MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 77

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""We"?" Wen Yao repeated in a low voice.

Hearing Wen Yao's tone, Jiang Shuyi was taken aback, "...Aren't you going back with me?"

Wen Yao lowered his gaze.

Jiang Shuyi originally thought that Wen Yao would go back with him as a matter of course, after all, Wen Yao didn't seem to like playing with Song Jinxi and the others that much.

Zhou Jingtang and Lin Qing are going to celebrate the New Year with Song Jinxi, so it doesn't sound unreasonable if Wen Yao wants to stay and celebrate the New Year with Song Jinxi and the others.

But when Jiang Shuyi thought that he might have to go back by plane alone, he panicked all of a sudden.

"Are you going to let me go back alone?"

Jiang Shuyi firmly grasped Wen Yao's waist, and started stalking as usual,

"You come home with me."

"And it stands to reason that you live in my house now, you are from my family, and my family should go back to the New Year with me."

Jiang Shuyi spoke clearly and logically, and the chaotic theories were surprisingly convincing.

Wen Yao frowned, "Do you know what it means to let me go home with you for the New Year?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi's gaze wandered for a while.

Of course she knew what it meant to take Wen Yao back.

Isn't she just thinking about it? She just wanted to take Wen Yao back to show off.

Jiang Shuyi avoided Wen Yao's questioning.

"You are mine, how can you accompany Song Jinxi and the others during the Chinese New Year instead of me..."

Jiang Shuyi shook Wen Yao's shoulders, looked at her with a lonely face,

"..." Wen Yao remained silent, reached out to take the towel and slowly helped Jiang Shuyi dry his hair.

"I'll go back with you."

"Really?" Jiang Shuyi burst out laughing and became more noisy, "Then what do you want to eat during the Chinese New Year? I'll ask the aunt over there to make it for you."


At the dinner table, Jiang Shuyi said that he and Wen Yao would go back to Huanshi for the New Year.

"Are you all going back to Huanshi for the New Year?" Song Jinxi sighed.

"There are elderly people in my family, and we get together less and less every year."

Jiang Shuyi carefully repeated Tang Wenzhen's reasons.

"There's no way," Zhou Jingtang looked at them with some regret, "Song Jinxi said that we're going to set off fireworks on New Year's Day..."

"To be honest, I'm relieved to be able to celebrate the New Year here." Lin Qing sighed.

"My family usually goes to relatives' homes to pay New Year's greetings. I'm not very good at talking, and my relatives are very enthusiastic, so I feel a little uncomfortable every year, and I have to quarrel with my mother every year..."

"Really?" Song Jinxi took a sip of his drink, "I don't have any relatives in my family, it's just that we all eat New Year's dishes together and we're done..."

Zhou Jingtang looked at the others in disbelief, "Do I want to make rice cakes at home?"

Everyone at the table was obviously taken aback.

"New Year Cake?" Song Jinxi glanced at Zhou Jingtang.

"That's right, my family will make rice cakes at the entrance of the restaurant every New Year's Eve, that's "higher promotion every year..." Zhou Jingtang said.

"On New Year's Eve, I made a call with my dad and the manager of the hotel, and gave a share to the employees."

Jiang Shuyi thought it was quite interesting to listen to.

After Zhou Jingtang finished speaking, he looked at Wen Yao, who had been silent since just now, "Squad leader, how do you celebrate the New Year in your house?"

Wen Yao stared straight ahead, and replied blankly: "It's no different from an ordinary family, it's very ordinary."

"My family is also very ordinary, that is, people in the family eat together and play cards."

Jiang Shuyi slowly put two pieces of shrimp into Wen Yao's bowl.

Wen Yao glanced at her.

Jiang Shuyi smiled, "Add protein."

"This nucleoprotein has an inhibitory effect on hepatitis C virus complicated with fatty liver, so in this controlled experiment..."

Jiang Shuyi felt that he was still very tired listening to the group discussion, and felt that there was no end to it.

Professor Wen sat in the front row, and then began to narrate and discuss, "The problem with the data is..."

In the evening, Jiang Shuyi then began to preview the materials, so as not to miss any key information tomorrow.

There were already a lot fewer people in the conference room, Jiang Shuyi was typing silently, at this moment a white hand stretched out from behind her,

"There is a typo here."

A cold voice sounded.

Jiang Shuyi turned his head tremblingly, the people behind him were expressionless, looking at what they were thinking.

"It's not "SRP" but "SPP". Don't even get the basic vocabulary wrong, Jiang Shuyi."

"..." Jiang Shuyi felt his whole body tense up, "I'm sorry."

Since she lost Professor Wen's documents a few days ago, she didn't dare to talk to the professor, but the professor didn't seem to care much.

"There is also a problem with the format. For this text format, you can refer to the people at the level above you. Although your content is different, you will have to do this kind of repetitive work many times in the future. If you can't meet the format standard, see Some people feel that it is not efficient, and it will be very inconvenient to write."

"Format is the foundation, I should have taught you."

Professor Wen is right and strict.

"...I'll change it right away." Jiang Shuyi said respectfully.

"Show it to me after you finish writing it." Professor Wen nodded.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the clock, his heart sank, "Okay..."

It's already eight o'clock, and I don't know when it will be changed.

She changed it again, and the time was almost eleven o'clock.

According to the usual speed, she might not be able to finish writing until early in the morning. Maybe because Professor Wen has been sitting beside her, her concentration has also improved a lot.

Jiang Shuyi gave the materials to the professor. After reading it once, the professor nodded, annotated it with a red pen and handed it to Jiang Shuyi.


Jiang Shuyi heaved a sigh of relief and laughed, "Thank you, Professor Wen."

