MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 78

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It was raining in Huanshi today, which caused the plane to be delayed when it arrived at the airport.

They were originally on an afternoon flight, and it was already ten o'clock when they arrived in Huanshi.

Wen Yao watched the plane slowly land and felt the sudden drop in temperature in Huanshi.

Jiang Shuyi was still sleeping soundly beside her.

Her chin rested on Wen Yao's shoulder, and every time she breathed, a slight vibration would be transmitted to Wen Yao's shoulder.

Jiang Shuyi frowned while sleeping.

Although Jiang Shuyi usually had an aggrieved expression, he rarely frowned.

Wen Yao stretched out his hand to help her relax her eyebrows, as if smelling the smell of roses, Jiang Shuyi opened his eyes in a daze.

"...Wen Yao."

"Jiang Shuyi, we're at the airport." Wen Yao said, and handed Jiang Shuyi's coat to her.

"..." Jiang Shuyi felt as if he had seen this scene before, and slowly got up and put on his coat.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Shuyi felt as if he had entered a freezer somewhere.

It's no wonder that Song Jinxi's family likes to celebrate the New Year in Haishi. Compared with Haishi, the air in Huanshi is so cold to the bone.

Jiang Shuyi lazily stretched out his arms to hug Wen Yao.

The two walked out of the hatch, and Jiang Shuyi asked Wen Yao in a low voice, "Wen Yao, can you really not sleep together..."

Although Jiang Shuyi wanted to introduce Wen Yao to his family with a small plan in his heart, when they set off from Haishi, Wen Yao vaccinated Jiang Shuyi and told Jiang Shuyi not to do anything in front of his elders. If something out of the ordinary happens, you have to sleep separately at night.

In front of Song Jinxi and the others, he didn't dare to hug Wen Yao blatantly, and Wen Yao restrained himself after telling her to go home, Jiang Shuyi was inevitably a little discouraged.

Is this some kind of shady thing?

Jiang Shuyi felt that both Tang Wenzhen and Jiang Haichao were considered enlightened people, so it would be fine even if they slept together.

But Wen Yao just disagreed, no matter what he said, Jiang Shuyi had no choice.

"It's cold."

Jiang Shuyi's chin rested on Wen Yao's shoulder, and she stretched out her arms to hug Wen Yao tightly like a boa constrictor wrapped around food.

Even though it was night, the airport was still noisy and noisy, and all kinds of people came and went here.

Jiang Shuyi felt that Wen Yao's hug was soft, so he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed Wen Yao's lips.

Wen Yao looked at the pedestrians coming and going around, and silently accepted and felt Jiang Shuyi's breath.

Wen Yao knew that he was different from Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi doesn't care about doing such a thing in public, she doesn't care about other people's eyes, because the emotion at this moment is irreplaceable, so Jiang Shuyi likes to express it to his heart's content, or kiss, or hug, or speech.

She will use her behavior to express her love.

The kiss was short.

Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao's faces parted slightly.

I'm happy when I kiss.

In such emotions, Wen Yao approached Jiang Shuyi's face again for some reason, and then kissed her.

This was still a very short kiss, or perhaps for two people, any kind of kiss seemed short.

The faces of the two separated again, Jiang Shuyi let out a "hey" laugh, looking very happy.

"Wen Yao, why did you kiss me?"

"..." Wen Yao fell silent.

Although kissing as much as you want is the rule of most people, but of course it's not because Jiang Shuyi kissed her, so she also wants to answer Jiang Shuyi's question.

This is not a question of politeness, but a question of mood. In fact, the answer is very simple to say.

— because I like it.

"Why? Why?" Jiang Shuyi asked with a smile.

Recently, Jiang Shuyi has been trying every means to get that answer out of Wen Yao's mouth.

The answer was already in her throat, but Wen Yao was very stubborn, so she didn't say it as usual.


Seeing Wen Yao's expression become gloomy, Jiang Shuyi boldly hugged Wen Yao, and bit Wen Yao's ear in revenge.

"You're like this again." She took another bite angrily.

"What's the matter if you tell me something." Jiang Shuyi pestered Wen Yao to prevent her from leaving the airport gate.

Wen Yao patted her arm that bound him, looked at her helplessly,

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, there are others."

