MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 4

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Jiang Shuyi is a person who doesn't worry all night, and within two days of the Rose Bobo sea salt milk cover incident, she has completely forgotten about it.

The first class on Wednesday is physical education.

The physical education teacher came over to announce the December sports meeting, and he took out a registration form.

"On this list are the events that everyone can participate in this sports meeting. Each of you needs to apply for at least one event."

He gave the form to Wen Yao, "This form must be filled out and handed in today."

Jiang Shuyi is a person who is very concerned about things other than study.

After the registration form came, she looked at several events carefully, and chose a sprint and a 400-meter reciprocating run.

And Wen Yao, who is the class monitor, was talking to an Alpha in front, and the two were shoulder to shoulder, almost close together.

Jiang Shuyi frowned, and hastily pulled Song Jinxi's sleeve, "Who is that person?"

Seeing the boy Jiang Shuyi pointed at, Song Jinxi yawned nonchalantly, "Deng Ningxuan, our team secretary."

"He's helped you many times before, hasn't he?"

"... Oh, sounds excellent?" Jiang Shuyi felt a little uncomfortable.

"Well, there are still some top ten grades."

Top ten in grade?

Jiang Shuyi kicked the ground in dissatisfaction, even if that person is the party secretary, there is no need for Wen Yao to look at a watch side by side with him, right?

—Ignore yourself and stand shoulder to shoulder with the party secretary?

Double standard!

Song Jinxi patted Jiang Shuyi's shoulder, "Let's go, let's play basketball."

Jiang Shuyi followed Song Jinxi to the basketball court with a displeasure on his face.



"Is anyone participating in the 1,500-meter race?" Wen Yao stood on the track and flipped through the registration form.

The 1,500-meter project may not be a big deal to an Alpha, but to an Omega, it is a deadly project that can kill them half after running.

The other students looked at each other, avoiding her sight tacitly.

After a while, Wen Yao took a look at the list selected just now, "Xie Mengting, you are the only one who didn't sign up—"

The implication is that Xie Mengting must come to participate in this project.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to be the school's announcer on the day of the sports meeting, so I shouldn't have to participate in the competition?" An Omega asked confidently.

There is only a barbed wire fence between the basketball court and the playground track.

Jiang Shuyi could clearly hear Wen Yao's voice, and when Xie Mengting asked a question, she looked in that person's direction.

Although there is a physical education class today, Xie Mengting still puts great effort into putting on makeup, which makes people feel that she should not appear in school but should appear on the cosmetics display stand of a department store.

Jiang Shuyi took a look at Xie Mengting's nails covered with colorful manicures, but he didn't think she could run 1,500 meters.

But Wen Yao still said coldly: "No."

"Why not? I also became an announcer last year, and Deng Ningxuan allowed me not to participate..."

Xie Mengting curled his hair with his hands, looking aggrieved.

"Is that so? Deng Ningxuan." Wen Yao turned to look at Deng Ningxuan.

When Deng Ningxuan heard Wen Yao call his name, he immediately walked over with a smile, "Squad leader, what's the matter?"

"Did you allow Xie Mengting not to participate in the sports meeting last year?"

Wen Yao asked quietly.

Deng Ningxuan pursed his lips and glanced at Xie Mengting, "Ah... that's right."

Wen Yao looked at him and his eyes became severe, "It is unfair to other students to treat a classmate with special treatment."

"I hope you don't deal with similar matters in the future. If other students know that you have relaxed the policy on Xie Mengting, there will be many headaches in the future. It has already caused trouble for me now."

Wen Yao looked at Deng Ningxuan expressionlessly, with a cold and heartless tone.

Deng Ningxuan sighed with an 'as expected' expression, "You're right, I'm sorry."

Xie Mengting's complexion turned ugly all of a sudden, and she stomped her feet, "What do you mean, do I have to run the 1,500 meters? But I still have a job as an announcer!"

Wen Yao looked at Xie Mengting, with the same tone, "When you are an announcer, you can make a schedule, and you can ask the teacher to move your round to a time when there is no competition. One thousand and five hundred meters, one hour is enough."

Seeing that the excuse was unreasonable, Xie Mengting bit her lips, and her pale fingers grabbed the hem of her clothes in frustration, looking very aggrieved.

"But I can't finish the 1,500 meters at all..."

Xie Mengting looked like he was about to cry.

"Participating in the competition is your personal obligation as a student. You didn't sign up in time because you thought you could escape the competition. Now you can only participate in this event. If you signed up earlier, it wouldn't be like this."

There was nothing to refute Wen Yao's words, "It can only be said that you are reaping the consequences."

"..." Xie Mengting, who was said to have a sore foot, clenched his lips and stopped talking. .

"Wen don't have to speak so harshly." Deng Ningxuan smiled helplessly.

"This is partly due to you, Deng Ningxuan." Wen Yao spoke sharply.

