MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 45

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After a while, the students in the class returned to the bus one after another.

The bus was running slowly, and Wen Yao was still reading the novel in his hand.

Jiang Shuyi leaned back on the chair and listened to the song. When Jiang Shuyi was wearing headphones, Wen Yao looked at her.

Jiang Shuyi handed his earphones to Wen Yao, "...listen?"

"..." Wen Yao nodded.

—She probably isn't the type who likes to listen to music while reading a book.

Jiang Shuyi thought about taking one of his earphones to Wen Yao.

"If you don't like it, you can return the headset to me."

"Just listen to it to pass the time, it doesn't matter if you like it or not." Wen Yao said.

"..." Jiang Shuyi hummed.

Wen Yao quietly stuffed the earphones into his ears.

After listening to a few songs, Wen Yao turned a page of the book and said casually:

"Like ballads?"

"Yes," Jiang Shuyi smiled, "I really like it."

Wen Yao continued to listen without saying a word.

The bus drove for a while, and almost everyone closed their eyes and fell asleep in the car.

Not long after, Jiang Shuyi's forehead wobbled.

"..." Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi who kept nodding beside her.

Alpha slept soundly, almost drooling on his clothes like that.

Wen Yao closed her book and looked at her with her chin resting on her hand.


I do not know how long it has been.

Jiang Shuyi opened her eyes, she felt a little sore in her shoulders.

Turning his head, he realized that Wen Yao had fallen asleep lying on his shoulder at some point.

Wen Yao breathed evenly.

Jiang Shuyi smiled and poked Wen Yao's face.

The bus slowly drove into the avenue of their school.

Most of the students in the class woke up and started talking.

Wen Yao also slowly opened her eyes, she raised her head stiffly and glanced at Jiang Shuyi.

He looked like he didn't know when he fell asleep.

Jiang Shuyi smiled and asked her, "Did you sleep well?"

"..." Wen Yao didn't speak, and sat up straight with a blank expression.

"It's okay." She straightened her hair.

"Really, that's good." Jiang Shuyi didn't tease Wen Yao for sleeping on his shoulder, but stretched out his hand to help her tidy her hair.

When getting out of the car to pick up the luggage, Li Roujia, the class teacher, instructed:

"Students, don't forget to do your homework when you go home."

There was a whimper in the class.


After Jiang Shuyi returned home, he looked through his luggage and found that Wen Yao's scarf was still with him and had not been returned to her.


Jiang Shuyi took out his mobile phone and called Wen Yao.

After a while of waiting tone passed, the phone rang a prompt,

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

The mobile phone that I thought would be connected immediately, but no one picked it up.


Jiang Shuyi made another phone call.

Still no connection.

Jiang Shuyi picked up a coat and put it on, casually put the phone back in the bag, and went out with Wen Yao's scarf.

Today's night sky is cloudy, and the stars are also covered by dark clouds in the sky, only a few can be seen.

The wind gradually picked up.

Jiang Shuyi put his hands in his pockets, and walked quickly to the alley where Wen Yao's house was located.

The air today is more humid than ever.

It might be raining. Jiang Shuyi thought.

She walked from the dilapidated old alley to the old building where Wen Yao lived.

Not far from the old building, Wen Yao's room could be seen with lights.

Jiang Shuyi let out a sigh of relief and walked into the corridor.

There was an unclean smell of tobacco and alcohol in the corridor.

The light bulb on the second floor was also off just like when she came last time.

It looks like you can't see your fingers.

As soon as she walked up the stairs on the second floor, she seemed to hear a loud bang of a large piece of glass shattering.

Along with the sound of glass falling from a high place in the house to the ground outside, a man's voice pierced through the corridor.

"Where did he go!"

"..." Jiang Shuyi was startled by the voice and paused.

The man's voice had a heavy accent, Jiang Shuyi couldn't tell where the accent was from, but he always felt that the man's nasal voice was very strong.

The wind suddenly became louder.

The man roared: "He is your father! Don't you know where he is?!"

After a while of silence, a cold voice sounded.

"…Feel sorry."

This voice was much lower than that of a man's, but Jiang Shuyi could still recognize whose voice it was.

It was just this voice that made her stop on the stairs all of a sudden.

Because, the tone of this person's speech was too heavy and empty, which made her think that she had recognized the wrong person for a moment.

"Your father is such a beast!"

The more the man talked, the more excited he became, "What can I do to give me back the money? Do you want me to kneel down for you!"

He roared, and his voice spread throughout the corridor again.

Jiang Shuyi quickly ran up the stairs, but on the way up, he heard the continuous sound of glass breaking.

The loud and sharp noise is already disharmonious to the ears.


Even so, no one in the corridor was willing to open the door to see what happened.

Perhaps, this is already the norm for those who live here.

Jiang Shuyi walked around the messy things in the corridor, and found from a distance that the door of Wen Yao's house was not closed, and the light in the room leaked into the dark and damp corridor.

"Feel sorry."

Wen Yao repeated it inorganically.

"I remitted the scholarship to you last time."

Wen Yao's voice was deeper than before, sounding very pale and gloomy.

"Everything, what can be given, is given..."

Jiang Shuyi ran over out of breath.

The conversation in the room still didn't stop.

The man standing in the room was already a little emotional, but he was still relentlessly swearing and venting his emotions.

"What's the use of your apology?"

"What's the use of apologizing!?"

"Do you know how much **** money your father borrowed from me? Where is your little money enough?!"

"I'm sorry..." Wen Yao's tone was exhausted and confused that Jiang Shuyi had never heard before.

"I know you are still studying, but now that I am in this situation, you can still study with peace of mind?!"

"...Please, let me go."

As if caught by a man, Wen Yao's voice of resistance came.

"Don't you feel bad conscience?!"

