MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 46

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The sound of branches being blown by the strong wind came from outside.

Jiang Shuyi didn't speak for a long time, only felt that his fingers were cold.

After a while, she turned around and hugged Wen Yao. Wen Yao was wearing her thick coat and hugged him softly.

There is a salty smell of roses in the air.

It seems to be the breath of rain, and it seems to be the breath of tears.


The broken light bulb in the corridor made everything look dim, and neither of them could see the other's expression clearly.

Wen Yao was sobbing silently, his shoulders still trembling.

"Wen Yao."

Jiang Shuyi heaved a sigh of relief, and gently stretched out his hand to pat Wen Yao's back, "Don't cry."

Jiang Shuyi had never seen Wen Yao like this before, and he was a little at a loss.

She didn't know how to comfort the crying person, let alone how to comfort Wen Yao.

When Jiang Shuyi met Wen Yao for the first time, she was already a professor.

Professor Wen is a sensible, resolute, courageous and decisive person.

Jiang Shuyi kept looking at her back, and chased after her for a long, long time...

Therefore, she has always thought that Wen Yao is strong.

Wen Yao is invulnerable to swords and guns, and also invulnerable to all poisons.

The same is true, Jiang Shuyi never thought that Wen Yao would cry in front of him.

Wen Yao's nose was pressed against Jiang Shuyi's chest, and her tears began to wet her shirt chest again.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know what to say and heaved a sigh.

"Today, if I don't come, I think you will still go to school as usual tomorrow."

"Then, tomorrow, you will probably be the same as before in front of me, pretending that nothing happened..."

Thinking of her pretending to be okay and trying to be brave, Jiang Shuyi felt his eyes a little sore.

"...You are really too brave, Wen Yao."

Jiang Shuyi's voice was a little choked up.

In the darkness, Wen Yao looked at her without blinking, her eyes were flooded with water, and she took a breathless breath while suppressing her voice.

—I really want to protect her...

— make her happy...

—Let her eat more good ones...

— hope she doesn't get sick again...

— hope she can relax a bit...

Wen Yao's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, with water droplets on them.

Jiang Shuyi wiped the water from her eyes with some distress and discomfort, and then whispered word by word:

"You told me not to go, of course I won't go."

"As long as you tell me to stay, I will definitely stay."

"As long as you call me, I will rush to you."

—As long as you tell me that you want me to be nice to you, then I will be nice to you too.

Jiang Shuyi lowered his gaze, thinking silently.

—As long as you say it, I will do it.

The sky outside was pitch black, and for some unknown reason, there was the sound of raindrops falling on the ground.

"It's normal to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable that I stumbled upon your secret."

Jiang Shuyi let out a breath slowly, and she patted Wen Yao's back lightly.

"You mustn't feel embarrassed or embarrassed."

"Don't worry I'm going to be angry."

"Don't worry about what that person will do to me just now..."

Jiang Shuyi frowned, and pursed his lips.

"In my heart, you are a very good person."

"It's the kind of person who is unreasonably good. Very good."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi, bit his lip, and the next second, crystal clear tears rolled down one by one,


Wen Yao's voice was cold, but with a little burning breath.

"It's just," Jiang Shuyi paused for a while, "Wen Yao."

"Don't be so mean to me."

"In front of you, I have always been very uneasy."

"I will be uneasy, whether I am causing you trouble, whether you hate me."

"If you push me away like that, I will be very hurt, Wen Yao."

Jiang Shuyi choked up, and pressed Wen Yao's head on his shoulder.

"Obviously as long as you don't drive me away, I will always be with you."

The tip of Wen Yao's nose lightly brushed against Jiang Shuyi's neck, the tip of her nose was cold, in stark contrast to the scalding wet teardrops that slid down into Jiang Shuyi's shirt.

Jiang Shuyi's palm kept patting Wen Yao's head lightly.

The smell of clean lemon balm gently entered Wen Yao's nostrils, making her tightly grip the clothes of the person in front of her for a moment.

"Jiang Shuyi..."

Wen Yao sniffed softly in the cold air, then nodded quietly.


Unknowingly, the light rain began to gradually increase.

The two had already walked back to Wen Yao's room.

Wen Yao's tears had stopped, except for the corners of his eyes, it didn't look like he had cried at all.

Wen Yao slowly took off Jiang Shuyi's thick coat and returned it to her, picked up his own coat which was placed aside and put it on.

The window that was broken by the man was still pouring in the cold wind, and the light rain also drifted in with the wind and wet the ground near the window.

The two stood in the wind, looking at the messy room a little at a loss.

She stood in front of the window with a roll of film, trying to tape up the hole in the window.

It's just that the window is too broken, and it seems impossible to seal it with tape alone.

Also, the tape doesn't block the wind at all.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the street lamp in the distance from the irregular hole in the broken window.

It is obviously a rainy winter, the street lights

After a while of silence, she looked at the mess as if giving up, and said quietly: "Wen Yao, you should come to my house first."

Wen Yao, who was cleaning up the trash in the room, stopped his movements when he heard these words.

"It's winter now, and your home is in such a state now."

"It's raining today, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold if you live here."

Jiang Shuyi turned his back to Wen Yao, trying to seal the window again with tape.

"...If you lived in my house, that person wouldn't trouble you so easily."

Jiang Shuyi stretched the tape, cut it with scissors, and continued with an 'um':

"Besides, my house already has a lot of vacant rooms. It doesn't make any difference if one more person lives in one less person..."

"It kills two birds with one stone."

Jiang Shuyi listed a long list of reasons, looked at the window that he had glued so-so and was still leaking, and sighed.

"Jiang Shuyi." Wen Yao lowered his eyes quietly and continued to clean.

"Haven't you considered your parents?"

Wen Yao spoke calmly, looking at the window Jiang Shuyi glued.

Her tone returned to her usual tone.

"You may be indifferent."

"But if someone who has nothing to do with them lives in the past, won't your parents have any objections?"

"Oh, this, it's fine, you don't have to worry." Jiang Shuyi answered firmly.

"My parents are usually away."

Jiang Shuyi said indifferently, "My dad is usually very busy talking about cooperation, and my mother is also in the company's development department. The two of them are usually flying around or going to work."

"..." But as soon as these words came out, Wen Yao silently glanced at Jiang Shuyi when he heard them.

Jiang Shuyi didn't notice Wen Yao's gaze, and then started to glue the window with tape, speaking very openly,

"Besides, my parents are both reasonable types..." right?

Jiang Shuyi was a little uncertain to pay attention for a while.

She was somewhat uncertain about Tang Wenzhen's attitude.

However, the boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridgehead.

She thought, and then repeated, "It's okay, you don't have to worry anyway."

Jiang Shuyi glued the window for the second time, clapped his hands and said:

"And if you come to my house, we can go to school together."

"We can still have breakfast together."

"My aunt's chicken sauce Xiaolongbao is really delicious!"

Jiang Shuyi thought for a while, and began to chatter, "There is also porridge. In fact, the porridge I make is very ordinary, but the porridge made by my aunt is really delicious. I can't remember the name of that porridge."

"By the way, do you like sandwiches for breakfast, or porridge? I'll tell my aunt after I go back tonight."

"So, do you want to come to my house?"


Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's face and pondered for a few seconds, and finally nodded slowly.