Today she can finally go to bed early.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Professor Wen glanced at her.

Jiang Shuyi didn't have time to eat at all, but recently he was too tired to eat.

"have eaten."

She said something against her will, but her stomach made an honest and disappointing sound in rebellion.

Professor Wen stretched out his arm to look at his watch, picked up his coat, "...put on your coat."



Jiang Shuyi obediently put on his coat, and followed Professor Wen out of the society's exhibition hall.

Professor Wen reached out to hail a taxi and gave an address. Jiang Shuyi sat beside the professor, not knowing where Professor Wen was going to take her.

Not long after, the taxi took them to a high-end Chinese restaurant.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know where Professor Wen found such a restaurant, but the inside of the restaurant was very clean, with lanterns hanging everywhere, it looked quite antique.

When the manager saw Professor Wen, he walked over with a smile, greeted them eagerly, and led them to the box.

Because it was late, there was no one in the store.

"..." Jiang Shuyi felt a little cramped.

Professor Wen sat opposite Jiang Shuyi, handed the menu to Jiang Shuyi,

"Order what you want."


Jiang Shuyi was not polite, and ordered a lot of dishes he liked in one go.

Professor Wen also ordered some dishes appropriately.

Although eating with Professor Wen is basically the same as eating alone, the taste of the food here is beyond Jiang Shuyi's imagination, and it is delicious.

For her who has been tortured by the food here these days, the food here is too intimate.

—I don’t know how someone like Professor Wen who doesn’t care about appetite can find such a restaurant…

Thinking about it, Jiang Shuyi quietly put the third dumpling into his mouth.

At this time, Jiang Shuyi's cell phone on the table rang.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the phone and paused.

It was her mother calling, Jiang Shuyi didn't know why his mother called her at this time, and was a little dazed for a while.

The professor looked at her, "Go ahead."

Jiang Shuyi nodded and picked up the phone.

"Mom? Why do you want to call me at this time?"

It should be early morning in China now.

"Shu Yi, today is the Spring Festival." His father's voice also came from the other side.


Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment before he realized that today is New Year's Eve.

The Chinese New Year festival has no atmosphere in the UK, and it is not even as lively as Valentine's Day a few days ago.

Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he politely greeted the two people on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, happy new year." The two old people on the other end of the phone nodded.

"Xu Yi, when will your professor let you come back?" Mother asked on the phone.

"..." The dumplings in Jiang Shuyi's mouth were almost too full, and she turned down the volume of her mobile phone for fear of being heard by Professor Wen.

In fact, Jiang Shuyi had already mentioned it when he called on the day before going back, maybe his mother forgot.

Because I am getting old, my mother often forgets things recently.

Jiang Shuyi turned his back, and whispered the date again.

"Oh, why is it taking so long? I told you not to let you go..."

"Today is Chinese New Year, your professor will give you a holiday, right? Go out to eat something delicious, and play with friends." Father said.

—How could it be possible for the professor to give himself a vacation when he said he wanted a vacation.

Jiang Shuyi's father always thought that the school was his company.

Moreover, Jiang Shuyi felt that if he wanted to go back, Professor Wen would definitely not stop her from going, because she was such a dragging existence.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Shuyi felt that if he did not persist in this, he would have no face to stay in the laboratory in the future.

She didn't express what was in her heart, she nodded and said:

"I know."

"Pay attention to more clothes, I think your side seems to have cooled down..."

Father asked on the other end of the phone.

Jiang Shuyi hung up the phone and turned around, Professor Wen quietly looked out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know if Professor Wen heard what was on the phone just now, but he still reported to the professor like a good student:

"It's my parents calling."

"It seems that the Chinese New Year is being celebrated in China, so I called."

"Well." Professor Wen didn't want to talk too much.

Looking at the dishes in front of him, Jiang Shuyi somehow felt that maybe the professor brought her here to make up for her not being able to celebrate the New Year.

"..." Jiang Shuyi shook his head, and stuffed dumplings into his mouth.

How can it be.

She looked at Professor Wen, wondering where she had made a mistake, and suddenly asked out of words:

"What kind of New Year's dishes do Professor Wen's family usually eat during the Chinese New Year?"

Professor Wen raised her head slowly, she glanced at Jiang Shuyi calmly,

"I stayed in school during Chinese New Year and didn't eat New Year's food."

Jiang Shuyi's throat choked when he heard the answer, "This, so..."

People who are still in school after Chinese New Year, even teachers, are rare.

After hearing Professor Wen's answer, Jiang Shuyi felt that Professor Wen was simply a workaholic, probably the kind who worked around the clock.

Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but admire this person.

After eating, the clerk came over with a checklist, Jiang Shuyi wanted to pay for the food he ordered.

But Professor Wen blocked Jiang Shuyi's hand, and took out the card to pay the bill without changing his face.

"...Thank you Professor."

Jiang Shuyi watched Professor Wen sign the bill and thanked him politely.

Professor Wen glanced at her, "You're welcome."


In the UK until February, the temperature is still very low.

The two walked out of the restaurant, but the taxi they called just now hadn't arrived yet.

The two walked one after the other, and there was light snow in the sky.

"It still snows occasionally these few days..." Jiang Shuyi took out a folding umbrella from his schoolbag and stretched it over Professor Wen's head.

Professor Wen was slowly taking off her glasses and wiping the snow off them with a glasses cloth. She seemed to notice the umbrella on her head, and she raised her head slightly.

Professor Wen didn't notice that the snow was also on his head.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the professor's movements and smiled, reached out and gently brushed off the snow from the professor's hair,

"Happy New Year, Professor."