Jiang Shuyi embraced Wen Yao, smiling brightly, "Then kiss me again, longer..."


The two opened the door together, returning after so many days, the architectural style of Jiang's house is still modern as always.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a wave of heat from the heating came from the inside of the room. Compared with the outside, it was two extremes.

As soon as Jiang Shuyi entered, he saw two familiar people sitting in the living room.

"Papa, I'm back—"

Jiang Shuyi threw his bag aside and dragged Wen Yao into the living room.

"..." Wen Yao said hello to Tang Wenzhen and the man beside Tang Wenzhen, "Hello auntie, hello uncle."

She and Jiang Shuyi have completely different rules.

Tang Wenzhen looked at the report in his hand as usual, and nodded when he saw the two people coming back.

"..." Hearing the voice, Jiang Haichao poked his head out from behind the newspaper, and looked at Wen Yao who was beside Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Haichao is a lean man who looks about forty years old.

His hair is black and white, he didn't deliberately dye his hair, and there are many wrinkles on his face, but he doesn't look old, but has a very temperament.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the direction of the wrinkles on his face that he seems to be smiling even when he is not smiling, which is very friendly.

Jiang Haichao's eyes are very similar to Jiang Shuyi's. When he saw Wen Yao and Jiang Shuyi, he nodded and smiled cordially. His wrinkles followed the smile,

"You guys are here."

"Have you had dinner yet?" he continued.

Wen Yao didn't speak, but Jiang Shuyi nodded and started talking, "We ate, there is a set meal on the plane—"

"Well, let's eat some fruit."

Jiang Haichao stretched out his hand holding a plate of strawberries and passed Jiang Shuyi, and put it in front of Wen Yao who was farther away from him.

"This strawberry is delicious."

"Thank you uncle." Wen Yao thanked politely.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Jiang Haichao, wanting to reach out to grab the strawberry in front of Wen Yao.

Tang Wenzhen looked at Jiang Shuyi and frowned, "Jiang Shuyi."

"..." Jiang Shuyi slowly withdrew his hand, "What's wrong? Mom."

Tang Wenzhen glanced at the luggage that Jiang Shuyi left at the door, "Pack up the things that should be packed in your bag, take out all the things that should be washed, and throw away all the things that should be thrown away."

Jiang Shuyi was somewhat unwilling.

She is tired and wants to eat strawberries.

"The children have been on the plane for a long time, let's rest first." Jiang Haichao said.

Just as Jiang Shuyi wanted to agree with Jiang Haichao, Tang Wenzhen glanced at Jiang Haichao.

"..." Jiang Haichao looked at Tang Wenzhen's expression and coughed knowingly. He straightened his back and began to direct Jiang Shuyi, "Listen to your mother, clean up quickly."

Jiang Shuyi could only stand up obediently, walked to the door and put his bag on his back.

Carrying her bag and going upstairs, Wen Yao looked at her as if she wanted to go over to help, but was stopped by Tang Wenzhen, "Let her clean up alone."


Jiang Shuyi felt that Tang Wenzhen was a bit biased, but she didn't say anything.

When she packed up her things and reached the stairs, she heard the voice of Wen Yao talking to her parents from downstairs.

Jiang Haichao looked at Wen Yao, "Are you a native of Huanshi too?"

"Yes." Wen Yao nodded quietly.

"Oh, do your parents live with you?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Shuyi, who was standing on the stairs, immediately went down two steps at a time.

Wen Yao's expression didn't change, she was only silent for a moment, "We used to live together."

"Before?" Jiang Haichao raised his head, a little confused, "Don't we live together now?"

Wen Yao was upright, without any concealment, and said: "My mother died of illness."

"Oh—" Jiang Haichao didn't know what to say. He wanted to change the atmosphere, so after a few seconds of silence, he asked, "What about your father?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at Jiang Haichao and shook his head vigorously, but Jiang Haichao obviously didn't see Jiang Shuyi's expression.

Wen Yao quietly looked at the strawberry in front of him, and said word by word:

"I lived with my father until the first year of high school, and then my father left alone, and now I am the only one left."

Jiang Haichao was silent.

Tang Wenzhen reached out and patted Wen Yao's shoulder,

"Tomorrow we will go to grandpa's house together in the morning. We need to get up early. You have been on the plane for so long today, so you should wash up and go to bed early..."