MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 3

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When Jiang Shuyi returned to the classroom, more than half of the big break had passed, so she looked around the classroom.

Wen Yao, who came back a step ahead of her, sat in his seat, looking at the book expressionlessly.

Jiang Shuyi had never seen such a calm person after being marked.

— What a cow!

For some unknown reason, Jiang Shuyi deliberately walked past Wen Yao, wanting to see Wen Yao's reaction.

But Wen Yao turned a page of the book in his hand without raising his head.

She is ignoring me!

Jiang Shuyi's eyes widened in disbelief.

Jiang Shuyi really wanted to know what kind of book was so good, so that this person would read it with his arms as soon as he came back, even the Alpha who had just marked himself walked past so coldly without looking up.

Of course, in addition to this, she has many unique ideas.

For example, she herself is older than Wen Yao at any rate. In terms of learning, it's not too much to point Wen Yao with such a high profile as an elder, right?

She raised the corners of her lips silently, and glanced at the book in Wen Yao's hand with some contempt.

It's just that Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao's book, and couldn't help swallowing.

—Why can't I read the words written in that book?

—Which country’s language is this?

Jiang Shuyi took a breath in embarrassment, turned his footsteps abruptly, and walked back to his seat without saying a word.

—What kind of foreign language books do you read... It seems that you are very capable.

Jiang Shuyi thought unconvinced.

If she hadn't known this person before she came here, she would definitely not want to play with this kind of person who blatantly pretends to be in the classroom.

Song Jinxi glanced at Jiang Shuyi who sat down angrily, "Are you in a bad mood?"

"No." Jiang Shuyi pretended to be nonchalant and turned her head, she didn't want to admit that she was in a bad mood because of Wen Yao, "I'm fine."

Song Jinxi took out a fashion magazine from the drawer, and flipped through it with a calm face, "That's right, how can you be in a bad mood just after marking Omega?"

Jiang Shuyi immediately got up from his seat, and the chair creaked throughout the class.

She was surprised, "You, what are you..."

Song Jinxi slowly flipped through another page of the magazine, "The Omega rose smell on your body is very fragrant."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Song Jinxi in horror, hugged himself tightly, "..."

Can't you smell it all?

Song Jinxi put a bottle of spray on her table, "You can use this."

Jiang Shuyi took a look, it was a pheromone neutralizer, which could cover up the smell of pheromone on his body, "...Thank you."

"It's okay, this is the first time I know that you have an Omega. Before that, you clearly said that you don't want anyone but that one." Song Jinxi yawned while holding his chin.

Jiang Shuyi almost stumbled on the spot, she looked at Song Jinxi, and said sternly, "This was completely an accident, she is not my Omega!"

Song Jinxi looked like an old god, "I understand, everyone is Alpha."

Jiang Shuyi shook his head weakly.

No, you don't understand!


In the evening, Jiang Shuyi returned home with his bag on his back.

When she saw the dark green Bentley parked in front of her house, she knew that Tang Wenzhen had come home.

Sure enough, as soon as I opened the door, I saw a pair of white high-heeled shoes at the door.

Tang Wenzhen is back. Jiang Shuyi thought.

Tang Wenzhen is Jiang Shuyi's mother and the head of the development department of Haijiang Group.

She seldom goes home, but when she does, she always quarrels with the original owner.

It can be said that their relationship is so bad that as soon as they see Tang Wenzhen, the original owner will want to smash the door and leave.

Jiang Shuyi tiptoedly put the shoes into the shoe cabinet.

She knew that Tang Wenzhen was not a vegetarian, so she thought that there would be no conflicts if there were no conflicts.

"Jiang Shuyi, don't rush back to your room, come here."

Before her shoes were put away, Tang Wenzhen called to stop her.

Her tone was very patient, but there was also a tinge of fear.

Jiang Shuyi turned his head in shock, and saw Tang Wenzhen sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Tang Wenzhen was looking at the company's report, sitting dignifiedly and elegantly.

Jiang Shuyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and walked over very obediently.

"Mom, why are you back? Isn't the company busy?" Jiang Shuyi looked at her and forced a smile, hoping to soften Tang Wenzhen's face without a smile.

But obviously, Tang Wenzhen was really angry.

"If I don't come back, I'm afraid your tail will stick up into the sky."

Tang Wenzhen threw Jiang Shuyi's test paper on the coffee table, and pressed his fingers on his temple, "Please explain to me what's going on with your score?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi also glanced at the paper, couldn't help but turned his head away with a hiss.

This point is too hot for the eyes.

Although Jiang Shuyi delayed his graduation, he had never had such a score before coming here.

Tang Wen crossed his arms and glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "Your father and I are not at home, so you study so hard? Did you pass the exam like this? Then you still skip class? Does it mean that next time I see you, I will go to the police station gone?"


"Jiang Shuyi, I warn you not to go out with those dubious people outside." Tang Wenzhen glanced at her.

"The grades are not good, at least the attitude is in place, right? But what can you do besides causing trouble? Without me and your father, you are really nothing!"