"Please let me go!"

Wen Yao read it again.

Jiang Shuyi noticed that Wen Yao's voice was trembling.

"I'm... really helpless..."

Jiang Shuyi pushed open the door of Wen Yao's house all at once, and before she could catch her breath, Wen Yao's house, which was already in a mess, entered her field of vision first...

Standing at Wen Yao's house was a burly male Alpha, he was wearing a gray brown coat, his face and forehead were wrinkled as if carved by a knife, and his skin was dark.

There is a mole on the lower part of the man's cheek, and he looks like he is in his thirties or forties.

Angrily, he grabbed Wen Yao's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

And Wen Yao looked at the menacing man, and moved back a little unsteadily.

But the man continued to say something and cursed something.

The more he talked, the more excited he was, and the hand holding Wen Yao's shoulder became more and more forceful. The veins on the back of the hand looked very scary.

"..." Jiang Shuyi had never seen such a scene before, she looked blankly at the two people standing in the room.

Wen Yao seemed to sense someone outside, so he slowly raised his head.

The moment she saw Jiang Shuyi, she looked away a little hurt.

Jiang Shuyi's heart felt like a knife was twisted for a moment.

In Wen Yao's eyes, she couldn't see her calmness in the past, and she looked even more sad than a tearful person...

Her pale lips trembled a little, like a dying animal, and her eyes became very hollow.

"...Jiang Shuyi."

Jiang Shuyi hurried over and pulled Wen Yao behind him.

She looked at the broken window of Wen Yao's house, and put her coat on her body.

Jiang Shuyi patted her head with his hand, " it cold?"

Wen Yao's eyes looked at Jiang Shuyi, and his pupils trembled a little.

"Are you her neighbor? Don't come here to meddle in people who have nothing to do with you!"

The man yelled at her.

"Do you know how much her father owes me?!"

Jiang Shuyi looked at the man, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

She pointed at the man's nose and said, "I don't care how much her father owes!?"

"But I warn you, she's just a kid! A student!"

"Now there's no need to repay the father's debt! You can already be regarded as a nuisance by showing up at her house so late!"

The man looked at Jiang Shuyi, his eyes widened, "I want my money! None of your business!"

"I told you to go away, don't you understand!?"

The man reached out to grab Wen Yao's shoulder.

Jiang Shuyi protected Wen Yao behind him, and bluffed: "I called the police!"

"You are not allowed to touch Wen Yao!"

The man looked at her with an unhappy expression, "Do you think you can calm me down by showing the name of the police?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at the man in front of him confidently.

"Then I'll ask the police, who is more at fault!"

"Is it you, the Alpha who breaks into the house at night and touches Omega, or I, the Alpha who is brave and good-natured!"

"If you do it again, I can beat you up. Let me tell you, I don't mind being locked up in the detention center with you at all!"


The man bit his lip and looked outside as if confirming. He pointed at Wen Yao and said:

"Tell your dad, if you don't return the money to me next month, I can continue to make trouble!"

"Whether it's one time or ten times, let me tell you, if someone helps you this time, it may not be the case next time!"

"And you, you wait for me too!" The man pointed at Jiang Shuyi and said.

I don't know if Jiang Shuyi's intimidation had an effect, but the man left a word and quickly left the old building where Wen Yao lived.


After being silent for a while, Wen Yao lowered his head very quietly and began to slowly pack up the things at home.

It's as if nothing happened.

A hole was punched out of the window, and the cold wind kept blowing in, as if crying heart-piercingly, making an uncomfortable sound.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao who was cleaning up the mess, and said her name.

"Wen Yao."

"I'll punch that kind of person one by one. You don't have to be afraid that he will retaliate against me." Jiang Shuyi continued in the cold air.

"If he comes looking for you, just call me."

"Don't worry, it's fine anyway."

"..." Silence fell between the two.

"Jiang Shuyi."

Wen Yao lowered his head and slowly swept the garbage into the trash can.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

Although her voice was restrained, Jiang Shuyi could still hear the trembling.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the scarf in his hand, and explained somewhat at a loss:

"I'm here to return your scarf. I called you and you didn't answer. Then, I heard that person just now—"

Wen Yao's cold voice interrupted her,

"I said before that my affairs have nothing to do with you..."

"Leave me alone." Wen Yao continued.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao's back, and said worriedly:

"But, you, you..."

"I told you to leave me alone!" Wen Yao said loudly, which was rare.

"..." Jiang Shuyi immediately fell silent, holding back tears in aggrieved way.

She knew that she had seen too many Wen Yao's secrets today.

She could feel that Wen Yao was avoiding this topic intentionally or unintentionally.

She could instinctively understand that this was an extremely private part that Wen Yao didn't want people to see.

What she doesn't want others to see, she can't see at will.

So, she never asked.

But she actually knew vaguely.

Wen Yao worked very hard.

"..." Jiang Shuyi looked at the broken glass in Wen Yao's house, and put the scarf in his hand on the messy table in her house.

Jiang Shuyi turned around slowly, unable to express how he was feeling.

"Oh, okay, then I'll go first..."

She walked outside step by step, and when she reached the door, she stopped and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, feeling aggrieved again.

Jiang Shuyi felt Wen Yao's "it has nothing to do with you" buzzing in his head.

When she reached the stairs, hurried footsteps sounded behind her.

"Jiang Shuyi..." The person behind him called her in a low voice.

Before she could turn her head, she felt that someone was hugging her tightly from behind.

The scent of roses flowed into Jiang Shuyi's nostrils with a hint of cold and damp winter air.

Wen Yao's face was buried on Jiang Shuyi's shoulder, a sobbing voice came,

"…do not go."

Wen Yao's shoulders were trembling, and Jiang Shuyi felt that the shirt on his back was wet all of a sudden.