannot lower his face in front of anyone.

Yan Jingshu smiled calmly and indifferently, "I have nothing to do with what Jiang Shuyi wants..."

As she spoke, she turned her back, stopped glancing at the drunken Alpha in the distance, and walked quickly towards the parking lot.


Song Jinxi looked at her tightly holding Bao's hand and didn't say a word.


The next day, Song Jinxi arrived at school and found Jiang Shuyi sitting on his seat writing a book.

"…what are you doing?"

"Write physics questions." Jiang Shuyi rubbed his forehead and answered sullenly.

Other subjects can be handled well, but Jiang Shuyi really forgot how to do the physics problem, and it takes a lot of time to write every time.

Speaking of which, I haven't been good at dealing with physics since junior high school... Jiang Shuyi thought.

What kind of backlash is this?

"Are you writing questions again?"

Song Jinxi was shocked, this month Jiang Shuyi was really working hard, she had watched her do a lot of exercises.

In her heart, Jiang Shuyi was not someone who would study like this.

"But, Wen Yao asked me to write." Jiang Shuyi said without raising his head.

—How could I hear a trace of pride in her words?

Song Jinxi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"You listen to Wen Yao too much, don't you?" Song Jinxi sighed, "Are you really the bully of our school?"

Although Wen Yao is the class monitor, but she asked Jiang Shuyi to write it, it's strange that Jiang Shuyi just wrote it.

Jiang Shuyi gave her a strange look, "Listening to Wen Yao's words, is there any conflict with being a school bully? I don't think so?"


Song Jinxi couldn't help but think back to that 'wife' yesterday, and how they walked away holding hands yesterday...

"Actually, I wanted to ask you yesterday, Jiang Shuyi."

"Huh?" Jiang Shuyi replied sullenly, it could be seen that she was not in a good mood because of writing the question.

"You don't like Yan Jingshu anymore?" Song Jinxi turned the pen in his hand, and looked at Jiang Shuyi inquisitively.

"Well, I don't like it anymore." Jiang Shuyi replied very decisively.

"...Oh," Song Jinxi didn't know why, he felt that he had guessed the answer before asking, so he was not particularly surprised, "Then do you like Wen Yao?"

Jiang Shuyi's ears turned red, and his writing speed became faster, "...I don't have any."

"Just yesterday, I saw that the squad leader dragged you away." Song Jinxi thought her reaction was quite interesting, so she continued to ask: "Could you two go back together?"

"Yes..." Jiang Shuyi nodded sincerely without denying it.

But she immediately realized that this sentence was ambiguous, and quickly explained, "We took a taxi back to our respective homes, and didn't go anywhere else."

"Then nothing happened to you?" Song Jinxi's eyes were full of inquiry.

Why would Wen Yao, who is so polite and indifferent, allow Jiang Shuyi to call her 'wife'?

Obviously that Omega is very indifferent to everyone, why did he walk with Jiang Shuyi holding hands?

Why would such a clean freak lend Jiang Shuyi his scarf?

She felt that something must have happened to the two of them.

Hearing Song Jinxi's words, Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment, those unbearable memories reappeared in his mind.

She hesitated to speak and glanced at Song Jinxi.

There were too many things that happened last night, even if she said one thing about Song Jinxi, she would laugh at her for the rest of her life.

Therefore, Jiang Shuyi resolutely refused to say anything, coughed and continued to work on the question: "Nothing happened..."

Absolutely tricky. Song Jinxi looked at her earlobe and said affirmatively.


After class, Jiang Shuyi walked up to Wen Yao's side and handed her the homework he had done.

Wen Yao corrected her questions without saying a word.

Wen Yao naturally put her hair on her shoulders today, looking gentle.

Jiang Shuyi thought that the dog that Wen Yao couldn't see looked at Wen Yao furtively, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Wen Yao felt Jiang Shuyi's gaze without raising his head, and couldn't help feeling that Alpha's gaze was a bit scorching.

But she didn't say anything, and drew a circle on Jiang Shuyi's plan list, indicating that today's task was completed.

Jiang Shuyi laughed and focused on his homework.

Wen Yao glanced at her silly expression, and unconsciously smiled.

"Wen Yao," Jiang Shuyi slowly raised his head and looked at her eagerly, "Are you not angry with me?"

Wen Yao seemed to remember something, and immediately returned to his original icy expression, "...Well, it's gone."

Jiang Shuyi's face froze, "..."

This duplicity Omega is definitely still mad at me.

"Can you stop being angry with me, Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi looked at her without moving.

"..." Seeing her unhappy look, Wen Yao's eyes were all extinguished with light just now, and she couldn't help but yelled, "I'm not angry anymore." She compromised.

"Really?" Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao intently.

Looking at her expectant eyes, Wen Yao couldn't help but reach out and pat her on the head, "Yeah."

Jiang Shuyi looked at her smiling brightly, and seemed to be finally satisfied, "Hee hee, that's good."


Wen Yao withdrew his hand and stopped talking.

"Oh, okay, then I'll go back."

Jiang Shuyi finally went back.

Looking at her back, Wen Yao couldn't help but smile.


Zhou Jingtang sat back in his seat. He glanced at Jiang Shuyi who had just returned to his seat, and sighed, "I think Mr. Yi often comes to you to study recently."

"..." Wen Yao lowered his head expressionlessly, flipped through a page of the book in front of him, and began to write the formula, "Yes."

Zhou Jingtang glanced at Jiang Shuyi's side, and laughed out of nowhere, "I didn't expect her to do the questions so seriously, and even finished them all..."

"Is it so unbelievable?" Wen Yao's tone was indifferent, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"Not really, but I think she doesn't need to work so hard." Zhou Jingtang laughed.

"You think, her family is so rich, it doesn't matter if she doesn't study?"

"Besides, I always thought she was going to enter an art university..."

Wen Yao's hand that was writing stopped, and her fingers could not help but pause silently on the pen.

Zhou Jingtang continued to explain to himself: "Mr. Yi is an art student. She plays the piano very well. She should be admitted to a good art university by self-enrollment."

The air stagnated, and Wen Yao turned his head to look at Zhou Jingtang.

Zhou Jingtang looked at her as if she had heard it for the first time, and it wasn't too surprising.

After all, even though Wen Yao is the squad leader, he actually doesn't care much about others in essence, and only has another world in his eyes.

"Did you not see her performance last year?"

"I'll find the video for you, there should be some in the class."

Zhou Jingtang took out his mobile phone and clicked on the group file of the class group, "...Oh, the download volume is quite high."

Zhou Jingtang sighed and clicked on the video for Wen Yao to watch.

Wen Yao's eyes fell silently on the screen of the mobile phone in front of him.

In the video, the person with a familiar face moved her chair, adjusted her bow tie with indifference and alienation, moved her fingers skillfully, and played the piano smoothly under the quiet attention of the audience.

The video is not long and ends within a few minutes.

"How is it? Mr. Yi played well, right?" Zhou Jingtang asked her with a smile.

Wen Yao calmly handed back the phone to Zhou Jingtang, nodded silently, ""

The bell for the evening self-study class rang.

Everyone in the class slowly returned to their positions.

Wen Yao looked at the physics test points and knowledge points that were summarizing in front of him and stopped writing, without saying a word.