MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 528 Newcomer to Bai Ziqi

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  Chapter 528 Newcomer to Bai Ziqi

   "Duyun envoys serve the gods and rarely deal with courtiers." Fu Shanyue said seriously, "The most common thing they see is the emperor!"

  Specially send an envoy who does not stand in line?

  Lingxu City's attitude, is it impartial?

"In my Beijia, the attendants of the Zhaixing Tower and the light keepers are all very high status, not to mention the envoys." Fushan said quickly, "This envoy Bai often walks around with the will of the gods. See you later It’s here, don’t neglect it!”

  If the last four words can be uttered from the mouth of the lawless Fu Shanyue, He Lingchuan knows that it is not easy to come.

   Isn’t this the clergy who serve the gods?

  Fu Shanyue got up and went out to greet him in person.

   There were already two people in the lobby of the inn, and one of them was actually Fan Sheng.

  Fu Shan walked over and said with a smile: "Bai Dushi, long time no see!" Then he nodded to Fan Sheng, "Commander Fan."

  Another guest, not to mention his handsome appearance, looks not only mediocre, but also a bit petty. Standing next to Fan Sheng is like nothing else.

  But He Lingchuan didn't dare to underestimate him.

On the one hand, Fu Shanyue, who has always been domineering, has changed his attitude towards Bai Ziqi; Eyes, at least physically correct, to show respect for the gods.

  Bai Ziqi has such a dignified appearance, but he can still be Du Yun's deputy envoy, there must be something extraordinary about him.

  Let's talk about Fan Sheng, the incomparable second in command of Tongxinwei, standing behind Bai Ziqi at this moment.

  When Bai Ziqi met Fu Shanyue, he also smiled all over his face: "Your Highness! Haha, the last time I met you was the eldest son, and now you are His Highness, congratulations!"

   When he smiled, there was a strange appeal, which made people think that he was not so annoying.

  The two knew each other before, exchanged a few pleasantries, and asked each other to sit down.

  Fan Sheng and He Lingchuan also sat down respectively.

  Bai Ziqi didn't use official accents, but directly explained his intentions: "I was originally in the Twilight Plain, and the Emperor Feiying urgently ordered me to come here to do business."

   "Twilight Plain?" Fu Shanyue was taken aback, "No wonder it was so fast. I thought the imperial capital sent an envoy, but it would take half a month."

  The Twilight Plain is in the south of Chiyan, and it's a bit of a distance from here, but it's always much faster than starting from Lingxu City.

   "It must be like this in the past." Bai Ziqi sighed, "Isn't it just because I'm outside? The emperor probably doesn't want to see old men arguing in front of his eyes, so he pointed at me from a distance, and I will come as soon as possible."

   "Is Bai Dushi going to the Twilight Plain for business?" Fu Shanyue didn't believe that he was only staying in the Twilight Plain. A few steps to the north, you will enter the border of the Chiyan Kingdom, and 90% of the goods have passed the customs and entered the country!

  Why did the envoy of Lingxu City sneak into the territory of Chiyan Kingdom without making a sound?

   "Of course, do you think I like to wander around?" Bai Ziqi laughed, and then changed the subject, "The youngest of Zhongsun's family, whereabouts are still unknown?"

   "The monster that devoured him hasn't shown up until now." Fu Shanyue's face was heavy, "I'm not optimistic."

He turned his head and pointed at He Lingchuan: "The emperor appointed the Chiyan Kingdom to investigate the disappearance of the white-shouldered eagle messenger. My father dare not neglect. This is the special envoy I personally appointed to investigate the case. I followed the clues all the way from Zhitian Township, and I didn't expect to find out the present situation big fish."

  Big fish, of course, refers to Cen Boqing.

  He Lingchuan was sitting next to him, Bai Ziqi had sized him up several times, and at this moment he let out a long cry: "I heard that you are from Fu Kingdom?"

  He Lingchuan met his gaze: "Exactly."

   "Tell me about this case from beginning to end, the more detailed the better."

  Although he has read the statement of the case made by Fu Shanyue Tizuo, the content in it is definitely not as detailed as that of the case handler.

  He Lingchuan said it all over again, trying to be concise, without embellishing it.

  Of course, I will not mention the fact that Mai Xuewen came to the door in private. After Zhong Sunmou was killed, He Lingchuan and Fu Shanyue exchanged confessions more than once, and decided to keep this "little matter" a secret, so as not to misunderstand the special envoy of Lingxu City.

  He has not been working on this case for a long time, only a month, but the content is complicated and tortuous, and it took less than half an hour to basically finish the description.

  During this period, beads, portraits, code words of Mai Xuewen, and the "Record of Respecting the Gods" used for solving puzzles were also taken out.

  Fan Sheng was quiet the whole time, not saying a word.

  Bai Ziqi listened very carefully, and occasionally asked questions, and He Lingchuan knew everything.

  He had made up his mind a long time ago, what he had to do when facing the special envoy of Lingxu City was to be "honest".

  Restore the original appearance of the incident, try to expose the whole process to the sun, so that people can't pick out the mistakes with a magnifying glass, then He Lingchuan himself is safe.

After recounting the case, Bai Ziqi said "Okay, okay" three times, and then said: "It seems that the special envoy's handling of the case is quite appropriate. That is to say, the current difficulty lies in Wu Kai. His identification, Is it the key to Cen Boqing's conviction?"


   "If he doesn't plead guilty, then he and Cen Boqing are both innocent." Bai Ziqi shook his head, "Isn't the case stuck here? Do you have any countermeasures?"