Deng Ningxuan forced a smile, and quickly patted Xie Mengting on the shoulder, "I know you are not the kind of irresponsible person, and this is the last sports meeting in high school, it would be a pity not to participate, isn't it?"

Maybe because he sensed that Deng Ningxuan was setting steps for himself, Xie Mengting nodded his head, his voice had become nasal.


"Then you agree to participate?"

Xie Mengting nodded, perhaps because he was still unconvinced, Xie Mengting looked at Deng Ningxuan and cried.

While wiping her tears, she pursed her lips, and the Omega who had been stunned by Wen Yao's words quickly surrounded her, "Mengting, are you alright?"

Xie Mengting shook his head.

"Don't take what Wen Yao said to heart, who does she think she is?"

"...It's really too much." A girl said in a strange way.

"Yeah, but being a monitor really makes me think I'm pretty good."

"It won't matter if I let you go."

"If it wasn't for her being elected monitor by the teacher, who would talk to that kind of person?"

Several people spoke very loudly, as if they wanted Wen Yao to hear them on purpose.

Deng Ningxuan stood over, and he, who was always good-tempered, couldn't help but stop: "Don't say such things, Wen Yao didn't mean it..."

"Deng Ningxuan, why do you defend her?"

"Didn't you also be told by her just now?"

"Don't you even feel angry? Are you really an Alpha? Why are you pretending to be a nice guy at a time like this?"

Deng Ningxuan didn't know what to say.

"When will she understand other people's feelings? Didn't you see Mengting crying?"

"..." Hearing these words, Xie Mengting's sobs became louder and louder.

The scene was chaotic.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Wen Yao turned around without saying a word, not wanting to say anything more.

She is not in a particularly good physical condition today, and now she feels that her steps are even more heavy.

Omega still hasn't stopped discussing her.

"It's just a sports meeting. It won't matter if you don't participate. Why is she so serious? Will the teacher give her a high score?"

As soon as this sentence came out, a basketball was deliberately smashed onto the barbed wire.

"Who is it?" A girl couldn't help but curse when she saw the ball.

"Me." As the heir of Haijiang Group, Jiang Shuyi's face is a passport in school, not only students, but even teachers are afraid of her.

"Mr. Yi..." After seeing who was throwing the ball, everyone stopped for a moment.

"I just want to ask you, why are you talking so much?" Jiang Shuyi grabbed the basketball that fell on the ground, his eyes were not kind.

"Being a squad leader will take care of everything of you? You will tell me to follow the rules?" Jiang Shuyi looked at those Omega with stern eyes.

She pointed at Xie Mengting, "Since you are fighting for her so much, why don't you as friends run away for her?"

Several people looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

"One thousand and five hundred meters, you choose one person, and I will immediately ask Wen Yao to change Xie Mengting's name."

Jiang Shuyi looked at them without saying anything.

Xie Mengting, whose eyes were still a little red, glanced at the friends around him.

But no one from Omega spoke out.

Several people looked away silently.

"No one?" Jiang Shuyi laughed, "Aren't you friends?"

Jiang Shuyi took a picture

"In the end, don't you all only care about yourself? Where did you get the confidence to reprimand Wen Yao?" Jiang Shuyi looked at them amusedly.

"I advise you to look in the mirror to see if you have the qualifications when you gossip about others in the future."

The Omega on the opposite side didn't dare to answer, and Deng Ningxuan didn't speak either.

Jiang Shuyi glared at Deng Ningxuan, turned and left with disdain written all over his face.

Little waste.

Deng Ningxuan looked at her with some confusion.


After the physical education get out of class, all the students in the class went to the locker room to change.

Only Wen Yao stayed on the playground to check the equipment.

The return of sports equipment in their class is done by the monitor and the sports committee.

The sports committee is on leave today.

Wen Yao picked up the basket after tidying up the equipment, and she tilted a little unsteadily because of anemia.

"Be careful." Jiang Shuyi's hand touched her back from behind, and straightened her up.

"Why do you carry so many things by yourself?"

The light and clear scent of lemon balm enveloped her all of a sudden, and Wen Yao couldn't help but pause.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the other equipment basket on the ground, and picked it up, "I'll go with you."

Wen Yao stood silently for a while, and said in the same tone as usual: "It's fine for me to be alone, you can go back to class."

Jiang Shuyi looked at the indoor gymnasium, which was completely opposite to the direction of the teaching building, and glanced at the heavy equipment basket in his hand, and didn't agree, "This one is quite heavy, I don't think you'll be fine."


Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao who didn't say a word, "And you have to go back and forth twice like this, so you will be late for the next class, right?"

Jiang Shuyi walked towards the gymnasium involuntarily, and said plausibly, "You go ahead, I'll pass by on the way, it's such an easy thing, why refuse?"

Wen Yao groaned for a while, and made no objection.