As soon as these words came out, the space became much quieter.

Jiang Shuyi pursed his lips.

She was used to growing up, and she had never heard such criticism of herself. Even if it was done by the original owner, it was the first time for her to be scolded like this.

"Aren't you talking?" Tang Wenzhen pressed her finger between her eyebrows, feeling that her words might be too serious, but she couldn't get it to the end or the original owner made a mistake, so Jiang Shuyi still admitted his mistake: "Mom, I'm sorry, I was angry and hurt my body, you If you are angry, your body will not be well."

Tang Wenzhen looks harsh, but she is actually an Omega who is tough on the outside and soft on the inside.

After hearing Jiang Shuyi's words, Tang Wenzhen's expression became less tense all of a sudden, and she lowered the arms she was holding, and changed into a relaxed posture, " better not be able to."

Jiang Shuyi nodded sharply.

Tang Wenzhen was silent for a long time, and then added, "Have you eaten on time recently?"

This is her sign of reconciliation.

Jiang Shuyi nodded immediately, "Are you eating on time, how about you?"

"Me too, then go back to your room," Tang Wenzhen frowned, "Don't make an example, if I hear you skipping class in the future, just wait."

Jiang Shuyi returned to his room and wiped his face.

It's really hard to get through.


The next day, lunch break.

Jiang Shuyi and Song Jinxi walked to the school cafeteria, she glanced at the menu in the cafeteria.

The school cafeteria in Chengbei has a rich menu.

Jiang Shuyi saw her favorite spicy chicken on the menu at a glance.

If she saw this normally, she would definitely order two servings, but today she has no appetite, but the milk tea at the dessert column at the end of the menu made her a little interested.

— Rose Bobo Sea Salt Milk Cap.

But Jiang Shuyi's eyes stopped on it, a little hesitant.

— Was the name really intended to be pronounced?

Now that she is a school bully, she actually wants to order a 'Rose Bobo Sea Salt Milk Cap' in person. It's so underestimated by the news!

Song Jinxi who was standing in front of her had already ordered a set meal, "Jiang Shuyi, I'll take a seat first."

"Oh." Jiang Shuyi nodded.

She looked around with some intention of concealing it, and walked to the aunt in the cafeteria.

"I want a steamed egg."

The aunt in the cafeteria ordered a

"Also, more," Jiang Shuyi coughed, and whispered as if an undercover agent was giving a secret signal: "A cup of rose bobo sea salt milk cap."

Auntie looked at her as if she didn't hear clearly, "A cup of what?"

"Rose Bobo sea salt milk cap." Jiang Shuyi said in a low voice but accurately, while pointing at the menu with his finger.

Only then did the auntie understand what she wanted to order, and she confirmed it again, "Rose Bobo sea salt milk cap, right?"

Although the aunt may look forty or fifty years old, her voice is very energetic and full of energy.

In an instant, all the students around looked over with curiosity and whispered, words like 'school bully', 'bobo' and 'rose' were all caught by Jiang Shuyi's overly excellent ears without exception. caught.

Jiang Shuyi's throat suddenly choked.

But now, she can only bite the bullet and nod, "Yes."

What's wrong? School bully can't drink rose bobo sea salt milk cover?

Looking at the appreciating gazes around him, Jiang Shuyi slandered wildly in his heart.

"I want a bowl of clear noodle soup."

A cold voice sounded beside Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi felt a cold rose fragrance flow into his nostrils.

Her fingers were stiff, and she looked towards the person beside her vigilantly.

Wen Yao was standing at the cafeteria window next to her, she looked at Jiang Shuyi, and turned her head away as if she felt that there was no need to say hello.

As for? Don't even want to see her face?

Jiang Shuyi somehow felt a little angry again, "Hello."

Just as she was about to say hello to Wen Yao, the aunt in the cafeteria brought her a plate.

Auntie routinely confirmed a sea salt milk cap, right? "

There seemed to be more students looking at Jiang Shuyi with warm eyes in the back, and there were even a few suffocating exclamations like "she's kinda cute".

Jiang Shuyi handed the meal ticket to his aunt in despair, and from the corner of his eye, he took another look at Wen Yao who was standing beside him.

Wen Yao, who was standing straight, heard the greeting, and his eyes fell on Jiang Shuyi's dinner plate with rose petals floating on the rose bobo sea salt milk cap.

Jiang Shuyi took a breath, her whole body turned red instantly, she explained in a blunt tone: "Although you may think that this is what I ordered to drink for myself, it's not like that."

—It's over, she will definitely think that I like her pheromone very much.

The aunt on the other side also gave Wen Yao's lunch to Wen Yao.

Wen Yao just slowly looked away from the gorgeous glass of drink, and walked away without saying a word.

"Student, don't be in a daze, give up your seat to the next classmate." The aunt urged.

Jiang Shuyi's shoulders trembled, fearing that his aunt would say something, he hurriedly fled the scene with the dinner plate.

Jiang Shuyi sniffed his nose defiantly while walking.

She'll never order that **** drink at school again.