   "Wu Kai's subordinate Yang Song has already confessed and identified him." Fu Shanyue answered, "But there is no physical evidence, Wu Kai is very cautious. If there is a good strategy, please teach Bai Dushi."

   "I'm new here, so I need to listen more and read more." Bai Ziqi was very humble, "In addition, the prince thinks that Cen Boqing colluded with Zhong Sunmou and made false statements for the messenger case to cover up the truth? This is a very serious accusation."

  Zhongsun's family, Cen's family, and Da Si Nong, Chiyan Kingdom have annoyed the three dignitaries of Lingxu City in one go.

   "The felon Fu Songhua, whom they accused of being the murderer, and Pang Denian, who was under Wu Kai's charge of bribeing the prison boss and entering the prison to collude confessions, were all detained and also wrote a confession."

   "What about Fu Songhua's confession?"

  Fushan will be prepared sooner, and it will be served at this time.

  Bai Ziqi spread it out, reading every page very carefully.

  He Lingchuan noticed that he read almost word for word, especially the last few pages, which took a long time to turn over, and his face became more solemn.

  Why does it take more time to read the last few pages than the previous sum?

  He Lingchuan's heart moved slightly and he remembered something.

  Cen Boqing prepared for the rainy day and prepared a false confession long ago. Once the Dongchuang incident happened, he put the blame on the fugitive Fu Songhua's forehead.

   But there is one thing that Cen Boqing cannot avoid, that is, to make it clear in the false confession, why did the "mastermind" Fu Songhua know the departure time and route of the White Shoulder Eagle Messenger?

   Otherwise, how can it be confirmed that he is a spy?

  Therefore, Fu Songhua "must" have an internal response in Lingxu City.

   Such a name did appear in the confession.

  But because the disappearance of the White Shoulder Eagle Messenger was an accident, even Cen Boqing himself could not predict it.

  He wants to add new content to the prepared false confession, and if he wants to disguise the accident as deliberate, it will be difficult not to show his feet.

   Therefore, the name of this "internal response" is very critical.

  Lingxu City will only accept this false confession if there is something to check based on this.

  Bai Ziqi read it, thought for a long time, and then said: "The biggest doubt in this case is that Mai Xuewen's behavior does not make sense."

   "Oh?" He Lingchuan and Fu Shanyue both had question marks on their faces.

   "He doesn't live in Baishahou at all. He didn't even buy a house here, and he only comes here twice a year at most. Why can he get hooked up with Baishahou for food and clothing? It seems that he is afraid that others will not know."

  He Lingchuan's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was slightly stunned. These clues are all buried in the complicated case, one end to the other, the other end to the west. The content of Fu Shanyue's melody was just a simple list, but Bai Ziqi could find something strange in it.

  He Lingchuan thought it was weird at the beginning, because he handled the case himself, and the person was there on the spot, which is obvious and sensible.

  Bai Ziqi was able to find out doubts through simple and cold files.

   Really deserves to be the special envoy entrusted by the Demon Emperor.

   "Maybe he likes these flavors?" Fu Shanyue shrugged, "It's like Chiyan also produces chewing tobacco, but I only like the ones from Baoshu Kingdom."

   "Even if I don't say it, the Cen family and the Zhongsun family will use these suspicious points to attack the prince from now on." Bai Ziqi nodded to him politely, and said, "By the way, where is the suspect surnamed Wu detained? I want to see him."

   "It's here." Fu Shanyue glanced at He Lingchuan, "Before Fu Songhua was imprisoned in the county prison, but the head of the prison was bribed by the Cen Mansion. It is no longer safe there."

  He Lingchuan got up suddenly, and leaped out of the hall with one stride.

  He moved very quickly, and he disappeared with a whimper.

  Bai Ziqi frowned slightly: "This is?"

  What happened outside?

Fu Shanyue said at the same time: "In the evening, Bai Dushi will eat at my place? I have some of the best cooks in Baisha. This place is rich in products, such as those that swim in the water and fly in the sky. It tastes delicious, it's not easy to eat such fresh food in Lingxu City."

   "The prince's kindness, I appreciate it." Bai Ziqi looked at the sky, "I have to go to Cen's mansion later."

  Fu Shanyue said loudly: "Bai Dushi still wants to go to Cen Mansion?"

   "I have to listen to both sides." Bai Ziqi smiled, "The case is difficult to handle, and the emperor attaches great importance to it."

  He can't just listen to the prince's words, Cen Boqing's statement is also one of the key points of the emperor's confession.

   "If the case is easy to handle, how can Bai Du envoy work hard?" Fu Shanyue coughed, "If it is found that Cen Boqing is behind the scenes, what will Bai Du envoy plan to do?"

   "Investigate according to the law." Bai Ziqi had a deep meaning, "As I said, the emperor attaches great importance to it."

   "What if there is someone behind Cen Boqing?" This is what Chi Yan and his son care about most.

  Bai Ziqi smiled: "One step at a time, why should the prince be in a hurry?"

  Fu Shanyue sighed: "Before I came here, my father specially told me that this case must be investigated to find out the truth, and the real culprit must be caught, so as to give the victims of Chiyan a satisfactory explanation!"

  Simply put, the attitude of Chi Yan Guojun is eight words:

   Once you check it out, you will never stop.

  Fu Shanyue was about to speak, when the fierce tiger Jiao Yu rushed in from outside, with a speed so fast that an afterimage appeared, and there was no nonsense in his mouth:

   "The suspect vomited blood!"






  (end of this chapter)